Awesome times ahead! I've finished developing the SteemWorld Web API and Desktop Notifications and I'm now in the phase of testing and optimizing it so that it will hopefully be ready to use in the coming week. Tomorrow I will register a new server that is only being used for running a steem node and parsing new blocks every minute.
The server costs are ~ 90$/month (very fast machine) and I hope that I can pay it with my rewards here on Steemit. In my local tests the requests were executed really fast (~ 1-10ms) by using SQLite (on SSD).
This post is meant to be for testing purposes in the coming days and to give you a small preview of what is about to come soon...
Preview (some things might change)
A click on one of the Notifications brings us directly to the Mentions/Followers Overview:
Overview for new followers (date & time will be added soon)
- Newsletters
Danke für deine unermüdliche Arbeit für die Community.
Ich freu mich auf die neuen Entwicklungen und denke, da ist Einiges für mich dabei. Wenn du so weiter machst, wirst du die Serverkosten mit links drinne haben und ich hoffe, du verdienst was dran :D
very great!
I really love your steemworld, which is so fast and convenient! I wonder where you get the data, directly from the chain or by steem-sql?
Thanks! Most of the data comes directly from the steem nodes via the 'Steem JS API'. When my server is ready I will change some requests to work with my own webservice so that the other nodes are no longer being required and I'm not so much dependent on external data sources.
Thank you for your great work.
Another question, does that mean you are trying to set up a steem full node and create a webservice based on that? Based on my experience, a full node need at least 200GB memory.
Wonder how you can implement that. I also have a similar requirement for that, still don't have a good way to achieve that.
A full node requires way too much RAM in my eyes. I'm building an own solution with PHP and SQLite on SSD. Important to know is that you can't use all the API functions with a simple node but it is still possible to receive blocks.
I'm going through all these blocks and put the relevant data in indexed form into my own SQLite DBs. From there it is available for super fast access by the requests from the clients. It has been a lot of work in the past weeks for me but it works really fast and enables me to do much more than the default node APIs provides to us.
An example of what I can show only by parsing the whole chain is the real post count. The field 'post count' on SteemWorld will display the real number of posts and comments (separated). That's even not being shown on Steemit because it is not possible with a full node.
Thanks for your full explanation. It sounds similar to https://github.com/steemit/sbds
Yes, that goes into that direction. I've tried to get sbds to run but no chance... :) I now prefer to stick to my own service so that I don't loose much time on finding out how external developments work.
awesome!!!! thanks steemchiller!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the great work! :) Loved the website!
I would like to know if you plan to make your API open when ready?
EDIT: upvoting myself for visibility.Hi! You ve done a great job and I am definitely looking forward to see the desktop notifier in action @steemchiller (let s see if you receive the mention notification!).
Thanks! Yeah I've received the notification ;) I want to make the API public as soon as I can make a living with my rewards on Steemit. It would be best to put it on an own server so that the performance on SteemWorld is not being influenced by external tools. Another way could be to make the server scripts open source so that other devs can easily start their own webservice with it.
I am developing the Steemplus extention (Idk if you heard of it), and am always looking for new ways to add value to my users. Are you active on Discord or steem.chat?Well sure, and making it opensource could bring you additional rewards from Utopian. Also you should take a look at the @budgets initiative from @jerrybanfield, he might help you financing your project.
I'm on steemit.chat but not really active, because I want to concentrate fully on my work currently. I sign in once a week or so to answer the received messages.
It is indeed the best global service ever done to manage your steem account. I'm using in a daily basis.
By the way, would not you be interested on continue or renew the steemwhales seervice or anything similar?
I really miss it as well. Have a look to this post:
Thanks @steemchiller . https://steemit.com/steemit/@toofasteddie/anyone-knows-why-steemwhales-does-not-work-anymore
and specially the comments of the post.
Thanks! Yes, the steemwhales overview is one of the next points on my list. The parsed db enables me to implement many more cool features ;)
That will be the perfect app then! 👍🏻
Thanks for the continuous development of SteemWorld! I'll promote it always in my signature because it's one of the most useful visualizations for user profile since i discovered it months ago. Resteemed and.. of course my full upvote!
Great group of updates - definitely my most used tool for Steemit.
Incredibly detailed and thorough set of analytics that are a must for anyone that desires a robust, top-down view of activity on the platform. Occasionally, I even check Steem World BEFORE I actually look at my actual profile.
