Only 1% of all Bitcoins are used in illegal transactions

in #stemit7 years ago

Prepared by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) - and the Elliptic group the report seems to significantly undermine one of the stereotypes circulating around Bitcoin.

Contrary to what many politicians, governments, organizations or international financial institutions (including banks) would like us to think about Bitcoin, drawing it as a tool mainly used for illegal or even criminal activity in the network, the reality seems quite different.

The already mentioned report by FDD and Elliptic estimates that illegal transactions using Bitcoin account for less than 1% of all BTC transactions on the network.

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracy is, as it describes itself - a "non-profit non-profit institute" that focuses on research on politics, national security, counter-terrorism education, communications and investigative journalism; supporting the mission of promoting pluralism, defending democratic values ​​and combating ideologies that drive terrorism.

Elliptic is defined as "an intelligence organization tracking illegal activities in the field of bitcoin blocks", submitting its reports to "financial institutions" and "law enforcement agencies".