in #steemstem7 years ago

Today, my new post is about TELEPORTATION USING QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY : A NEW ERA OF DISCOVERY. I am posting about a Mission of extremes which will lead to a new era of discovery and it's exciting to see what kind of new information the discoveries will provide for the safety, quick and easy travel. I am sure you will love it and start reading out my article with a positive attitude in mind.

Scientists in China for the first time in history did manage to Teleport. Well not a real object but a full time from Earth to a Satellite that is over 300 miles away from us in Space. So here's how they did it; the scientists used something called Quantum Entanglement where one set of particles is dependent on the state of another. Because of this dependency two paired Quantum Particles, no matter how far apart they are would react as if they were the same particle. Even though there is enough physical connection between, the two scientists can then send information from one end of the Quantum Entanglement and produce it on the other hand. What's interesting is that this was not the first time that researchers have well Teleported something. Scientists theorized in the 1990s that Teleportation is possible using Quantum Physics and were even able to make Teleportation works between two particles. In the same laboratory over a distance of about half a mile.


Then in 2012 in the Canary Island’s Scientists were able to make Teleportation work over a distance of 88 miles. But of course this time researchers headed by Professor Cho Yong Li of the University of Science and Technology of China took it even further by not only Teleporting a photon 311 miles; they sent it into Orbit from the Gobi Desert Chui Satellites. The Satellite is called Micius. It was created for Scientists to test different Quantum Field such as Cryptography and Teleportation. It is a very sensitive Photon Receiver which is able to recognize that Quantum States of Single Photon sent from the ground and this particular successful Teleportation was one of his first experiments. The Chinese Research Team told MIT Technology Review that long-distance Teleportation has been recognized as a fundamental element in protocols such as Large-Scale Quantum Networks and Distributed Quantum Computation.


Previous Teleportation experiments between distant locations were limited to a distance on the order of a hundred kilometres due to Photon Laws in Optical Fibers were Terrestrial free Space Channels and like I mentioned before this Teleportation didn't really involve any real object. In really what it did was transfer information in a way that harnesses Quantum Mechanics. But still very impact and here's why this could have major impact in the World of Computers namely Data Encryption and Security. This experiment was a significant step towards creating a Quantum Internet that it essentially unhackable by utilizing invisible Quantum Mechanical Connections as network links and this is so really far away but eventually when this is built it would be truly a safe internet, a place where Secret Eavesdropping would be pretty much impossible.

Youtube: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation by Umesh Vazirani

Personally you know this is great a truly secure internet but for me and I'm sure for a lot of you guys Teleportation that's like the Holy Grail! I mean I think it's not a World where Teleportation of anything is possible!! I mean I don't know about you guys but I hate commuting. I hate traveling, I mean I like traveling in a sense that I like to be in a different location and checking out the sides and the food. I just don't like the process of getting there. So imagine a world where your work starts at 9:00 but you can just wake up at 8:50 roll out of bed and be there in less than a second or if you're living in New York and you can go on a weekend getaway to China and the greatest thing of all instantaneous food delivery and of course we are really far away from that but that's what the story kind of brought to my mind. Let me know if you would love a world where Teleportation is at your fingertips and if that really does happen!!



Quantum Physics

Quantum Particles

Youtube: Quantum Computing for The Determined by Michael Nielsen

Youtube: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation by Umesh Vazirani

I hope you enjoyed learning about Teleportation USING QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY : A NEW ERA OF DISCOVERY. If you love dreaming and learning science then please follow me, @tech-mac

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Ooh oh It was the subject of my next article :) I heard about some success of a research study in Japan... Not crazy for yet, but on the way

You've done a nice job here of clarifying that 'quantum teleportation' is exciting for the ability to securely transmit information, but as yet is a very long way from the ability to teleport objects or people. Like you, I'd love there to be teleportation available for people: no more long flights, and without the commute I could live on a beautiful beach far from everyone and still get to work.

For the moment, though, the really cool thing is that quantum teleportation of information is 'tamper-proof': if someone looks at the information, that constitutes a 'measurement' and collapses the wavefunction, so the information will change in nature, and that will be immediately obvious at the destination when it is compared with its entangled 'twin'. It means we will infallibly know if someone has looked at our information while it was in transit.