Dear Angel,
She doesn’t love you like I do. She doesn’t care about your heart, yet I spend all my waking hours deep within it. Sleeping hours, too. I’m so glad I put my bunk underneath the thermal cowling. Now I’m with you always.
She just wants to drive you to your limits, push you faster and harder, with no thought to your best interest. I gave you the new solenoid and I know you’re happy. I can feel it in the sweet, quiet purr of your conduction chamber. But Trickle? She was fine with that awful, pleuritic hack of misfire until your little hiccup spilled a hot toddy down the front of her shirt. You tried so hard to tell me you were sick. I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention.
But you’re all patched up now, and just in time. Trickle said Dr. Muxx has called us in from pasture. I don’t know where we’re going yet, But I know you’ll get us there.

By the way, I slipped a coded message to the Allied while we were docked over one of their outlying moons. I swear I think I read somewhere that earth animals are prohibited beyond the solar system. Especially wild ones. God knows what diseases that little monster carries. Guess I’ll find out—she bit me again yesterday. In the ass. Broke the skin, too. It’ll probably leave a scar, and I really want to know how I’m supposed to explain that one.

I probably should have let the new medic have a look. But. . .not too keen on baring my ass to somebody I barely know. I’m funny like that. He seems like a nice guy, though. I think his name is Tolp? Came from some little nowhere planet that didn’t even have a space program. They did have some problems with gravity, though. I’ll let him tell you about it if you’re interested. He’s on about some thing with a star, too. Either that dude has lived a life worthy of a B-movie, or he’s spent too much time sucking conduction fumes out of that hookah I saw him sneak on board.

That’s all for now, my dear sweet Dronefly Angel. I must get some rest. Big day tomorrow. You’re flying us to rendezvous with several other crews Dr. Muxx has summoned. Then we will know what the next adventure holds. Until then, sail on my love. The sky belongs to you.
original sketches by me
original 3D renders by @rhondak
What a sweet love letter to the ship. Hope your ass feels okay. That darn racoon. ;)