in #steemsugars7 years ago (edited)

So next Wednesday I'm off to LONDON to meet up with my very favorite Steemians [And a uni colleague from Copenhagen and close British friend]

First of all my @steemfest girls !!!
@teodora - who is kind enough to host me for 3 days !!! I'm sure we'll have a lot of catch up to do...especially because our bond is very particular [my bf is from the same hometown as her - what are the chances?!?!?!]

@immarojas - oh Imma...the eternal Imma, with whom we bonded RIGHT AWAY the first night of Steem Fest in Lisbon - not even an 'official event' at the time, just a welcoming open bar. And no, as we said between us, it wasn't because of the wine :P

Then, 2 @steemsugars I can't wait to meet in person !!! @redrica and @bristena94 :D

I bet many more Steemians live in London so if you're seeing this and you wanna catch up with a cool gal [that's me ;P ] please comment or PM me on discord [ @meanmommy33#9667 ] to arrange stuff all together!

Here's a beautiful picture of London -with the Big Ben still showing...- courtesy of @creutzy ! Not my picture this time!!! Don't have many of London unfortunately, but he sure does!


I am not a crazy fan of London, even though I've been plenty of times. This time I'm going for the gals, for the fun and for - why not? - some unexpected professional networking that might come up!
And of course...brace yourselves...the London posts are coming.... ;)))
Also, there will be talks about @steemsugars -BIG THINGS are coming SOON! -true story ;) -

What do you think of London as a city? Also, what do you think of my decision to go for a 3day city break there from Copenhagen just to have fun with some Steemians? [be nice, don't call me completely crazy :P ]

I am wishing you all an amazing upcoming week and as I always say, whatever happens, don't forget to smile!





Amazing pic @meanmommy33...
I like photography

Well, you should check out @creutzy then, because's his photo ;) and b.if you like photography I'm sure you'll find some great stuff on his blog !! :D Thanks for passing by !

:)) I hope you have fun too,
and this is a great night photo. You are very successful. congratulations

Thank you @artizm ! :)
It's not mine though, it's @creutzy's ;) I'd like to think that I'm not that bad either though :P :D

ahah yes. still very successful: D

Have so much fun! This sounds wonderful. I'd love to go to London sometime, as I've never been. I have dreams of spending a year wandering around Europe, maybe get a campervan and drive everywhere with my family. Anyway, have a fabulous time. I'm looking forward to the London posts. :)

You have the same mindset as me and the States! Even though I never did the camper/road trip thing (which is my dream!), most of the times I come I try to stay for many days and see more than one city - ok unless it's a nyc city break, done that only 4 days :)
Don't expect much standard photography London posts - I don't even know if I'll take my camera with me (can't stretch enough how I'm NOT a fan of London :P ) but there will be some awesome ones with the girls for sure ;))) Thank yououou!!!

Let's do Steemsugars' road trips one day. That would be so cool!

Please do. I have that same dream of wandering around Europe in a campervan and in Sedona.

Beatiful pic❣

@creutzy is an awesome photographer, thanks ;)

love that photo!! and very jelous about London!!!

Yeah @creutzy is the man when it comes to night photography [not that he doesn't do good in daytime too haha!]
You're in New York. We're the ones jealous of you - ALWAYS. Ahahaha!!! We'll keep you posted while in London ;)))

What's your problem're in New York!!!

cool have fun, i'm in London.. really cold at the moment don't forget to bring lots of warm clothes

I'm coming from Denmark so I'm sure I'll manage with the cold hahahahaha :P :D
Let's meet up then! :D Find me on discord as @meanmommy33#9667 :D

I think it’s great you are able to go to a city such as London just like that!

I hope you have a nice time there! And waiting to see some fine pics of that city.


