SteemSTEM has grown a lot in the past few months, but with the growth came the problems. Our goals were simple:
- Promote good STEM content on the Steem blockchain;
- Create a community (with engagement and activities).
The first of these goals was achieved quite nicely, thanks in particular on some comfortable delegation we received a few weeks ago. Here are the statistics some of you may ask about how we use this delegation.

In blue, the number of posts we upvote with the steemstem account week after week. We are reaching some maximum those days, but very importantly, the exponential growth of early 2018 can be observed.
In green, the same information but presented in terms of the number of unique authors we upvote every week. We are probably not distributing STEEM as much as what could be done with memes or development projects, but this shows that the scientific (or actually STEMistic) community on STEEM gets sizeable.
Finally, in yellow, you can see that our weekly available voting power is mostly used at the 100% level.
However, to achieve this goal, our team members were slaved away to find, read and vote good content, engage wit the users on discord, in the comments of their posts. In other words, they work as much as you would expect for a full-time job with getting minimum pay. You can check the @steemstem wallet to see how much each get. And remember, none of the 19 involved people is eligible for curie-votes. In addition, some of them have a 60 hours per week job, dedicate 40 hours to steemstem every week and have also a well-filled private life.
In short, we do that mostly on a voluntary basis.
More and more people joined, more and more posts were voted ... more and more people complained. Yes, we all work for free to get barely a ‘thank you’ and mostly people complaining about their super-hyper post not being upvoted, or because their pay-check is not large enough.
The feeling of entitlement grew. And at the same time, number two of our goals barely happened. One small team cannot replace the engagement of a community: commenting, voting, encouraging each other. That is what we hoped our members would do. Some do. Most do not.
As a result of all of this, we will now take a break of a week and try to restructure.
There will be next to no votes from the steemstem account. We will not explain to you in detail why your post was not voted. We need some time to figure out how to carry on, why to carry on.
Because if the community is not a community but just a bunch of people trying to milk steemSTEM as much as possible, there is no reason to keep going. This does not have to be the end. We don't plan to shut it all down for good. We just need a break, some air to think. I hope you all can understand that.
And if you have ideas about how to improve, or about what you could do for steemSTEM, feel free to comment our post. We will try to answer everyone.
The steemstem management
An idea for what to do to improve community engagement (this isn't really for steemstem management but for others) will be listed here.
Give tips to users on how to improve their writing on posts from tips to using markdown/html all the way to providing tips to getting content.
Comment, ask questions, create discussions.... But also when writing posts, leave points open for people to ask comments or give little teasers if possible.
Make response posts. So lets say someone writes a post on science proving that jelly belly jelly beans are the best type of jelly bean but you found sources that say other jelly beans are better, or maybe you found evidence that points to it all being personal preference, write an entire post about it in response to theirs. Don't attack their post but realize that this is a type of engagement rarely seen.
Vote on content, either manually or trail the steemstem vote (by either giving your private posting keys to anarchyhasnogods or using a trailing service)
Write about something you are passionate about.... So what I mean is maybe you really like jelly beans, make a steemstem post about jelly beans like "cool science facts" or maybe go with "statistics of jellybeans" and do like a cool math thing surrounding it... Maybe even create a special taxonomical classification flow chart for different jellybean bags and stuff. Like create content you are passionate about that is fun to write, because if its fun to write then it is fun to read. Just make sure to add in references to the science stuff too.
Collaboration posts. Like maybe author A could write part 1 and author B could write part 2, or you do something like @zest and @abigail-dantes where they are each writing on a specific topic from different perspectives (anthropological versus psychological)
And more... The point is, it would be so easy and so much fun to have a community that actively engaged. I can give examples of times that happened even in my experience (before I became a curator) and they were some of the most fun I had ever had while posting. I mean there was this post by trumpman where a guy lit his cat on fire by lighting his fart on fire while a cat jumped through his fart (no idea where it is located now) anyways I responded to it with a post to try and see if it was possible, and someone else responded to mine with a post arguing the otherside... and so on. The point is that we actively engaged and it was fun... So make it fun, become a community, get to know eachother and make inside jokes. You don't have to know everyone in the group, but you should strive to learn something from people, whether they have 10,000+ SP, 1,000+ SP, or less than 20 SP (and that category I missed, ignore them, they suck... Just kidding, get to know them too, they are awesome)
I challenge all the steemstem community members to do something off of this list that they haven't done. If you have never done a colab post, then collaborate with someone... maybe make a series with someone... Idc what, just have fun and get to know others in our group, we have some really amazing people here and we could do some very great things.
This doesn't mean all of your posts have to be, like, top notch collaboration posts or that you have to do these things 100%. These are just some ideas on how to promote engagement in the community but there are way way way more ways. I don't want anyone to think that these are guidelines.
Thank you. You said all the things I have thought about myself, too. Collaboration I see also in giving ideas and inspirations to other STEM-writers, which I do when I enter discord and it fits the conversation.
My own behavior on the platform is also about very serious issues I like to address and discuss with the community. Even having disagreements and struggles to communicate.
From how I see it posting is very personal and should be linked to a devotion and deep interest in what one wants to broadcast - all of you already said:). Throwing out one article after the other and bending myself to what I sense has the most interest of others is something I see and criticize as it can sacrifice authenticity.
The breaks in between STEM-related articles I find necessary for recovery and letting comments and reactions fade out. Taking my time to be in real touch with the readers. To holding that kind of quality is not easy at all. The rhythm of posting is nevertheless something personal but I do not see quality increasing when I post a science-related article every two days. So I think less is more.
I guess I will reduce my postings tagged with "steemstem" to publishing them once a week or twice a month.
Maybe this is also going to help the total amount of having the team to scan.
I have to agree with Trumpman that making a couple of good posts a week isn't a problem. I just wanted my comment to go and provide some potential ways for engagement.
I am by no means expecting everyone to follow and do everything in this comment, I just think that you know trying one or two of them here and there wold be nice. I mean for you, isn't it nice to get feedback on posts? Or have someone ask questions and become interested in the topic that you spent all that time working on? Thats our goal for everyone to as many people as possible.
:) yes, I do appreciate it a lot to get comments - it's indeed really strange having worked hours on one article and not getting feedback. I support what you've said. I added some contrast to the fun part. Because what I mostly write about cannot officially be related to fun. ... Or so I guess.
In the beginning, my commenting got so intense sometimes that I think I annoyed people with that. So I reduced that. ... Hmmm... I think reducing is not something bad & maybe I shouldn't have adressed that in my answer on your comment. Apologies.
No need to apologize, I was really tired and possibly didn't present myself properly to what I meant.
the 1-2 diamonds you publish per week are definitely not the problem.
1-2 buckle my shoes sounds better. xD
What you post is really great! Please continue. We really enjoy reading your post. The quantity is not the real problem. So please do not change anything concerning your post!
We are addressing the comment section of the posts we support. I won't repeat what @kryzsec said, but I am in line with him!
It's refreshing seeing all the ideas that could make STEM great without missing out on the "cool" or fun side of it. Good points here.
Articles that are fun to write are fun to read usually. So I am always going to promote fun stuff!
I can agree with that :)
I totally agree with this. The articles I had fun writing were the most appreciated. I totally agree with @kryzec and @steemstem on the community engagement. It’s very important for us to help eachother (the community )grow and in the process learn and interact responsibly... For me I get very happy when someone take their time to read my post and make a constructive comment either commending my work or pointing out gray areas. It means a lot to me. I’d love to be a part of collaboration posts. The thoughts of it gets me all excited because it’ll be fun and would improve community engagement as people would love to air their own point of views from their unique discipline.
We are indeed expecting everyone to do this. This will be wonderful! Fingers crossed on my side ^^
Let's hope this will be followed!
This is totally the best comment I have read so far. Okay it is also the first :D
I hope many will read it as well!
Hi @kryzsec, we are currently working on a post where we will try to explain how to improve the quality of your blog posts.
Very good! Thanks!
Jesus christ you almost wrote a full post in a comment xD Well said though, i've seen way too many people that don't care about the content they just want the SteemStem upvotes, It's a shame some of the good posts sometimes only get 1 or 2 comment, i don't follow the steemstem curation trail because i would rather read the posts myself, upvote if i find them good and leave a comment, following the curation trail would increase the amount of upvote $ they got, but it wouldn't provide any "comments" to the posts, but this is just my opinion
One of the best initiatives i've seen inside SteemStem is what @simplifylife is doing, ea week he does a contest to give out 5 smartcash to the best commentor, guess what... i'm the only one that shows up so i've won 3 weeks in a row, i already told him that i would understand if he stopped it, winning without any challenge isn't fun at all Regarding the management team, just like i said yestarday in discord, i'm still amazed at how they were able to work, create content, read thousands of posts and upvote them, it's just to damn much, i'm a college student and i'm already overworking and i think i could never do what @justtryme90 and @lemouth and the rest of te management team is doing! It would probably end up messing with my life outside steemit.
That is completely fine, as I said that I don't expect everyone to do all of these, I just think it would be cool if more people tried these things. Personally I love going and looking at others posts and commenting on them when I have time (recently for steemstem posts it has been explaining that pictures are copyrighted or else improperly cited)
We aren't saying that nobody promotes engagement in the community, there is a good group that does, however there is a larger group in the community that doesn't.
