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RE: The Most Nutritious Food on the Planet

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

My opinion is that the yolk is the most nutritious part. If you are trying to lose weight, choline in egg yolks helps to metabolize fat. Plus, they are a bargain food almost everywhere. I am not a body builder or anything, but I don't think eggs are the problem for most people. In fact, I've relied upon short "egg fasts" to help reset my appetite when it gets off track. I know eggs don't agree with everybody, but if they work for you, they're a healthy part of a good diet.

Here are a couple of very good and affordable egg and salmon recipes, so you can get two superfoods in one:


i eat eggs a lot from when i was a kid but nowadays with all the work out trend out there i keep listening that ''egg is not good'' ''it will harm you later'' ''only wheat worth''etc etc i still keeping eating a lot of eggs without any problems.

Well, I'm no kid (middle aged) and haven't been "hurt" by eggs. Maybe some people are sensitive to them or something. They used to say that they contained too much cholesterol, but that has been debunked. Sugar and processed food will certainly hurt you later, but I doubt having a couple of eggs a day will do any harm? How do these people say eggs will hurt you? In fact, I think I'm going to make some salmon patties (with eggs) for lunch. Maybe I'll throw in some spinach. I've got to hit all the superfoods in one dish. :)

from gym ''talks'' i had the conversation starts with the cholesterol argument, i say what you said too and have to keep listening one stupid argument after another that new new new new studies shown that indeed cholesterol in eggs is an issue... i don't mind them in fact haha i ate 2 eggs a couple of minutes ago :P.

you are in another lvl with the salmon and spinach. as a dessert eat choco with coconut milk and you are a superfoods god :P

Cholesterol is present in every cell within the body. We need it to survive. Burn victims are feed copious amounts of eggs to aid in their recovery.

Right, and they figured out that eating cholesterol isn't what causes people to build up plaque in their veins. It's one of those myths that is making people sick.

Cholesterol only builds up as plaque in arteries when inflammation is present. Without inflammation, cholesterol is harmless.