If someone wants to read Wiki - it will go to Wiki...
Lol, and then again lol :)
Proposals are nice. "Help me to solve" sounds interesting. You stated how quality authors and quality posts are needed... Quality authors are not born, they are made. Maybe we should be looking into tutoring/mentoring/coaching/something for the new authors by those that already produce high-quality posts. The chances of "super" people landing in our laps are low. It is possible but not very probable. Seems to me that we are in need of some mentoring program...
We have it already but... There is not enough good material. I used to play basketball, I was solid but I can never be Drazen *(Jordan).
From my perspective, we need better scouting. Can a 175 cm guy become a basketball player? Maybe, but the chance is 1 in a 1.000.00. Can 215 cm tall wonder of nature become a new NBA star? Maybe, but the probability is 1 of 6?! Seriously, 1 out of 6!
So... Who is out focus group than? Honest enthusiasts + students + passionate hobbyists
Or random guys who know nothing about anything?
In the first case, you get X good people per invested emotions, time and resources
In the second case, you get Y
X > Y
hahahahahahahahahahaha, tell me something darling... What is the probability of you talking about probability while I am writing my post about probability? :D This is too good to be true...
Anyway... Yes, I agree, we need better scouting and the focus group you presented seems legit.