Regarding your statement about the management team, I am part of the curation team and I am amazed that the other curators are able to do as much as they do. I always feel I am dead weight getting carried by them and that I could do more but, as you know, classes take up time. How the management team does what they do is beyond me.
Yes, i've also been telling people that, not only about pictures but about memes and gifs too, i don't think people grasp what copyrighted means...
Classes take up time, studying takes up time, godamn, why wasn't i born rich :P
I know how you feel, though if I was born rich I would still be going to school for a degree simply because its my passion, it would just make it A LOT easier.
I would take a degree, but i wouldn't be here on steemit, i would probably be building my own company, probably in the renewable sources department or health department, and after that i would join up with Elon Musk and get on that space race adventure
Totally agreeing once again. It is sufficient everyone does this or that once in a while. Times 300, 400 steemians, and we are there!
This is the real problem. This is what we want to fix, somehow.
Yeah. I am currently almost sleepless :D
Sleep is a must for a healthy brain, go hibertante @lemouth
Too late for that, I have kids :D
I loved your idea of collaboration posts! That would create a lot of engagement, motivation and a sense of community!
They are also fun to do and I think that can really make it worthwhile.
Unfortunately it´s a sad truth that you even have to explain yourself for not granting your vote to someone. People just expect to use a certain tag these days to receive an upvote from a community account while not even engaging with aynone on a regular basis.
Like you say people are just trying to milk any community account or service available on steem as much as possible. The greed and the bots have taken over this place within the last weeks. It´s about time that we fight back, that we stop explaining ourselves for not casting a vote and to make clear that steem is about engagement after all on top of the content.
You are correct. Many think they are entitled to being upvoted. They are angry because we only give a bunch of bucks (whilst many make only tenths of a cent on the platform)... And in exchange, they just drop posts after posts without engaging anyone else.
I don't say everyone is like that, but the majority is.
I think in that regard communities will have to make clear that a vote isn´t guaranteed at all and it won´t be explained to anyone why they didn´t receive one. People will be rewarded as soon as they create great content and engage with each other as they´ll be noticed!
We are busy with this (making things clear) at the moment. But we want to take our time.
The expression when someone successfully milks a community account.
Thank you for this post. It is important that the steemstem 'board' shares its concerns with the base member/poster, so that we can all try and give a helping hand.
I wonder actually how you distribute the scanning of the articles between the curators just based on the Steemstem tag. How does one curator knows that an article has already been screaned, avoiding repeating work carried out by another curator?
I would suggest that all Steemstem articles be tagged Steemstem + another keyword specific to the group. For example if I write an article about electric fields, I would need to tag it: #steemstem and #steemstemphysics. A list of valid secondary tags would be set and communicated to the community.
A curator would be assigned to a specific secondary tag. He/she then can list all articles under his wing, knowing that these have not been screened previously. That should optimise the work.
As a second point, if there are not enough curators for the mass of articles that pop up everyday, I would defined two types of curators and an administrator:
1st class curators: those that wish to curate on dayly basis, like currently.
2nd class curators: those that can curate one set day (or more) a week.
Administrator: person that organises the curating schedule for 2nd class curators.
Then there would be a call to application for 2nd class curators. Selection would be based on the quality of the blog of the applicant.
For example, I think I would enjoy very much curating for Steemstem, but my dynamic life would pevent me doing so on a daily basis reliably, and for extensive periods of time. There would be multiple curators for the same secondary keyword, each of them being assigned a day of the week by the administrator. The 2nd class curators + administrator system would probably bring quite a bol of fresh air to 1st class curators (those already existing).
So I am applying as 2nd class curator :-)!
I hope these ideas help. Be well.
These are all cool ideas but just a point to make:
The problem with expanding further is payment. Not only will people be working voluntarily, but they would need to take a pay cut because they would no longer be eligible for the curie half (the bigger half) of our votes. It's not easy for people to see the bigger picture of the community in this regard.
Even if this were the case, we have no more VP to give them even the steemSTEM half of rewards so they would basically be working without any extra entitlement to votes, and any vote they get would be a fraction of what it was. This makes it very difficult to find trustworthy, hardworking individuals who stay long term.
We've actually been extremely lucky so far finding the team we have gotten but as things grow, this kind of luck should be expected less. These are reasons why we decline very kind offers from individuals who want to help out; they essentially get punished for contributing to the cause.
Regarding distribution, again because we have a fairly small team, it's broken down quite simply and double screening happens rarely, something I notice perhaps once every week or less. This is because the core curators cover all time zones (me in Asia, JTM & kryzsec in North America and lemouth, trumpman, ruthgirl & zest in Europe/Africa time zones), and we simply cover a period of time available to us.
On top of that our sub-communities such as de-stem and stemng have their own secondary tags which we leave alone similar to your suggestion. I imagine when we are way bigger, secondary subject tags will likely be inevitable, assuming continues to not release a more workable interface.
Thanks for the ideas!
Dear SteemSTEM moderators,
take as much time as you need! As Steemit grows, it turns for many from a fun plattform with benefits to a strange sort of competition. This is not how it should be! Many of us science authors value your work and curation a lot, and wouldn't want it to become a burden for you! You helped me to gather people I follow and interact with, as I found good content through the SteemSTEM tag which basically build my Steemit-experience. All the best, and definitely: THANK YOU!
I second this reply! I struggled to find the right direction for my content until I found the steemSTEM tag. Would you consider a small monthly membership fee? Just a few SBD per month from a couple of hundred users might go a long way. For us, it would be an investment that we could earn back through our blog content.
I'm afraid not many people would approve of it OR think they entitled to a vote even more than they do now :/
That makes sense. I can see where that could lead to a sense of entitlement.
Another thought:
I am but a lowly school teacher, so I can't speak the language of the computers, so this might not even be possible, but:
Could you have someone write some code to check the last 7 days and keep track of how many times a person has upvoted and/or commented on steemSTEM content, as well as how many replies/upvotes their comments have received. Comments such as "Great informations! Keep the work up." generally do not receive any attention, so they could be ignored or weighted less.
When one of your curators chooses an article to upvote, they would plug it into the bot. The bot could check for a minimum threshold of interaction from the user. If the user's participation level is below that threshold, the bot could deduct percentage points from the upvote. Participation within the threshold range would get the base upvote. Those who have surpassed the threshold would receive a boost in voting percentage.
I imagine that this would require quite a bit of math and some strong coding skills. It might even be an absolutely horrible idea that ends up being way more trouble than it is worth. lol I'm just kind of spitballing, but I think something like that could encourage more community involvement.
Write the code to compile steemSTEEM content ordered by the participation score. Your curators could have one central feed to check, and those who participate would be the most likely to get noticed. If a curator chose to support a post, it could be checked off of the list so all other curators could see that it is no longer eligible.
Again, maybe more trouble than it's worth.
No, we won't. We accept any donation, but we don't ask for any membership. As @suesa said, we prefer not to be tied to any member in any way.
That is good to hear! Too little people never seem to leave the bubble of their own posts to interact with others. But that's what a community needs: Interaction!
This is only my 8th day on Steemit, and I hadn't heard of SteemSTEM before I read this post, but I agree that this team deserves a big THANK YOU for what they do. It's a shame that many aren't thankful, considering that these good people are doing a job that benefits them and their work.
It is nice to read! Thanks for your comment. Sincerely. I am happy that we helped you to interact with people. This is what we try to improve, at the moment.
Sometimes a break is important - But I really hope this will not be any form of an end! I rather hope you will come back stronger ;)
When money is involved, corruption and greed always be close. However I still think your service was of a huge importance and promoted many great posts. I also loved to tell new people with the right interests about @steemstem when curating for @welcoming. It just was great to have some community I could refer to so that they quickly could find mind-like people.
A huge shootout to @sco at this point, he was of great help and we supported each other by sharing links and commenting/helping out new people from relevant areas. Of course also a huge thx for the creation of @de-stem!
Enjoy a well-deserved break and please come back stronger!
We're far from ending this project! There's some re-structuring needed and it will involve a lot of work and energy from everyone, not just management but also the community itself. But I'm positive that we can accomplish this.
You'd need to pry steemSTEM from my cold, dead hands, if someone wanted to end this project :P
Glad to hear that ;)
Yeah, we are far from being dead. Just mutating into zombies :D
jajajaja my circles are more pronounced (I think I become a zombie):P
We will come back stronger. We just need to figure out how and when. We just reached a non-sustainable point... And thanks for your support to @de-stem!
so shall! STEM despite the adversities will return with much more strength, because we love our work, that is why you should take a break to do things correctly
Great :)
@sco's effort and the great idea behind the project definitely deserves the support ;)
Get some rest. You deserved it after working so hard for the past couple of months. I have never intended to reap as many rewards as I can from steemstem. My target is to try help this community grow by creating some exciting article and attract some people to contribute to this community.
The increment of work among steemstem curators is inevitable as the population keeps on growing. We can't expect the number of curators to stay the same, can't we? Even @curie recruits some new curators who are appointed/recommended by their top-rated curator each week. Regarding complaints and everything, I think you know what to do. You can never satisfy anyone. At one point, they will be complaining that they haven't received any upvote from you, and on another, they complained about the number of rewards they should get for their work.