Great work - thanks
Oh wow, tolle Neuigkeiten! Ein Tag ohne SteemWorld ist unvorstellbar für mich - ich benutze es quasi als Einstieg zu Steemit und es ist immer in einem eigenen Tab offen. Vielen, vielen Dank für dieses super Tool und dafür, dass Du so viel Zeit da reinsteckst.
This is such a great UIA and I love how it is so smooth! Thank you @steemchiller
Hallo Chiller,
wie immer klasse, große klasse!
Vielen Dank für deinen Einsatz, ich freue mich richtig auf die Erweiterungen.
Ich habe die letzten Tage an dich gedacht. Als so viele Neuzugänge sich mit 20 Fakten für die Liste meldeten, habe ich ja ständig editiert. Da habe ich dann überlegt, der Chiller hat bestimmt einen Mentioner und ist ganz genervt, wenn es ständig pingt...
Ist das so? Ist das Okay, wenn ich samt deinem Nick in jedem Post werbend SteemWorld erwähne? Lieber ohne Nick, damit es nicht pingt?
Ich bitte um ehrliche Antwort - will dich ja nicht vergraulen, wenn nochmal so ein Editierhype vor der Tür steht... 😉
Liebe Grüße,
Vielen Dank! Es ist vollkommen in Ordnung für mich, wenn ich in deinen Posts erwähnt werde. Das bietet mir auch eine gute Möglichkeit, das Ganze für meinen Account zu testen.
Man wird erneut informiert, wenn ein Post, in dem man erwähnt wurde, geändert wird und ich war mir nicht ganz sicher, ob das wirklich sinnvoll ist. Inzwischen bin ich der Meinung, dass es weiterhin so sein sollte, weil man ja evtl. auf dem Laufenden bleiben möchte, was die einen erwähnenden Posts betrifft. Vielleicht kann ich dafür später mal eine Option in den Einstellungen hinzufügen.
LG, Chiller
Every. Single. Day. Every time I log onto steemit a tab is opened with steemworld right next to it, I can actually say that I would find it so hard to use this platform without such a beautifully detailed UI that you have created the world is only up for you my friend (steemworld that is ;)CAN'T WAIT @steemchiller Honestly can say use this site.
Wow! You are amazing;) I've been using ginabot (which I love I have to say) for notifications, but I also have steemworld constantly opened while I'm on steemit. If I can do everything on one application, I might have to kiss poor gina goodbye! I can't wait until you have it ready to go...I feel like a kid on Christmas Day!
Thank you so much for all you're doing for this platform @steemchiller! It's people like you that make it awesome ;)
thanks for giving us this awesome tool, I'm featuring it on an upcoming post about my favorite\essential steem tools :)
I love Steemworld! I got hacked last week and it saved me ( and all of the people we told about it who also got hacked )a TON of headache when we went back and edited the comments that our hacked account had spammed. Not only the fact that you could go along in a well organized order, but it allowed us to go directly to the comment, without viewing the full context of the post, and that was the only way the edits were loading and saving. Plus all of the other features. I have been using it for a little while, but just noticed your name as the dev and came to find you to thank you. I will def throw you a witness vote too, keep up the good work!
Hmmm... I don't see a 'vote for me for witness" button. I'm still pretty new so I don't know how to do it without that, and I've only voted a couple so far haha. Or maybe you aren't a witness?
Thank you very much! I'm no witness. Maybe in future ;)
Thank you again for continuing to develop this tool that addresses the needs a steemian has well as those needs he doesn't yet know he has! The name is so apt because if I explore a particular feature it would take me a few days to discover it's power - it is truly a sort of world waiting to be discovered.
This is soooooo fantastic! We are loving it. @guardo @koh and @christoryan will be donating very very soon!!! If you need any assistance email CryptoKoh@gmail or SteemSpeak.com @koh =D THANK YOU!
As a regular user of your Steemworld Service just wanted to say that I appreciate your work very much and this way I would only like to thank you for everything you have done so far, and as well for all those beautiful announced and unannounced (yet) new features you are going to implement into Steemworld!
Notification Test
@steemchiller @chillerbot
Yo, @chillerbot!
Seems to work as expected @steemchiller ;)
Ich mach jetzt erstmal mindestens 1000 Kreuze! Holt den Schnapps raus Kinder - Chiller muss sich jetzt mal gehörig einen reindröhnen! Ist eigentlich schon Weihnachten?
