Editing your post masterclass with @worstdevever

in #steemtips9 years ago (edited)

Some of you may wonder what markdown is, others maybe perfectly fine using the buttons to make headings and all that.

Markdown was created though to increase writers flow. See when you in the flow the last thing you want to be doing is stopping mid sentence to create a word in italics or bold. And so once you master markdown your writing flow should be a lot better.

That being said I found a site that may help those new with markdown format :Some of you maybe struggling with #markdown as it is not native to those that do not at least dabble a little in code.

The site is called http://dillinger.io/ and it is the last markdown editor you will every need!

It works in the browser and is blazing fast so you do not have to worry about that.

This is just one of the tools in the #worstdevever tool kit.

The next tool to create wonderful posts is canva.com

First go to http://canva.com and register an account. (Its totally free and I have made many graphics for different businesses with this tool. )

Make some nice cover graphics and upload it to imgur.com

Then you can add the links to your dilinger doc to make sure they displaying nicely. And then simply copy and paste your doc into #steemit and submit.


It's kinda fucked up how great content like this can slip through the cracks as an endless stream of boobies and shock stories drown out the sound of hard work :(

I don't understand why they haven't disabled the HTML editor yet, it bloats the blockchain so much. Markdown is the future!