I'm sure all of you, will overcome this hurdle. We need Steemstem community to flourish. This is the only community in Steemit which in my opinion are not stagnant.
Good luck to all of the Steemstem's administrators and thank you for your continuous support and contribution to empower STEM-related content.
P/s: An update for any of decision made by the Steemstem's admin would be much appreciated. We wanted to help as much as we could. A week is relatively quite some days, and we should target to solve this as soon as possible. Afterall, an active account is a growing account (same goes for the community). This is just my two cents. Apologise if I'm being rude.
We will give you updates as soon as things are decided, as too much "throwing suggestions in the room" would create confusion and chaos. I am currently working on a list of proposed changes, new projects and ideas, which will be discussed among management.
The thing is, we're all doing other things too. We have jobs, families, etc., so a week is a good time frame to think about things. After all, we don't want to make any impactful decisions that'll turn out to be harmful for the community!
Thank you for your support
True enough. Can't wait to hear the changes. I think this is an important step to propel forward; reflection and changes.
The problem is not really curation only. This is the tip of the iceberg. But we will keep the community informed. Steemstem is not dead (yet :D).
Thank you. Steemstem is too young to die.
Yes. I like this. It actually makes me want to come back and post (been busy and I'm not a fan of some of the entitlement I have seen some times from some authors). I thank you all for all the work and experiences you've all shared, at least with me. I have no idea how the project will scale but I agree with a pause to re-evaluate and rest. Is well deserved. :)
Thanks for passing by. Please come back and help us building engagement.
Oh, I don't think am the guy for the engagement job. My answers to other people are too long and fisty.
Exhibit A:
My posts are too long, heck I was starting to make videos and articles for the same post.
I even bully people who don't seem to read my posts but comment regardless.
Exhibit B:
And I have no respect for people with visual impairments. I just love making fonts smaller and smaller and smaller
I'm not the best guy.
lolz goodd post plz upvte me so funny
Only if follow4follow...
I think @Teutonium will like this xD
Just kidding, well at least you got some comments on your posts, in mine i think i only got 1 comment from someone inside the steemstem community, the rest were people that knew me from other communities.
I know, but you answer people. This is already something. And you also reward some people! This is another something.
I like the idea of the break because have notice recently that people have been complaining about not getting vote and the most annoying of all us the part of low votes complain.
The idea of stem on the blockchain is not to Boost your wallet but to encourage your research I believe
Each time I see steemstem vote on my bloG I feel like my work is ok to use for other projects in future..... If it's about the payout then I see no reason why steemstem should keep up because people want to milk the community.... I really wish the break turns out positive which is coming back with better strategy and have really learnt from @mobb @trumpman @pearlumie and @samminator..... Which has improved my research ability
Take time to figure the right strategy and hope the discord is still open to learn about STEMThanks for the Good work @steemstem
STEM on the blockchain has a potential that not many might see, especially because it's still a long way to go. But imagine a future where new scientific breakthroughs are published on the blockchain, uncensored and funded by a decentralized community? I think that's something to strive for. But to reach that, we need to start somewhere, and that is, in my opinion, with a community. But a community needs people interacting with each other, not just caring about their own rewards.
That's hard to accomplish.
I agree with @suesa.
The specificity of steemSTEM is that we target the long run, and not the 'get rich quickly' run. The rest has been said: we need a real community...
Well, this is a welcome development as it is geared towards making the community a great one.
I just went through the chat on the discord channel and i can admit that a lot of us are guilty one way or the other.
I look forward to receiving the updates on how the community would operate and vow to support in my capacity.
A big THANK YOU to the management and everyone involved in the organization.
Too many are guilty of this, but a handful are already working on improving the situation. The first step to change is accepting your mistakes and deciding to be better. So, thank you for your comment and your promise of future support!
thank you too for always being there (im a fan!)
Thanks to you far admitting a lot of people are guilty. I appreciate it, knowing that most people won't say a word and wait for the storm to end...
Afterall, we are a community!
Whats a community without honesty?
Well, ask the majority of it :D
I don’t even know how to respond to this. I feel the pain behind your words, you guys need to remember, steemit, this whole beautiful thing. Still in BETA, its a long arduous process to figure out how to make a social media system like this work. It has never ever been done before. Manual curation is as important as bot curation. And localizing your voting parameters to a single tagline creates a centralized route for bad actorss to take advantage of the system. Vote for good content. Thats it. Enough pandering to people unwilling to put a vote or voice into the mix, people who are doin exactly what you say, trying to feed their wallets of your steempower and attention. Thats not right
We haven't just been curating steemstemm but also science, technology, engineering, math, and all other slightly related tags. The problem wasn't the amount (and sometimes not even the quality!) of posts, but people being unwilling to help each other.
How can a community function, if it doesn't interact with each other? Just posting and waiting for your vote doesn't make you part of a community. And that has been the problem with many members for a while.
We won't give in to people feeling entitled to our votes, don't worry, but we need to see a change in this community, if there is to be a future.
That makes alot more sense. Its sad because some of these people vote waiting as you put it dont realize the true value of a blog here. The conversations you can have during the week its active. And the money you can EARN being a part of that stimulation of neurons. Thanks for clearing up my inderstanding of the steemstem boting parameters. I actually respect the outlets your using. Thanks!
I don;t get you. I don't get any money in reading the blogs of others. It is the opposite way round...
I make quite a bit, because, I read the blo and give aome sort of opinion or addition to it in my own words that results in people liking what i have to say, it’s simple really, earn it, work for it. Think about what people are saying and put your own foot forward to make the discussion better. Thats what community is about.
Aaah, ok, you were meaning gaining knowledge, somehow. There is no value to that, IMO.
To repeat @suesa (interestingly enough, we are on the same lines :p ), we don't curate a single tag. We curate all STEM disciplines. This means more than 10 tags. Of course, the usage of the steemstem tag helps us, but we are not limited to this.
I interpret this as a "yes, work more, that's it". I answer: 'no thanks'. Not under these conditions. We need people (this includes you) to be a real member of the community. This goes beyond getting an upvote.
SteemSTEM is a great community. But we need to have it grow. Growing does imply having a lot people join regularly and write articles and then sit back to watch their money grow.
SteemSTEM is a community that should contribute to people's life daily by bringing good content and appreciating good content.
People should not see the primary goal as to make money. We need to recognize that the aim of steemSTEM is to encourage by rewarding good contributions to the community. Therefore, if we make sincere contributions to the community, I am sure the reward will follow and not the other way round.
To the moderators, I totally understand how you feel and I'm in total support of this development. Keep up to good work
It's not just about steemSTEM giving something to the community, but the community giving something to each other. Because that's what has been lacking, steemSTEM members helping each other out. If we want a community, we need to act like one.
And now the question: how would you show you appreciate the good content? This is what we are trying to point out here. People should engage with each other.
This is already the case because we work hours and hours long for it... People get rewards, are unhappy, and we are in the meantime somehow slavered..
I devote 50% of my time reading and upvoting and commenting and 50% researching and writing. I quantify it, so it becomes easier that way.
If people don't quantify, it's harder to keep track of where they spend most of their time, and they end up writing posts more than they read/comment.
Another thing I do is I follow this distilled digest diligently and read every single article and leave a comment, even when I haven't got anything to say really, because at least that way I let the person know I've read their article. And I read everything in their entirety, I don't skim-read.
And I'm a couple distilleds behind for this reason.
Often people need to be told what to do. Quantify it. Don't tell them "engage", tell them "read all the distilleds and comment" ... I don't mean this specifically, I just mean concrete advice, even tho it kinda sounds stupid.
Or here's another way to do it, which is what I've just done: tell people what you do, and let them be inspired that way.
Here's another way a mere generic suggestion might go wrong: People tend to prefer to comment on bigger users' posts where they know upvotes to their comments will make it worth their while. Check out Abigail's comment thread! She needs to hire an extra hand just to read the wall of comments she receives, much less reply! And it's probably mostly because she has a big VP, not because people really care. So generically suggesting people should "engage" will just make them all make a bee-line toward certain users and completely disregard others. People like exercisinghealth get only a couple comments each post, and that guy made the effort to make whole videos.
But even when you do your best, it's still hard. I haven't been participating in the discord/formerly channel because I read posts. And when I try to give each person I follow equal attention, that means I could go for 2 weeks or more not giving any attention to people like trumpman and mobbs and ruthgirl who are so active and write stuff that's fun to read, which seems unfair. So after ~8 months on steemit, I'm still trying to figure out how to spend my time here most productively community-wise. It's no wonder those who are new to this are struggling (that's assuming they're making an effort at all).
It's not easy to quantify (at least I haven't managed to do it), I have a list of posts I want to read every day that I don't always have the time to finish. Sometimes real life doesn't leave you the time to do everything you want. I also read posts I upvote, but I don't have much to comment. I won't bother leaving a "nice work" kind of thing, as it won't add anything useful (your posts are an example, I mean I love your work, so well-written and researched, but since I am not an expert on the topic I don't think I can add arguments for further discussion).
And that thing about chatrooms, I am totally with you. It's not only that I don't have enough time to visit them, but also that I don't do well in places where too many people are gathered, I cannot do the small talk.