Yeah, we're really close! (well... a 2hour flight, not as close as I thought - Berlin is one hour for example ;))) )
Thank you!
I'm not sure I'll take a lot of pictures, like of the city, because I'm not really a fan, not sure I'm even taking my camera haha... but I'll sure make some postssss :D

I cannot wait to see you. Even for few moments in the evening, as a good working girl :D Also I would love to hear you plans about steemsugars <3

Yesssssss :D :D :D <3 <3 <3
All moments are precious! Good that you're working and don't have to deal with me all day mahahahaha :P xD Abia asteeeept !!! :D

No pajama party on the 16th? Don't bring your camera, teodora have a new one😄😃

Bahahahahahaha :P no........DRINK PARTYYYYY [I don't know if we should wear pajamas at the bar :P ]
I'll bring my camera I think ;)))

Yeah..loads of photo ops in here, u can chose. What time is ur flight? Which airport?

Arriving at 20:30 in Gatwick ;)

Steemsugars roadtripping...i wish.

Have fun, I went to London in 2012 and ¡WUO! at night is beautiful causes stay all night in the streets, Greetings from Vzla. I just published some landscapes of my work if you like to see it would be the maximum!

Thank you!! Hoping to have a blast !! Not a fan of the city particularly but I'm visiting friends so yay! Hugs back to Venezuela!! :)

O Fotografie foarte reușită . Londra este foarte frumoasa , sper ca anul acesta sa apuc sa o vizitez și eu :) am un prieten foarte bun care locuiește acolo și m-a tot chemat la el :)

Mersi mersi, dar @creutzy a facut asta poza ;)
Londra nu imi place foarte mult, dar merg pentru prietene asa e divers!!! :D
Aha!! Prietenul tau e pe steemit sau nu? Poate ne vedem cu el? :P xD
[sti ca nu sunt romana eu da...? ;))) Creutzy e roman <3 ]

Nu este pe Steemit . Nici nu mi-am dat seama 😂

Prietenul meu nu este pe Steemit :p

Chiar nu ești românca ? Nici nu mi-am dat seama

mahahaha haaaaai nuuu ! :D
Dar adevarat, eu sunt din Grecia - doar @creutzy (iubitul meu) e din Romania ;) Pentru ca vorbesc in romaneste ;)
Dar... tu...cum/de ce mi-ai scris in romaneste?? :P :D :D Ciudat haha! Poate mi-ai vazut pe discord la promo-romania? :)

Exact :)

I think London is nice, mostly because my sister lives there:-) I visit several times a year and well it's a rather relaxed place to be. At least when i'm with my sister who knows so well where to go and what I like to do lol.
I wish you a great stay and I'm so curious to hear about the plans for @steemsugars!

AHA! Gotcha!
Such a pity that our visits don't coincide this time! We gotta meet sometime somehow!! (most probably in Scandinavia though hahaha!!!)
We're planning the days now and the schedule looks AWESOME - we'll start posting soon hehehe!

Have a great time! :) Even though I live in England, I don't go to London, it is pretty scary for me lol I am a northern gal and London is very busy, I prefer trees haha ;)

Thank you deary !!
I know you are in the UK but I presumed you live far from London that's why you didn't mention coming our way ;)
Well, to be fair, it wouldn't be for more than a couple of days, but if you can't manage that either, I won't insist :P xD I'm a [big] city gal, so nah, but I get how people would get 'scared' let's same - Rome is the same, huge and hectic, but I was living there so I think I'm kinda used to!

Have a great time!! you are en route now I think....I look forward to seeing the posts, so great you are spending time with steemit women!

I was, that's why the late reply! I'll catch up with everything now! :D
It was AMAZING and posts are sure coming soon ;)))

Hey @meanmommy33! We are likeminded. I actually co-founded Team Malaysia Babes (Steemit Women from Malaysia) and just throwing out ideas here, I feel that we should have Women group chapters from all over the world under steemit. For example, we can have a universal tag @steemsugars and @steemsugars(country they represent), what say you?

I will look into your Team soon and see what we can do as in collaborating somehow (?)
Don't you have your own tag as well?
I don't think adding countries to the steemsugar tag would be a good idea right now at this moment, but I will think about it in the near future since @steemsugars are expanding so fast !!! :)
Thanks for reaching out, let's keep in touch !!!

Also, check @yasminep - she's from London but currently located in Malaysia ! :)