Now it's getting interesting... ;)Great work @steemchiller!
Test @steemchiller
Mein Upvote ist leider noch nicht viel wert, aber das unterstütze ich natürlich gerne.
Da hast du echt tolle Arbeit geleistet, finde ich super. Ich freue mich, wenn es fertig ist!
Steemworld is one of my favorite Steemit related websites, I use it pretty much every day and I had been waiting to see mentions being added.
Great job!
Much appreciated.
JoyI love this preview of the upcoming changes. News letters are great. Thanks for your hard work @steemchiller!
excellent @steemchiller i love your steemworld , intiutive and friendly tool thanks for giving it
i'll resteem this news!
I just finished the first part of my Dutch translation of your manual/explanation. I'm going to do it in several parts as it's late, it's been a long day and I'm going to sleep soon. Here is the link to my work: https://steemit.com/steemworld/@wolfje/welkom-bij-steemworld-org-deel-1 I hope you like it and thank you for the fantastic work you're doing. SteemWorld is my favourite tool and I mentioned this in my post as well.
Soon is Upon US!
Even though this is a 'test' post, I'm upvoting and resteeming because this is already an awesome service, and these upcoming changes will make it even better. More people should learn about this. Thanks for everything you're doing.
@steemchiller - Million thanks for your great work. Now I can't live without your great tool "SteemWorld". :-)
that is fantastic news, cant wait for the new features to be available especially the "mentions" tab. Thanks for all the hard work
wow amazing @steemchiller hopefully your dreams come true, and hope you also can more easily msnyesai pogram ands and beguyu also in making your $ 90 / month payment with relax, happy that weekend that I can convey. thanks from @adnan-mp.
Hallo lieber @steemchiller, seit meiner ersten Steemitstunde, bin eine begeisterte Followerin von dir und benutze SteemWorld natürlich täglich. Obwohl als Anfängerin als auch als so langsam ein wenig erfahrene Steemit-Mitgliederin, finde ich immer alle nötigen Informationen. Super auch, dass die Info betr. neue Follower auch bald integriert wird. Bis jetzt habe ich diese Informationen immer von steem.makerwannabe abgefragt. Ich unterstütze dich selbstverständlich, auch wenn mein Upvote eher ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein ist – dafür inkl. Resteem. Alles Gute und viel Erfolg weiterhin :-)! Sonnige Grüße aus Bali
Your successfully developed a very good project, it is very useful for Steemit users around the world, especially in my area of Aceh. Thanks @steemchiller and success to you.
You do a great work and I'm very grateful for that. Life in Steemit would be a ot more complicated without SteemWorld. Thankx.
I have used it many times and I am pretty satisfied of it :)
Thanks for giving us steemworld.org
Eines der besten und übersichtlichsten Tools die es für Steem gibt! Würde mir viele Funktionen direkt hier in Steem wünschen...
Schöne Vorschau, danke an der Stelle noch mal für deine Arbeit und Mühe!
Viele Grüße aus Berlin
i have been used this app as well as beside steemit page, this page help me lot of and understand how my is going. several task are on going and hope it has significant impact on steem platform, thanks for letting us help.
Awesome times ahead indeed👍
Great updates coming!
Excellent word, do you need help translating into Dutch? I'd gladly help. I love Steemworld and use it multiple times a day. Very reliable and easy to see everything you want/need to see. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Feel free to make a dutch post ;) I would give you an upvote when my VP has been fully recharged.
I actually meant to translate the app to Dutch, but yes I can start with the post and work my way up LOL
Thanks for all you do!
I'm no witness. Maybe in future ;)
Since you are so good with computers and such, I think that part would be a breeze for you...
These push notifications you are doing...
As long as you are using a modern browser with HTML5 Notifications support, it should work ;) I'm on Linux Mint and the messages show up in my bar without any problems. Tested with Firefox, Opera and Chrome.
Very Cool 😎 Thanks!
since it's the best I've found to work with my nVidia card.
and I like the rolling updates...
Absolutely love what you have done!!!
im in there, haha
If the new version is just as good as the current one, I'm already happy. Very handy, thanks.
This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.
If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.
Excellent work @steemchiller! your service is the best ! well done
Great work! Thank you very much for the SteemWorld tool!
thank you soo much for doing this, great work man!