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RE: SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #36

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)

I've asked around and it seems 50% can see it 50% can't.
I surely can't.

I really doubt it has anything to do with "ISP issues all over the world". This is very specific to your host I'm going to guess (and would put money on if I was to bet).

I did a trace route, and the problems are very close to your ISP. This looks like an issue with your provider.


Agreed, @steemchiller

Check your Certificate, it's not configured correct. That's why ISP providers are blocking.

Certificate (I assume you mean SSL) wouldn't cause an ISP to block it, nor would it cause it to be unpingable. This looks like a networking issue. There is some route that is down near his host, or there are firewall/routing rules blocking some people.

Yes, looks like a networking issue, but I still don't believe that it is coming from my hoster. What's the last reachable point in your tracert?

I don't have it front of me as I closed it, but some france colo.

Seems to be a local DNS cache issue. @pixelfan was able to solve it by resetting his router.

Whatever my hoster changed, the way it was done was not really professional in my eyes. I will take further steps...

Priority for realising a 'Local SteemWorld' has changed today.

It isn't DNS. I can't ping the site by name or IP.

Pinging by IP requires no DNS.

I don't know what else is being cached in the router. Since resetting the router solved the problem for him, there must be something with it. Did changing the local IP solve it? That would mean his previous IP was blocked... The ISP (First Colo) is the point before the final

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=34 time=100 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=34 time=100 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=34 time=100 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 100.676/100.689/100.707/0.366 ms

I can ping from one of my servers, but not my machine. I am not the only one who can't access it so I know it isn't limited to me.

I believe it is networking related (routing/firewall) and the fact his provider just did maintenance is awfully suspicious timing.

Yup, I feel handicapt... without steemworld...

Check my latest comment hereunder...