in #steepshot7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians

I have often reported on my travels, but my homeland, the small Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, has been severely neglected.
Here I want to start a small series about my little country, first with the photos I already have. Soon, however, I will be going on a photo safari for you, dear Steemians and will post more snapshots from the capital and other places in the country.

I hope you like my photo and wish you a great New Years Eve!

Liebe Steemians

Ich habe oft über meine Reisen berichtet, dabei aber meine Heimat, das kleinen Grossherzogtum Luxemburg sträflich vernachlässigt.
Hier will ich nun eine kleine Serie über mein kleines Land starten, zuerst mit den Fotos, die ich schon habe. Demnächst, werde ich aber für Euch, liebe Steemians auf Fotosafari gehen und weitere Schnappschüsse aus der Hauptstadt und auch sonst aus dem Land posten.

Ich hoffe, ihr mögt mein Foto und wünsche Euch allen einen schönen Silvester-Abend!

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Patrick, have a very nice evening with your lovely family. All the best for 2018 !
Will be good to see new entries !

Thank you so very much, my friend!
All the best also to you and your loved ones (one of them at Steemit now, I noticed 😉) for 2018!

Hello Patrick, nice to know more about Luxembourg. Till now i only knew the country of it's cheap petrol when we traverse it during our holidays in France. So i would like to see more posts form the beaty Luxembourg has.

Thank you so very much, Nancy! I'll do my very best, to provide more content from my tiny country!
Have a wonderful New Years Eve and a great year 2018, you and your loved ones! 😃

Wir waren letztes Jahr in Luxemburg und fanden die schönen alten Gebäude wunderbar 😊

Ja, es gibt in unserem Ländchen einiges zu sehen! Solltet ihr nochmal kommen, dann sagt mir Bescheid, dann können wir vielleicht ein kleines Steemit-Lux-Meetup organisieren. :)

Great picture. I really need to visit Luxembourg, I guess it's not very far from Heidelberg :)

Yes, Luxembourg is worth a visit indeed! From Heidelberg its only some 250 km away! Maybe your second account is called "iloveluxembourg" :)
Have a great New Years Eve and a great 2018! :)

wow . I have never met someone from Luxembourg! Nice to meet you and a beautiful shot of a beautiful city.

Thanks a lot for these kind words! Seeing your portfolio, that means a lot to me. :)
I love your nature photography and will follow you to see more and maybe learn from a pro!

Très jolie photo. Je ne connais pas Luxembourg et ça ne me donne que plus envie encore d y aller. bientôt peut être ? ! Bonne journée Patrick

Merci beaucoup, chère Helena! Ce serait une bonne idée de visiter le Luxembourg. N'oublie pas de me faire savoir. :)