I believe that if people found a couple of users whose work they value and try to keep up with them, then this place would be so much different. And you know? By forming these "micro-environments" we become parts of small circles that end up entwining on the same platform. That's what I can think of, maybe I'm wrong.
Pfff, like you said it, it's hard though. If you want to be committed, you need to spend almost all your day on Steemit. It's always relevant, since we don't all share the same amount of free time, so engagement and real, essential curation should be judged depending on how much time available everyone has (which is impossible in my opinion).
I really liked this comment for some reason!
Thank you! :D
Your comment is as great as your posts. And as long!
We will follow what you suggest in fact. A post is coming soonish with guidelines defining what we mean by engagement. And also giving hints about what to do.
What is clear is that everyone can't do everything. But if everyone does a little bit... Then, the goal will be achieved.
You definitely need it, team.
We are getting better day-by-day. This is needed, improving my own engagement with other science authors improving
Welldone steemstem
I tried to upvote this. Replying to remind me to come back and do it in the morning.
All right thanks for that
I am not too sure we are getting better... I want to get better and we need the people for that. This is the purpose of this post.
Agree with you, although this part of taking a break shows we are getting better bro but not necessarily in the speed or way we desire. The fact that we want to improve engagement has caused many authors to have a change of mind and others improving.
In essence, let's say we are trying but there is MUCH ( used that instead of more to show we still have a long way to go).@lemouth
Hopefully we will all walk this path together.
Enjoy your well-deserved break @steemstem!
We will! :D
Thank you for all you do. I can completely relate to how frustrating a sense of entitlement can be.
Please, don’t quit. Reset. Retool. Retrain your community.
But don’t quit.
Woah throwback to 2 years ago! Impressive. We're definitely not quitting. If anything this time will give me a lot more freedom to fully mature a lot of ideas I've been having and perhaps implement some of them. Some are potentially revolutionary if I can gather the right peeps, but I guess we'll see!
Keep at it. I support you all with some witness SP delegation becuase I believe in the value you’re bringing here.
And we are supremely grateful for every penny of it - and everyone else's. We're currently in a very lively community-wide discussion on how to make things bigger, better and unique from the 'vulture culture' of monetary blogging. Fingers crossed!
A lot of things need to happen for all of us to quit. Like 4 meteors hitting us at the same time. Or a nuclear war. Something like that.
We believe in Steem and we believe in steemSTEM, thus we won't quit. Not while we have a vision :)
This is why I’m proud to support you all with my witness STEEM delegation. :)
Don't worry. As @mobbs and @suesa said, we won't quit. We need time to think about how to better restart and achieve our goals. We also would like to read and listen to the ideas of our members. After all, a community is not only about the team, and about both the team and the members.
Once again, thanks for your support. It is really appreciated.
So way to many comments for me to read them all i'm afraid but my suggestion is a new steemstem account that resteams posts. To avoid the main one being clogged the new account would resteam. There could be multiple e.g. physics resteem account and biology resteem etc.. probably best just a few, say 5. That way people wouldn't see content they have no interest in as they would all relate to the topic they choose to follow.
Resteeming is the best way to share content imo. And if your not upvoting or upvoting by a small amount as the resteem accounts would have little SP less people would try to abuse the system. Resteeming also encourages others to vote on the content. Also if you have a policy like steemstem-physics-resteam (a better name is a must :P) will vote on resteamed content after 3 days it encourages others to vote as they receive some curation. You COULD also say you only get a resteem if you follow the account but i'm not sure if that would be a good or bad thing.
Sorry if already suggested.
You suggestion is not realistic. We are already over-working, and you asked us for more work...
But the problem was really there: the visibility of the posts we upvote. Thanks for pointing it out. We have found another way, as explained in our next post. Please let us know your opinion on this :)
Taking a break is not a bad idea. You're humans and you sure need it.
Someone made a statement some time ago:
But clearly, some people actually came for the money and are staying for the money; which is not good for community building.
We all should seek what we can do for steemSTEM not what steemSTEM can do for us.
Together we can make steemSTEM greater
I tried to upvote this. Replying to remind me to come back and do it in the morning.
Thanks bruv :)
Well said, and you do a great job staying for the community imo =P
We're family; ain't we?
As soon as money is involved. things are getting complicated. We will do our best, as usual!
Sadly I think the entire platforms engagement has went down as more engagement is pulled into discord and chats. There are hundreds of rooms and thousands of conversations going on off of steemit.
Bring that engagement back to this platform from those channels and you will wish post were getting less comments.
Well, there must be some way to get some balance. Here, we are really discussing tiny levels of engagement. Our impression from the above is that the community is mostly a bunch of people waiting for their daily steemstem pay-check.
Let's see how things will (or won't) change in the next few weeks. I am still hopeful ^^
Maybe some sort of bot that keeps track of a few key elements about users.
1.) Do they follow SteemStem
2.) Do they up vote any post SteemStem has up voted
3.) Do they engage outside their own post
4.) Do they engage on their post
5.) Do they power up
I think maybe there should be a lock on the max up vote anyone can get based on the above criteria. Support 4 Support is much better than follow 4 follow or vote 4 vote, lol
We are actually moving towards this support4support paradigm (as for most supported people, the answer to the 5 questions is just 'no'). I hope to see a change of mentality in the future. I actually love that name that I may steal if you allow for it :D
I'd be honored if you wished to use the name and implement it.
We may ;)
I hope we all can relate more with the comments on the stem posts. I am actually guilty of not commenting much, i was changing that when this came. I will try my possible best to comment as much as i can. Long live STEM!
Even if it's some friendly, helpful advice to a newbie, it's already important. Engagement is what makes a community a community, without it we're just some faceless curation group that could be replaced by a bot.
Yes.. Gentleshaid was talking about that when he was giving us some mentoring tips last sunday. I adopted some guys too and he just started doing well. It makes me happy, probably i could communicate with some more people guide them through the comment box. I remember i got to know discord through someone who placed a comment under my post. I remain glad she posted that comment.
If everyone would do the same, our problem will be solved ^^
I want to personally thank you for the work you are all doing and support 100% this break. I am relatively new to steemstem, as my research borders between plant science and sociology/philosophy, so I have been cautious in my posts. Thanks to your tireless work, I see that the steemstem posts are original, educational, and entertaining, which is very different from the mainly unoriginal reposts you normally find.
I was shocked when I went to the Discord to see all the chatter, who has time for that? Of course, a community needs some chitchat, but chitchat takes time. I live in one of the largest eco-communities in the world, Damanhur, and the balance between the sharing necessary to create bonds and productive conversation is super hard. You need good moderation to make it happen.
If it can be of use, I am happy to help any way I can. You can count on my community support!
The discord channel is nice, but not the only way to engage with the community :)
On steemit (or any other UI for the blockchain), there is always the opportunity to leave a comment. Encourage, ask, give advice, discuss. One of the most depressing things is a post with a decent payout but without comments.
So, if you want to help, search out people in the steemSTEM tag. Read posts that interest you, vote, comment. be a part of it! :)
That is exactly what I have been doing! I am trying to engage in the posts that really interest me, contributing as much as possible to the conversation. Some people have been fantastic at responding to create an interesting exchange of ideas.
I only wish there was a way to search for two tags at once. I would love to search for the steemSTEM tag in addition to nature or plants, which is my area of interest. Because when I just look at nature, I get lots of nature photographs and poetry, which is nice, but not always want I am looking for.
Just passing by the posts we consider, dropping comments, voting, engaging discussions. Those are some of the many ways to help. We will drop more words very soon :)
Doing my best to be an active participant. Haven't had much time to write this week, so have been creating discussions in the comments. The wealth of knowledge is fascinating, so I often find myself filling the comment box with questions to take the writer deeper into a given area. Most of the authors are keen to dive right in. Looking forward to more of that, as soon as I figure out how to better craft my searching. :)
Thanks! If everyone could dedicate 10-20 minutes a day to do the same ... ;)
Taking a break to restructure and revalidate what's important for the STEM community is crucial for the long-term success.
Sadly, once again the paradox of the fact that the more people get involved the more unstable a community becomes proves itself.
This is a huge problem and I suspect we all know the answer, as more and more people are joining in.
I just want to let you know that you have my full support and even though lately I am not very active on discord, you could always reach me and use my resource.
SteemSTEM is one of the very few positive and constructive projects on this platform and I would like it to remain so.
Thanks for passing by. There are indeed other ways than discord to engage. Commenting, voting each other, etc... to name a few. If everyone does a little bit, not necessarily everything on every post, then the goal will be reached.
Discord is not the only way to be a part of the community, we're happy about every comment, every vote, every spark of attention community members give each other. Because that's what makes a community great.
Exactly my point. All that you've done for this community is well appreciated and in hard times it's time to ask the community to do the same. While some of the people here are only to "consume" and gain profit, others want to create and share.
A first thing I want to say, congratulations with your achievements, SteemStem evolved into a really big thing on Steemit and it changed the entire landscape here! Although there might be a many people who want to milk the concept, you also helped a lot of enthusiast writers and scientists by fairly rewarding their hard work.
Then the second thing, Engagement is indeed very important in a community, and I think the great size of SteemStem is backfiring here. The Discord channel is always busy, and for new members it might be intimidating to join conversations with so many members they don't know.
