In the country where I reside, there is little or no privacy of data as far as the government of the day is concerned. Harsh as this might sound, it is the reality which we found ourselves in. At first, it started like the government cared for us and working in our best interest to protect from fraud and such but, it has dawned on us (or at least the discerning) that we as citizens, are being ruthlessly exploited by the government.
Apart from having total access to citizens’ personal data like BVN, SSN and bank details, they also have complete access to our social media and email accounts. What this means in essence is that there is an infringement on the basic citizen's right to freedom of expression. Now, one cannot express himself freely in the social media or dare to criticize the government as that is now a sure way of inviting the SSS to come pay you an uninvited visit, which usually ends up with the person behind bars.
And because the government has this unbridled access to citizens’ data and information, we are forced to play by their tunes even under threat of restricting social media access in the country.
Even journalists are not spared of this huge menace, they have to be very careful in wording their write-ups to avoid landing on the wrong side of the government.
It is hard to believe that in this age and time of technology exploits, data insecurity is raging unabated but sadly, that's the truth.
Now, there is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel with the Advent of blockchain technology. Blockchain provides complete decentralization of data thereby making it possible for individuals to be in control of their data.
STEGOS privacy platform is designed to provide total anonymity to users thereby making it impossible to trace transactions and messages on the platform.
For us here, having Stegos is like a breath of much needed fresh air and I have this string believe that it'll most likely liberate us from the stranglehold of the government in terms of data security and return control to citizens.