'Tis Pity She's a Whore: A Pop Opera - Act III, Scene i continued (Rejection/Annabella Needs a Doctor)

in #steemtheater7 years ago

Act III, Scene i


Soranzo: So what do you mean to do?

Annabella: To live and die alone, my sweet Prince.

Soranzo: But how can that be? You’re a beautiful woman and all beautiful women get married to men.

GIOVANNI enters and looks on.

Soranzo: Do you see my tears? They are pleading, Annabella. Please...

Annabella: I can’t...

Soranzo: You should know that I have always loved you, with great ardor, not even for the way you look but for who you really are—that personality of the heavens. Oh, I am sick, dear Annabella, sick to death with ardent passion and fearful that—

Annabella: Sweet sir.

She laughs a little bit, almost uncomfortably.

Soranzo: Why are you laughing? Doth thee think my pain funny?

Annabella: Sir, I am being sincere with you. I do not wish to marry, for my love is without.

Soranzo: Do you really mean this so?

Annabella: Indeed, sir. (beat). And in sooth, had I been swayed by any suitor; man or soldier; boy or pauper, it would surely have been you.

Giovanni: (Aside) Indeed, dear sister!

Soranzo: But...

Annabella: Please do me this favor, Soranzo. Please.

There is a moment of contemplation and indecisiveness.

SORANZO is torn, but he eventually agrees.

Soranzo: Annabella...

Annabella: I know.

Soranzo: You will never know the pain...

Annabella: ‘Tis not easy for me either.

SORANZO sighs.

Soranzo: Okay.

Annabella: And please do not tell my father this, this fact that I do not wish to marry. For I know that he will then force me to marry and if I am forced to marry, it will be none other than you, and I do not wish to cause us both pain in a forced and disagreeable arrangement. I assure you, ‘tis better for the both of us. (beat). I can only be happy alone, alone for the rest of my life.

Moment of silence and deep contemplation on SORANZO’S part.

SORANZO sighs, regrettably.

Soranzo: As you wish, mistress.

SORANZO bows to ANNABELLA out of respect.

ANNABELLA feels her forehead as she suddenly feels something wrong.

Soranzo: Something the matter, mistress?

Annabella: Something has come over me... I feel a little... faint.

ANNABELLA nearly collapses on the bench with a sigh.

Soranzo: Annabella! Goodness, Annabella! What’s the matter? What on Earth’s the matter?

From a distance, Giovanni hesitates to intervene.

Giovanni: No...

GIOVANNI exits into the darkness.

Soranzo: Annabella, speak to me, Annabella...

Annabella: I think I need a doctor...

GIOVANNI enters.

Giovanni: I'm here.

ANNABELLA and SORANZO look confused by the suddenness of his entrance.

Annabella: Giovanni?

Soranzo: What?

Giovanni: It is I, sister.

Annabella: Help me, please.

FLORIO, VASQUES, and PUTANA enter soon afterwards which dispels some of the awkwardness.

It’s almost as if everyone has been watching the two of them from a distance because their timing is impeccable.

Florio: I knew it! Hold her up, gentlemen. I think she's feeling faint again.

The men rush to her side.

Annabella: Yes, father. (beat). Giovanni?

GIOVANNI begins to fan her as SORANZO watches him do so, slightly jealous but not exactly knowing why.

Giovanni: I'm here.

Florio: (to Giovanni) Take her to bed, son.

GIOVANNI panics.


Florio: Take her upstairs where she can put her head on a pillow-bolster or something!

Giovanni: Oh... right, of course, father! (to Putana) Let’s go!

GIOVANNI guides ANNABELLA to PUTANA’S arms and then follows behind.

Soranzo: (to Florio) Will she be okay?

Florio: I don’t know. The doctor will lead an examination and tell us after.

Soranzo: Okay.

Putana: (to Annabella) You dear sweet thing. Come, come. We'll nurse you back to health in no time.

ALL exit, except SORANZO and VASQUES who are left on stage to convene and reflect on the event that just transpired.

Soranzo: Alack, Vasques, I am undone. She has rejected me, said that she didn't want to marry me now or ever. And now she has suddenly become stricken with fever. Tell me Vasques, what did I do to deserve this?

Vasques: I am sorry to hear this, sir. Maybe it’s nervousness before marriage. I've seen it many times before. (beat). Did she really give thee an unequivocal no?

Soranzo: She said so, but ‘twas a mixed message, I feel. Oh Vasques, I am so full of melancholy.

Vasques: I’m sorry, sir.

Soranzo: What she said exactly I will tell you anon. Come hither, Vasques, and let us walk awhile.

Vasques: Of course, my Lord.

They exit.