Maybe dividing SteemStem into multiple categories can help to decrease the size of individual communities and induce interaction while keeping SteemStem's grandeur?
But eventually money will always attract "leeches" (I can't find a better word in English ☺️) And I hope it will be possible to filter these out and to keep the project running.
At last another BIG THANK YOU! I truly realize all of you are also just people with jobs, personal lives, motivated to keep this community alive and I admire your works.
Smaller communities are harder to keep track of, but we're already trying to at least have some language-specific communities. The biggest problem is that people don't seem to think it's necessary to engage with other author's posts, they just wait for their big vote and then post again. That's something that needs to change, or there's no future for this project. At least not one I want to be part of.
Yeah It surely is a lot of extra work managing multiple sub-groups and I think the language groups already help a lot. Maybe it is possible to make the size of the upvote dependent of interaction with other SteemStem posts? It should not be impossible to write a bot that keeps track of users activity on SteemStem posts and storing that as an "Involvement score" that influences the size of upvotes.
It would give a natural incentive for users to get more involved in other posts I believe. This score could be behind the scenes so people do not try to manipulate and milk it.
This is along the lines of something we're currently discussing :)
aha! that's great! I'd love to help in any way, but I assume there is already a big team to work with? 😊
Keep your eyes open, there will be a post :P
The splitting is not practical because it will induce more work for the team. This is something not sustainable at the moment. If the community decides to act as a community, things may change :)
#steemSTEM as I told once can help lot of Indian students who are struggling with funding. Most of the students have not realized this.guest articles? And periodically conducting contests should be considered. Just some random thoughts. I will refine these thoughts btw.Completely agree to this point. Another point w.r.t. India I want to bring about is that steemit is not popular here. It is very sad that people see this as some ponzi scheme. And other Indians see it as a source of free money. These 2 class of people are 2 extremes. Quality science writers are really non-existent from India in steemit. Other extremes are shit posters, expecting free money. We have to come up with good measures. Quality is important not Quantity. In spreading awareness about steemit and #steemSTEM in general I think we have to reach to Indian research institutes. Making things real rather than virtual only will work. There are enough science enthusiasts in India. Regarding shit posters, I think punishment is the only way. Serious filtering is needed. One suggestion for bringing up science writers to steemit in India is this: Why not we receive some article from people and post it in @steemstem acccount as
Distilled is meant for this purpose and I think it does an excellent job of pointing out the interesting articles biweekly.
We have always positively rewarded what is good and ignored what is bad. This is known to work better, from my experience here ^^
Based on the simple math of who owns what percent, STEEM and most cryptocurrencies are in fact structured like pyramid schemes or ponzi schemes.
You're right, it's either people who avoid the website because of obvious inequity if they don't need the money, or people who need the money and are forced to use the site as a crypto faucet.
I think the sentence "can help a lot of Indian students" can be further expanded to the fact that steemstem could potentially help students from anywhere, and no doubt it has in many cases, but we must ask ourselves what the most good we can do with the funds it can direct really is.
Yeah I agree . I was talking from Indian context. Yeah it should be more general. One thing which I love about #steemSTEM is that if made use properly this is an excellent win-win solution for students or content creators and steemit community as well.
Punishment creates a negative atmosphere, although we do blacklist people. The best thing would be for the community to engage with each other more, that'd be a lot healthier.
Guest articles are tricky, because who gets to keep the money? But in theory, it could work.
Contests are a lot of work and need funding, but we're supporting them from time to time. And yes, we're thinking about ways to hold more contests.
@suesa : Distributing money is a tricky thing. I agree. I think we will attract more quality writers, but. One suggestion can be 1/2 the money for steemSTEM maintenance and half for the author if they joins the community. I know it may sound immature, but there is lot of noise in the community, right now. The only way to overcome is through quality content and curation. I believe that Stackoverflow model is a great way to maintain quality. I see lot of articles with no substance in steemit. Bad for both STEEM and #steemSTEM. One more thing: I think if we believe in science and there are steemSTEM articles which propagates nonsense, flagging should be done after warning. Like steemSTEM trail being used for appreciating great posts, there should also be flagging against wrong content if they use steemSTEM tag.
I personally don't like flagging things that aren't spam or plagiarism, and I am not sure we should use the trail and our delegated power for it. But it's something that will have to be discussed.
It's such a pity to once again have to see that greed is what is killing steem while at the same time it is what is keeping it alive and drawing new members in.
I'll sure miss the distiled posts. I'm interested to see how this will unfold because other communities could learn from it. You guys are one of the very first big not for profit examples and a great example for what we at @steemmakers are doing. I hope you guys figure out to come back stronger and continue to be an example.
We will, we will fight tooth and claw to keep this project alive. But what we need is the support of the community. So, thank you for your comment :)
We are currently trying to solve the issue. I do not know whether it will work. We will see.... We just posted the next step :)
I fully support the break. You guys deserve a rest (more than a week in my opinion) as I know many of you have full-time jobs outside of steemstem and restructuring how you handle things can be greatly beneficial.
I'll be one of the first to admit that I need to engage with more steemstem authors. There are a few authors that I read and interact with almost every post as I find their content very interesting and well-written but I should definitely give more authors and topics a chance, which I'm definitely going to start doing.
I currently only look at physics, (some) space articles, ecology, geology, and biology posts and there is so much more that is offered by the community that I need to read on as I am fairly ignorant of the topics.
In regards to engagement with other authors outside of the community, may I suggest adding a discord chat room that allows people (who want to co-write an article, series, or something ) to post a topic and connect with potential co-authors. I know they can do this on their own, but I imagine it would be easier to find like-minded individuals this way.
Another suggestion is having a requirement of community activity in order to receive upvotes from @steemstem. This activity could be non-spam comments, upvoting, re-steeming, etc. I know there can be issues with that, but I bet the community engagement would go up because, as you guys said, a lot of people are just waiting on a payday and they will probably do whatever it takes to get that payday.
Thanks for passing by. Admitting one is not engaging as much as one should is already a good first step.
All suggestions have been noted and applied (some coincidences, but this means our ideas are independently the ideas of others too, which is a first sign they are not crazy): we now have an ideas-room on discord and we have a mentor program.
More information on the new steemstem post.
Really feel so sad at the turn out of event but I think taking some time to think is not a bad idea. These days I only think about authoring posts without thinking much about the community which makes me part of the bad guys. I'll be okay with any resolve that follows after the break and will be ready to perform any function for this esteemed community.
It isn't too late to change!
Any change that helps the community is a good change. Engage with people. Actively look for posts you're interested in, upvote and comment them. It's never too late to have a positive impact!
It is never too late to change. The first step is to recognize it. Now you are all in for the next steps ^^
A lot of sacrifices have gone into this project, unfortunately, a lot of folks have turned it into diary farm where they can come and tap sbd and even complain about the cow not producing enough of it. We are almost up to a thousand in number going by the discord channel, yet I do not think up to 100 actively participate in chats and discussions let alone visit the steemstem tag, vote or even comment.
I personally think being in the discord channel or using the steemstem tag should not automatically make one a member. Some only come to ask why their post wasn't voted and usually forget to leave the channel afterwards. There is a need to review the requirements for being a member of steemstem.
Another issue is the percentage of votes a member is maximally entitled to per fortnight. While some have the time to exhaust their percentage, some do not. I hope this will be put into review as well
I agree with suesa. The percentage limit has been implemented for not allowing a single person to get too much rewards. Our vision is to build a community, so that we need to share.
However, if you have any other idea about how to reward team members who do not post much, I would be totally interested to read you.
In my opinion, I would incentivize curation more. Give each team member all the curation rewards for the posts they find. So, it would work on a commision type model. The more high-quality posts you find, the more you get paid. This then gives each team member an option to either create more posts or curate more. You might find some members of the team will end up curating full time, if, it is incentivised enough.
I think that every team members own posts should go through the same scrutiny and protocol that our posts go through in order to maintain a quality standard. The shortfall, due to lack of curie vote, could be made up through a higher 'limit' vote from steemstem.
One must also understand that the nature of being a curator of such a large community already brings a lot of attention to their blogs, which is a bonus in and of itself.
You may ask; how do we grow the steemstem account, if, all the curation rewards are distributed as commision?
Well, you already feed it through the news-letters and distilled posts. As the founders, yourself and JTM may consider delegating most of your personal steem power to the steemstem account. Every owner has to put money back into the business for it to grow. An increased Steemstem account, would improve all the curators commisions and keep them happy.
Finally, you could incentivise delegation. Every delegated amount to steemstem, over 1000sp, for example, would get one of their upvoted posts re-steemed by the steemstem account per week. This would give the donator exposure in return for their contribution.
So, to re-iterate this last point.
In order to get advertising from steemstem you must:
Just to let you know I finally read your comment. I won't answer in details, as details are coming very soon. But in short, curation is not the real problem. Engagement is. We will actually tackle both ^^
Finally read this too. Quite detailed I must say. I will wait for detailed answer from lemouth
What do you suggest to solve the last issue? The maximum percentage is already a way to try and keep it somewhat fair, I am not sure how to further improve it but am open for ideas! :)
Or you could grade the posts. Use a rubric similar to ones used in a University. A post which dives deep into the subject matter and is well researched with all the references in tact, should tick those boxes and get a good ‘grade’. Because this is a blog, creativity should also be evaluated. How good are the illustrations, are they original etc. Does the author put effort into the presentation of the article. All these things must be evaluated
You would then upvote and post the results in the comments. So the authors would have the feedback and get an idea of how to improve the posts moving forward.
