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RE: Guide To Basic Astrophotography 10

in #steemstem7 years ago

That's very kind of you, re votes :) I haven't tried Matlab wavelets. They take a bit of tuning I found to get right, and it takes a bit of trial and error to get the scale/layers right. If you set the starting layer too fine it generates too much noise with no additional detail, set it too coarse and it oversharpens (you get "ringing" around highlights in the image).


Yes... After all those precise mathematical methods, at the end, it comes to the "artistic feelings".

The benefit could emerge from the different forms of wavelets, ranging from the "box-like" Haar to the "Mexican hat-like" Daubechies.

I wish there was a better way of doing, but I have settings for each telescope configuration. You will see specific artifacts appear if you have gone too far with the sharpening process, there is only a certain point you can go before there is no more real detail.