Greatness is never for the weak. A tale of two men "the eyesight and mind-sight"

in #steemstem7 years ago


Once they were two men who were fairly successful, worked at the same company and were very good friends. these friends spent most of their time together. on one fateful day the company at which they worked for a long time laid them off and so they were without a job, so saddened the two friends where but as we all know life goes on.

Not long after these friends decided to go look for jobs so have a good life but time and time again they were let down, frustrated the two friends were but they did not give up just yet. Three weeks letter one of the two friends stop the search while the other continued in good faith, frustrated by the other who had stopped looking for a new job now spent his time in the bar drinking and laughing with other negative friends who had also lost their job at first.


The other friend still pushing on, never for a day stopped believing or being positive that he will get what he wants. Finally he came across shopping mall where he applied for a job, still, he was not given at that time he begged that he really did not mind working for free, meaning his giving out free services (his not going to be paid for his work done) that he doesn't want to go back home without a job. Hearing this by the employers were amazed and all laughed "who does not like a free service" they all laughed.


After four months of working at the shopping mall without pay something miraculous happened the top manager who was heading the business had passed away and a new person was to replace him, this young man was the first and only person they picked out of all the employees they had employed.


Never be held back by what you see or what has been said or heard but only believe in what you can do, what you can achieve without a doubt in your self.

What is the difference between the two men, funny question right? but it's really simple it's all in their view of things.
They are two type of sight we have

  • Eyesight: This type of sight is based on what we see and we are easily convinced "that is all of it" based on the fact that that is all to it, not believing in something more can be achieved from it.

  • Mindsight: This is the kind of sight that greatness is gotten from, this mindsight can see the greatness in any little thing we do by believing in our self without a doubt forcing us to go to our limits breaking the very chain that binds us to our weakness. This is what gives us our drive to be more than what people say we are.

The mindsight view of things was what the second friend used that's why he ended up having all he searched for.

Most of us if we keep going the way we are going by the time we die we will find out that a lot of ideas had died with us, a lot of energy wasted, if you an athlete lets say a footballer when you go for a match and at the end of the gameplay you still have a lot of energy in you am so sorry to say you have not put in your very best into in fact you should be angry at you self, for you have not put in the very best into the game.

You have to know your limits so you can measure your output to your success I life and to know where you are in life, once you were you are you just have to work smart and hard give in your all, put in your best, never looking back nor pull back

All you gat do is to will your way through just like the GREEN LANTERN way always butting in mind that fear is the enemy of will.

DON'T be afraid for it will make you lose what you might gain in LIFE.


Intresting piece @steve1122. How have you been? Good to see you here

lol i was wondering why you only had .16, and then i noticed, i had clicked on "new" one last time before bed, and that you JUST put this up.

I'm trying incredibly hard to become the type of person who's not afraid, and i'm making great progress, but coming from a place where i was very afraid of failure [also somehow even of success].

I'll try to let a little more of this right type of advice deeper into the depth of my minds eye so to speak.

Thanks, Alx

thanks, alx.
the key to success rising from failure, a man without a failure is not truly successful for without failure they can't be a success it's just light night and day.

you are made for greatness thanks for reading.....

Life is attainable when the will is in place.... Thanks for the insight

The World is yours

The great @creon, thanks for the comment

You are welcome man.

The World is yours 🌍

Loved your post thanks for sharing.