You could even include interactions into the upvote. If the authors correspond with their audience and elaborately answer their questions, they could get a reward for that.
It may end up looking something like:
Research: 7/10
Language and grammar:7/10
Presentation: 5/10
Correspondence: 6/10
Average: 62% upvote
You would then minus 5% if it is your second post for the week.
Minus another 5% if it is your third for the week.
So if this above example was my third steemstem post for the week it would end up as:
62% -10% = 42% upvote
This would discentivise people people from abusing steemstem votes and focus on the best quality for their first post. So you end up getting less, but, higher quality content for steemstem
Oh, yes, more work ^^ Nice idea, not practical in everyday life, not if we want to have a life
I guess. It would save a lot of steempower though. It may also lessen the number of posts that each author puts out per week as they would spend more time on improving their content as aposed to posting everyday.
You guys are smart though, I’m sure you will come up with a good solution
But it's not about steem power, not really. It's about the fact that the community seems to expect us to provide for them, without them providing for each other. Rating posts, conserving steem power, that won't change anything. The main problem right now is that the community is barely a community at all.
I believe that a community it built on quality of content. I will not comment on a post which add zero value to my life just for the sake of commenting. We can chit chat on discord.
So for example; If I post something of the highest quality which impacts and stimulates people’s minds, they will be more inclined to comment and interact with me. Because I’ve done extensive research on the topic, I am then able to reply back to them with a meaningful answer and multiply the effect.
The point of steemstem should not become a glorified chat group, but, rather a community which produces the highest quality scientific content that people actually want to engage with.
The best magazines, newsapapers, blogs always have the highest traffic and interactions.
The best journal articles have been cited the most.
People will comment if they feel compelled to do so. When I read something that sparks my interest I’m filled with questions.
If I don’t find something interesting or I think it is poorly presented, I won’t engage with it.
If you guys insist that we do so, regardless, then it will just become a fake community who feel obliged to interact with content that doesn’t actually impress them.
I would rather sit in a room with 5 interesting people who know their craft like the back of their hand, than with 100 dim wits who can teach me nothing and waste my time. (I’m being general here, not referring to our community)
Quality always trumps quantity when it comes to science. This refers to the posts and the comments.
Steve Jobs said if you want to make a difference in this world, do great work.
We should feel a sense of prestige to be upvoted by you guys and featured on the distilled post. When people access the the steemstem tag, they must be blown away at the quality of content.
If all this had to happen, I believe everything else will sort itself out.
Well ,what will i say,but I know for sure that the community has done a great job in helping everyone on the platform.
However,how many of us that have been receiving curation from the community even deem it fit to give back?.Well, someone might just ask me that question.
But I think that instead of the community members complaining,why don't we all look around and see how we can support our community to become stronger than how we met it.
I believe that as one is growing up, one need more helping hand.The community has more members than when it started so more demand is coming from all.
How ever,i think the community should let everyone know that it's not a father Christmas dishing out free curation for just any content.
Also,I think if the community could look into the activities of those who consistently receive curation and yet not powering up or delegate some of their steem to support ,then why can't they give such an author a break in curation.
Another point, if there is anyway the community can place priority on author's contribution to other people post before they curate such author content ,I think it will go a long way in helping the community to grow together.What I mean is that if an author over the past two days have upvoted and commented on other post,that should be a part of the criteria to curate their own good content.
Then if there is any complaint of not being curated and such want to make noise why can't we institute a ban.
I want to appreciate everyone that has give us a shoulder to learn on steemSTEM, people's like
They are all great people.Though I may not be able to mention all but they have really sacrificed towards this community.
Let all join hands together and make it work better!!.Thanks @justtryme90 @mobbs @suesa @lemouth @Abigael-dantes @trumpman @annachyasnogod. @greenrun @gentleshaid
Thank you :)
The problem with checking each author's engagement before curating them is, that it requires a lot of additonal work on top of what we're already doing. But we will try to find ways.
Thanks! This is exactly our point!
U guys are contributing a lot to this voluntary service..! 🤗
🔹 Surely it is not a easy task to read, check and evaluate the quality of more than 300 posts per week..! 🌝
And about the community,
🔹 I feel like the community is growing quite well, we just need to ensure the continuous engagement..!
From the point of writers in this community,
🔹 Lets not think it like a Vending Machine to pull out upvotes. 🙃
🔹 It's more of a community, a place to share and discuss the STEM related research and being helpful to each other...! 😇😇
Best wishes for SteemSTEM..! 🌞
Comeback stronger...! 💪
~ Tennis Girl 🎾🎾
engagement is the real problem, indeed...
First of all, I’d really love to thank steemstem for letting the voices of individuals in science, engineering, technology and maths to be heard. I remember being told about steemstem some months ago by @florae. I could hardly believe such a selfless community could exist in a community where everyone just wants to take. Ive also been fascinated without the great work the management have been doing in carefully taking time to reward those who deserve to be rewarded and also trying to engage with everyone on th discord channel despite having full-time jobs. I am entirely appreciative.
Steemstem is a blessing to the steem blockchain and it’s sad most people can’t see that.
At this point, it’s very obvious that the management is only doing this for the passion as their rewards are just peanuts. Please we appreciate the passion you have and please let it stay alive.
Engagement is key to improving this community. Forced engagement is totally irritating so we need to love the community to make it prosper. We should be willing to make sacrifices without being asked or forced to do so.
Steemstem owes no one and i might have to make a post about that. Steemstem is a blessing to everyone and complaining shouldn’t be part of the equation. Please more love and less greed.
I fully appreciate the managemt once again. Take all the time you need for it is in the best interest of the community.
We are targeting on the long run. Let's see where this will lead us. I hope our members will wake up very soon. I really do! :)
I've always been impressed with how much the SteemSTEM team contributes to this community so I think a break is well deserved. There is no easy solution to the issues facing SteemSTEM, but I hope restructuring helps. Just know that the team has garnered more trust from me than any other group I've encountered on the internet and that's no small feat. At any rate, I'll continue supporting you all no matter what you choose to do.
Thank you :)
Thanks a lot! :)
Dear steemSTEM-heroes, 😀
how about if every steemSTEM author who wants to post an article transfers a certain amount x to a steemSTEM curator account. This would ensure payment of the curators and automatically raise the content to a good level. Authors who deliver good content are certainly willing to pay a small percentage of the article's earnings to the curators.
Personally, I write articles at de-stem at the moment, but if there are enough people who like my articles, I would translate them into English and yes, I would pay a fee to the curators.
This is not a mature idea now and may not be feasible, but it would be a proposal for further development.
Thank you for your great work! I hope there is a good solution for you. 🙏
Greetings from Germany,
what a good idea! I am in :) the more people do that the more the team gets paid. It doesn't solve the time problem but the paying problem.
We are not, and do not want to be a paid curation service. Additionally, people would feel even more entitled to a vote, if they could just pay for it. That's not what we want to do.
And technically, the curating is not the problem - the people not being willing to engage with others are. Just sitting their, collecting their paycheck and not helping other authors. That's not a community, at least not the one we want to build.
But if you want to support the project financially, why not delegate to steemSTEM or follow the trail? :)
LOL :-) that shows again that there are different mindsets. I wouldn't have thought about it as even strengthening the entitlements. Good, that you make this clear.
Thanks also for the reminder to follow the trail.
Thanx a lot for your answer.
It was certainly not in my spirit to let pictures come up, you could buy your votes. I also did not have the idea of payment, but rather a kind of "appreciation" or "entry", as in a club? 😎😊
In my mind, I see us authors as grown-up people who know why they give this appreciation and not wait for the vote to come back now. But maybe I should check this picture again. 😂
So much for my suggestion.
That you don't want that is of course another matter. I understood that it´s also about money...
If it's about the community supporting each other more, then you're doing the right thing by withdrawing.
If I were you, I'd be very disappointed. If I'm me, I'm a little disappointed, too. From man himself.
I hope you find a solution that comes close to your imagination.
I will try to take your words to heart and support at least the German Communitiy even more than now.
And for shure, following the trail! 😀
Much appreciated!
Und es ist immer gut, in der deutschen Community etwas mehr Support zu haben. :P
I´ll give my very best :)
Ist nicht ganz einfach, Steemit ist echt ein Vollzeitjob... ich versuch aber trotzdem wenn ich die Zeit finde, auch neue (ich fühl mich selber noch so neu) Steemians zu lesen und zu unterstützen. Allerdings geb ich zu nur die, deren Content mir auch gefällt...
Ich weiß gar nicht wie ihr das schafft!!! Hut ab 🙏
Dir nochmal herzlichen Dank!
LG Monja
As already said, we are a free curation service. This will never change. We don't want to become a voting service like the different existing bots.
If a user wants to give back some money to steemstem or curators, it is up to him/her and on a voluntary basis. Giving back money will in addition not ensure anything concerning future votes.
I have already understood it after suesa´s comment. I did not talk about a voting service, nor about buying me a vote by giving back money.
