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RE: Introducing: Curiosity Science Contest (Rewards For Good Responses)

in #steemstem8 years ago

Stars don't orbit the center of a galaxy at the same speed though. Here's just one of many links I found with a super quick search.

And a timelapse of observations made of stars orbiting a central point (a black hole)


Look up Vera Rubins.

Sorry, I have not the internet to watch this video, but I doubt that it is real. It is most likely a CGI of a concept.

Because Vera Rubins took decades to make sure her observations were correct. Do you feel you can do time laps photography over decades?

With satelites, yes. Those are images taken once every few months. I'll look up your nice lady astronomer, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't proven Einstein wrong.

Einstein wrong? Oh, that's another lady astronomer.
Einstein's theories predicted the orbit of Mercury to about 96%, this lady theory predicts to 99.999%. (sorry, it will take me forever to find her name)

Further, either Einstein is correct or Tesla is correct.
My money is on Tesla.

Can't say I didn't try. If you're willing to refute evidence when it's placed in front of you, there's nothing else to be said.

You should try being me.
I am now at the point of: not just is all of our science wrong, but it is been maliciously changed.

Two points to consider:
The Michelson-Morely experiment, although being poorly implemented and the bare minimum number of observations made, was used as proof to change the entire direction of science.

Maxwell's equations were changed, even in the books he wrote after he died. They used to have two sets of imaginary numbers where energy came in from higher dimensions.

These two taken together means that free energy is possible.
But, when you change them, as they appear to have been, free energy is impossible.

Now, I am very unpopular with any who believe in modern science.

And rightly so. Even Newton knew there's no such thing as "free energy"... It has to come from somewhere. Science is an ever-evolving field. If "imaginary numbers" can't be tested, it isn't science.

The problem isn't that they aren't tested, its that they are not believed.
And yes, the energy comes from someplace. It comes from higher dimensions.

There are so many instances where the ideas of newton and Einstein break down that they should be thrown out.

However, what usually happens is that "science" circles the wagons to defend their precious "laws".

From my view, science is an ever-shrinking field. And because of that, they will be gone in a generation or two. Our current science books will be used as door stops. They won't even be good for laughing at how stupid we used to be.