So I've been checking out the Steepshot app. I don't have any complaints as such, I like what I see so far.
I have been having a few problems though.
The story so far…
Installed Steepshot from Playstore - easy
Opened app and logged in with Steem posting key - simple
Navigated app and created first post - straightforward and smooth
Later that day…
Created second post - app crashed when adding hashtags
Recreated second post - crashed again adding hashtags
Noticed photos in my phones photo album wouldn't auto rotate when turning phone sideways - not sure if that's related to install of Steepshot app. They rotated fine before.
Recreated second post for third time, published without adding hashtags - worked fine, then went on Steemit and edited post to add hashtags.
The next day…
Created third post - app crashed when adding hashtags
Recreated third post - published without adding hashtags, added them via Steemit again.
Force stopped Steepshot app in phone settings to see if photos in album would auto rotate - nope!
Uninstalled Steepshot - photos still don't auto rotate.
Restarted phone - photos auto rotate again, yeay!
Installed Steepshot again - photos in album still auto rotate. Woohoo!
Create fourth post, add hashtags (didn't crash yet yeay!) click publish - eventually get timed out message. Click publish - get timed out message. Click published - get timed out message.
Wait a while, click publish - get timed out message.
Restart app - home page won't load. Profile page won't load. New/hot page won't load.
Close app, wipe tier from left eye and think WTF.!
Day three…
Write this post to ask -
" is it just me, or are any of you other wonderful steemians having problems with Steepshot? "
As I said. I like Steepshot... When it works it seems like a cool app! Why am I having these issues though?
I'm using an Xperia Z5 running Android 7.1.1 (Nougat) - maybe not the best phone out there right now, but it what I've got.
Any help would be great!
Yours sincerely a #minnowuprising participant wannabe!
(images from google)
My iOS app work great. Maybe once every few weeks I get a random crash but other gam that is works pretty dang good.
Maybe it’s google messing with you 😳😳 lol
Google having a giggle aye... I hadn't thought of that. Or maybe I should get an apple phone mmmm.
Have you tried eSteem Mobile as well?
I haven't tried eSteem yet. I'll have to take a look. Thanks for your input!
That happens to me a lot too - I figure it’s just because it’s beta ( or is it alpha?).
I still use the app anyway though because I like it
Yeah. I intend to persevere! Thanks for you input!
Eso ya me pasó a mi, de hecho me pasa todo el tiempo y aún peor! No me actualiza mi feed y cuando publico algo no aparece en mi perfil de steepshot pero sí en steemit.
Bad Steemian! Bad!@transparencybot you're on the @abusereports naughty list for being a super douche!
Bad Steemian! Bad!@transparencybot you're on the @abusereports naughty list for being a super douche!
Bad Steemian! Bad!@transparencybot (@bycoleman) you're on the @abusereports naughty list for being a super douche! Go back to fucking yourself!