I merely reacted to the fact that "little money" was also mentioned.
I find it very sad that I should receive such an answer for my proposal, which I made out of respect and gratitude. In my ears, it contains between the lines the statement that I would like to buy Votes.
Actually, I can only hope I misunderstood and you didn't mean that.
Hope you´ll find your way, Mo*
Kann dir versichern, dass er das nicht so meint, er wollte hauptsächlich ebenfalls auf Kommentare antworten. :)
Hallo suesa, Danke fürs Beruhigen! :)
Das kam bei mir ein bisschen so an. Und da ich gestern erst in meinen 20 Fakten Folgendes geschrieben habe:
bin ich wirklich froh, dass du das sagst. Jetzt muss ich gerade fast ein bisschen Lachen, weil es so ziemlich auf diesen Fakt trifft.
Herzlichen Gruß, Mo*
Sorry. I edited the answer. By you, I meant 'one'. It was supposed to be a generic 'you' and not yourself. A cultural thing I guess ;)
I hope this clarifies. I also just wanted personally to answer your comment, regardless what others have said to give my own impression. Please don’t take it personally :)
Thank you for your answer!
I hadn't thought about the cultural thing.., I could have imagined. :)
Thanks anyway! I just didn't want to be misunderstood, that was important to me. Maybe if I'd known you, I would have understood right away. Next time I read about you, I definitely know I should read it twice.
I appreciate you answering me personally. I'm sure you have other things to do, too.
I hope that the steemSTEM project develops in the right direction.
Greetings, Mo*
I see there are 260 comments, I don't know if someone mentioned this before but I think SteemStem has done really well achieving at least one of its goals which is to encourage the creation of quality science posts on Steemit. I think that achieving engagement is not an easy task, the expectation was that the users that received help from SteemStem would themselves give back to the community by spontaneously engaging, that clearly did not happen. Unfortunately, people respond mainly to incentives, so I think they need a nudge to start reading and commenting on posts. Maybe we could create a daily prize for the best comment and for the user that finds it? A separate team of volunteers could be given the task to judge, the SteemStem team is already doing enough.
This would certainly be something that would encourage engagement. Especially new users would get a feel for what kind of content steemstem curates by reading it and at the same time also be rewarded for constructive and meaningful comments. Of course, it would be much better if votes for a good comment would come from the community.
I think the master of how to reward good comments is @abigail-dantes. She adjusts the slider for each comment accordingly to what it means to her or where it should be placed. Just take a look at one of hers psychology posts. The comments themselves are also substantial. I usually don't have anything insightful to say and am ashamed to put my 2 line comment in there so I usually avoid it. But I do read her psychology posts and vote for them. Although she has lost me currently at beer challenge. And its already 14 days since her last psychology post. She usually sticks to schedule. Hmmm... must be the beer :)
I would actually prefer having the community taking care of voting the comments of each other. I am really scared by the scaling of the associated work on our shoulder if we have to monitor comments as well for voting.
You are absolutely right. Unfortunately, some people who have received substantial support from steemstem and passed level 60 reputation don't have even 200sp themselves. In my opininon, anyone who has been rewarded in this way should be able to reward others also. Either through rewarding meaningful comments on their own post or even better rewarding other quality posts. It is the only way to grow.
even 100 SP matters. Imagine we have 30 of such users, this makes 3000 SP. And so son :)
Actually, the number of comments is now above 300. Which is why I haven't personally answered all of them yet... :D
Unfortunately, the amount of work for a daily prize will be too high, and also will even reduce the bonus we can give to our curators. We have somehow implemented the counter-mechanism. People not engaging will see their steemstem support reduced :)
Let's see where this will lead us :)
I'm still amazed how you are reading every single comment. I bet 90% of people didn't read even half.
I'm sure your counter-mechanism will lead to many questions, which is good :)
And I think complaints room will be saturated soon. I'm happy to help there to lift some of your burdens.
I didn't read that one ;)
I am not so sure about the complain room, because people are complaining in front of everybody, and get answered in front of everybody. I hope this will make people thinking twice :D
I find it painful all this is happening at a time I don't have enough time to write a science post because of my exams. This is really something that hurts.
Whenever I call @samminator and it happens that we talk about steemSTEM, the major thing we talked about is the sense of entitlement people show towards steemSTEM.
The time I joined steemit, I wrote science posts without having a touch or something valuable on the post. Although my posts were not as defined as they are now but at least they were scientific. FInding @suesa was one thing that made me feel lucky. She introduced me to steemSTEM.
In steemSTEM, I wrote my science posts, read a few others from better authors to step up my game and be a better person. If steemSTEM voted me, I used to be happy because I saw it as a priviledge not an entitlement. For God sake, I didn't invest in steemSTEM to believe I deserve to be voted everyday.
Aside from seeing the upvote as an entitlement, saying a wonderful post was not voted by the steemSTEM curators is an insult to them. Having 19 people search for quality science posts, read them, check for plagiarism and copyright violation, disqualification from curie vote, and other things that might be involved is more like a selfless to the community and we still insult them by claiming we are entitled to votes we didn't pay for or by even saying they didn't see our post.
I appreciate the steemSTEM community and the curators because of the huge effort they put into this platform. This is a reason I take it upon myself to send them a token once in a while because I feel they deseerve to be appreciated and I know they also have a private life to manage and of course, some of them have works that they do outside steemit too.
If there's one thing steemSTEM has always emphasized, it is that this community is set out to give visibility to quality STEM related post and not to enrich writer's pockets. I now wonder how most people have become oblivious of that..
If steemSTEM is taking a break, I think it's well deserved. A restructuring is necessary for the betterment of this community!
Live long, steemSTEM!!!
Thanks for your message! SteemSTEM will live long if the community wants it. Let's see on the long run :)
Taking a break is not a bad idea, especially with the geometric growth of the authors, posts and curators in the past few months. I strongly believe that you will bounce back, strong and better off. steemstem management team is made up of group of intelligent and noble personality but reaching out to us for transparency and recommendation at this point is a very good idea. You need to have a general review of curation process, you may need to task every member of the community if neccessary, don't hesitate to do so. We love steemstem, because it has helped us a lot, not only the rewards but it has given us a sense of belonging and make us feel at home, it has developed some of us from being only a scientist but also a good writer and many more. I wish you well with your decision and waiting eagerly to hear form you soonest
We are reaching out to everyone. What we want is the community to engage with each other (I have a comment at the top of this which gives some ideas on how to engage) and to help each other. I mean sometimes we see posts that are good but could be better and what we would like are community members to go around and read each others posts (not all of them, just like some you know) and if you see potential feedback to give it. Or if that isn't for you you could collaborate on a post... Anything, get to know fellow steemstem members. We want you all to make friends, new friends... We are asking you guys to socialize with each other really.
The problem is not curation, but engagement and the behavior of many members of the community. But we will come stronger, very soon ^^
I have lots of ideas, but most of them are better said behind closed doors, in time. For now enjoy your break.
You know where to find me ;) The break isn't really a break, we will make plans and restructure. Tell me about your ideas.
Thanks! Ideas well received ^^
A week, a month, STEM should take as much time as it needs to be able to serve the community better. A short term fix shouldn't be the considered, but rather a lasting long time solution to this problem.
Let's keep steeming.
It's not just that we want to be able to serve the community better, the community needs to learn to serve itself. How many people actually look for other steemSTEM authors, read their posts, leave a comment, upvote? A community doesn't just exist because a few people at the top pass out goodies. A community needs people supporting each other.
suesa is right. The problem is the community towards the community. Not wrt to us (only).
The break is deserved, I am sure. The hard work is appreciated by genuine members, and I thank you for your hard work @lemouth @justtryme90 @mobbs @kryzsec @trumpman @steemstem and anyone else involved. You do a good job, believe me.
I am looking forward to continuing to be a member and watch this community grow. I am sure many people are willing to help.
Relax, chill out, re charge the batteries, and come back refreshed.
Best wishes Benjamin
You forgot a management member there :P
Thanks for your supporting words, we will need everyone in this community to keep this project going.
And of course you too @suesa :D I am sure that we have many members that will continue to support the community, and it will go a long way. Now enjoy your break from steemstem duties :D
No rest for the wicked, we will just deal with different things. Re-structuring this will take a lot of work!
You're right @suesa, and wicked we are :D
Good luck with re-structuring, I have offered my help and assistance to @lemouth on the discord server, so if there is anything I could help with i'd be more than happy.
Thank you, we will try to keep people updated as things progress
Thanks for that! By the way, you forgot half of the curators :D
Hey @lemouth, no problem at all. Sorry not to mention the others. They know who they are and are appreciated.
Everyone who puts their time and effort into this community should be proud. Looking forward to the "reboot"
Hey everyone involved in the @steemstem project.
I'm sorry to hear that people were complaining about getting no upvote, or even a too small upvote. I don't get those guys, and it's very sad to hear that ungrateful people like that are stealing so much time from you. My opinion is that the author should be grateful for every single upvote, no matter how big or how small, but I guess some people get blinded by greed when posting here on the Steem blockchain.
I just wanted to say thank you guys for all your hard work. I'm very grateful for all the upvotes and comments you guys have left on my posts! And I'm really thankful for all the hard work you are doing by attracting more STEM authors to Steemit.
