The food is great, it is one of the basic needs of the human being to survive, interacts with hormones, feeds our body to grow healthy and strong (as my grandmother tells my little brother when he does not want to eat).
But is eating too much good? Is it true that we will become healthier and stronger?
Usually, if we overeat, we can consume a large amount of carbohydrates in large quantities, which is harmful for the organism, feeding pathologies such as diabetes.
That means that if we eat food in large amounts, can be harmful for our bodies.
Research in humans and animals shows that excess consumption of food and dependence on other types of substances such as drugs, alcohol and nicotine have similar changes in body chemistry, as well Like similar characteristics of the alterations to the behavior that include the loss of control and the continuous use in spite of being conscious of the negative consequences.
This type of addiction it exists, and is becoming more common, is often attributed to the fact of not knowing how to deal with anxiety, and to do so, you eat. Something similar to some smokers with nicotine. Your body needs that substance to function or you think you need it to function.
** Am I addicted to food? **
- If in moments of stress or anxiety you feel the need to eat something.
- If you need to eat something even if you are NOT hungry.
- When eating, you do not feel satisfied, even though you serve the same portions you usually eat.
- You feel anxiety when reducing the portions of food.
- You bother with yourself about how you behave when you eat certain types of food.
If with almost all the statements you identify, you could present part of the symptomatology, but nevertheless, the people who can truly corroborate it are the psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists.
There is hope between addiction
Generally this type of addictions are treated with therapy, as I said before, they are treated by these specialists in the psychological part, they will help you to find a way to reduce the addiction.
I hope you found my post entertaining! I did it with a lot of love for this community. The food is great, yes. But like everything in life, you have to have moderation.