I hope that you guys are feeling better after a small break, and it seems like it's surely needed at this point.
The only suggestion I have for solving the issue would be to just stop letting people ask for reasoning why they did not get an upvote. Just have a strict "all votes are final, and no reason will be given for the %" policy or something like that, and not spend a lot of time telling people why they didn't get an upvote.
It's not the only problem. We are also sad to see, that the community almost solely relies on steemstem giving out votes, but doesn't support each other with votes, comments, advice, and encouragement. That's a great flaw which has bothered us for a while.
But we will find a way to improve that, I'm positive.
Hmm, building an engaged community is really something that is difficult, so it's going to be more complex to figure out a solution for this problem.
One idea I have that might work to some extent could be to release a SteemSTEM SMT (once Steemit Inc. releases SMTs), where you could allow give the SteemSTEM posters the ability to hand out tokens to comments that contribute to the original post. This way people will be encouraged to actually engage in discussions and contribute with additional information in the comments.
There are probably a lot of flaws with the idea, but it was just something that popped into my head when I was reading your comment.
This idea is on the list, but as said by suesa, this will take time. Most probably mid or long term. For the short terms ideas, in an hour or so ^^
Yeah, it seems like SMTs are taking a lot longer for the Steemit Inc. team to develop than they had anticipated. But it will be exciting to see how you guys plan on using them once they are finally released. I think they can have a big impact on a community like SteemSTEM if used properly!
We have plenty of ideas, but without the SMTs really there, it is actually hard to get what is realistic and what is not. Anyways, we are staying tuned ^^
We've been planning to use SMTs since they were announced, but there's no sign yet that they might be available soon. And until they are, we need to find a different way to carry on, because it can't go on like it has. :/
I see why you are skeptical that SMTs will arrive anytime soon. They have been postponed many times already, so it's not really a certainty that we will get them anytime soon anymore..
I have a question... is there an rough idea around how much of the lack of votes and comments is difficulty in finding content vs people not wanting to engage? To find a good solution requires understanding the problem space. Maybe that is why there has been little movement in the development?
We will address this :)
Maybe. I'll keep your suggestion in mind, yes, we might need to make content more available.
SteemSTEM team you guys have been doing a fantastic job to the community indeed. I for one would testify 'again' for this. With such huge growth yea a break and a restructure is well needed. Just keep it going ! ill try to visit more often and get active again :)
Please do so! We miss you ^^
First off, I did not read all 280 comments probably only 150 of them. One of the problems (oh I am by no means a science guy), with engagement on scientific post is that a lot of time if a lay-person ask a question they are talked down to, or the post would be one of those this is it you should have no questions. A post that ends as the know all of know all is not going to be engaged, at least not in a polite manner. Like one of the commenters said, ask some question in the post ask for people thoughts, give them a chance.
Internal, community engagement, visit each others post, engage each other, provide each other with engaging comments and question. Payout and vote count are secondary to the post. The question of was it a successful post is not measured by those, votes can and are purchased. Comments still need to be manually entered, yes some bots are getting good, but most of those are easily seen.
Just my 2 cents.
I think each of us needs to build his/her own audience. And then comments will be there. I have a good number of comments to each of my post, with real questions. And the number is manageable. Not huge, but pleasant enough so that I can answer everyone personally.
What we want in the future is the community to act as a community so that any stem poster could get a bunch of reasonable comments to his/her posts. Let's see.
In time steemstem community is going to grow. I think the internal mechanics will improve, and real STEM posters have a place they can turn to for help, and get their work seen and viewed. A few of those complaining about lack of comments or votes need to view post from other STEM posters, see what they are doing and try to emulate them.
You, Suesa, and Greenrun, all do very good at the interaction with your audience. If an individual does not want to accept input, then they are not going to accept it. When first reading the post here and those first several entries; The post seemed to be about taking a break and reevaluating and defending itself, and about quality of work and then why they are not able to engage everyone. That last part I fully understand, and commenting guiding and helping can at times be a thankless job, and at other times a wonderful one.
People understand when they need a break, but not when someone else needs one. Steemstem community will grow, and people will learn to engage. The core working group, of STEM are the ones that will have fingers pointed at them, as in any group, it is always the leaders fault and never the Plebs fault for their own failure.
One of these days soon, I am going to need to take my break, and go and read Suesa's latest funny take, Greenruns thoughtful story, and see a couple of your post, and learn a bit about you since I see you always trying to help and like you said answering your commenters reasonably. Thank you for the response.
I am fully agreeing with the points in there. Funnily enough, several of the solutions proposed by the users to the current problems were: it is up to the team to work more... People are rarely thinking about what they can do, but often what others can do... :D
I hear you guys. Too many people take jabs without "walking a mile in someone's shoes". There are so few initiatives here that are actually trying to find and reward quality content. It is a monumental task and those willing to do it should be rewarded and praised rather than attacked. You guys are the model on how a community should be built. I hope this helps your community members understand that they have a huge role to play in this as well.
Many hands make light work.
Its time for the "many hands" to step up to help relieve some of your burden. I have faith that they will.
I hope that to. The future will tell!
You needn't explain to anyone why their post wasn't upvoted... Anyone who thinks they're entitled to an upvote from anyone else just because they wrote about a certain topic, or used a certain tag, probably doesn't deserve one, and if they're directly calling out @steemstem for not upvoting their post, they may even deserve a flag... Just my opinion.
Either you didn't see it, or it didn't meet your standards. There are things people need to understand about Steemit in general, and that's not the responsibility of a niche community.
What I will do to help:
I put forth an idea for a multi-tier STEM themed contest that would run on a bi-weekly basis. I will start working out the details, and get that started up, as a way to not only get people creating STEM content, but to improve their work through competition, and encourage engagement.
Contests are nice to trigger engagement. I am however not so sure that contests will maintain engagement on the long run, from my own experience. However, I have no idea about what you want to do in details. Maybe I am wrong. Hopefully I am wrong... I am more than happy to support anything that anyone will try. Anything that helps, is welcome. Anything :)
Therefore, if you want steemstem to support the contest, feel free to contact me on discord (before starting the contest) to see how we can help you :)
well you are 100% right, i thought of this community to be a positive one where we all support each other, but as usual people tend to abuse... Get some rest, make a fucking criteria which must be satisfied in order to even participate. It is probably frustrating, but as fat as im concerned you could upvote your posts, just to monetize your time, after all we are all here to make some money. Appreciate what you have been doing, not all of us are abusers :)
We put so much work in this, that it's basically impossible to properly monetize our time. Management is technically working a full-time job, upvoting ourselves won't cut it, sadly.
What's needed is a community that supports each other and doesn't just wait for a vote "from above". That's the new goal. Or actually, rather the old one. And we will be working on this.
You already have my support. Cheers!
Good to hear!
All the delegated communities look like this. The problem is endemic to all platforms that received big delegations. I can pop in to the discord in a bit to discuss it with you all if you'd like.
Well, just because it is like this doesn't mean we have to accept it :P
Everything has been said by suesa. We need members self-supporting each other, on top of us :)
If a much deserved break is what is needed to refresh and find time to think about how to restructure, to make the next phases easier for everyone, then go for it and enjoy! You all deserve a holiday, ready for a nice summer time flow i hope!
But please consider really hard if thinking to quit as I think after all the efforts and the achievements so far, it would be a massive shame to see it all crumble and divide just because things got to much. This should be a happy experience doing things you love. If you end up feeling shit every day because the thing you love isn't working, then you must grab the bitch and tell her what you need to make things work, and find a way to compromise with others by talking to each other, non emotionally as possible, and just figure out what would make things more enjoyable and less pressured for each person and how can you make that work between you.
Do you really need to spend so much time on here if it's affecting your life? If not, how many hours would you be happy doing, or what days would you like off every week? Can the community understand and survive without you for those days? Who is available to be around if youre not? what part of the job do you dislike, and can someone else happily do it instead if you trade them to work on something they dislike? etc, all this seems to need a nice healthy discussion with everyone involved, and some time to think about any ideas to make plans for phase 2 of growth.
That is how empires survive. And you guys have done amazing at building such a good,valued empire. Despite how shitty things can get sometimes you still made it so far!
You gotta think of your castle and the land it owns, and you gotta find ways to defend it and keep everyone alive and happy. And when i say you, i mean everyone who is part of steemstem and it's community. That's the beauty of a community. You will argue, cry and wish it was "dead" but like any family, you all just carry on anyway, because in the end theres always a lot of love and good ideas and deeds being done, and that's what life is about.
I hope you guys figure out what you can and want to do, then just let everyone else know and we can all adapted accordingly, or even offer help if there are shortfalls in places. I dunno cos i dont know enough bout the ins an outs... but point is, be happy! and dont let good ideas go to waste. (just found out Stephen Hawkin died today :( We are one amazing brain down in this world where many are dumb and stupid, we need all the good brains doing as many good things as possible to keep ahead of the wars against stupid)
But i guess the most important thing right now is HAVE A LOVELY HOLIDAAAY! (but please do come back and keep trying :D )
Just to make it clear: we are not quitting (at least for now). We just want to find ways to have the community engaging a little bit more. We have ways in mind. Let's see how it goes (we are currently already starting implementing them).
Good to know, Interested to see what gets conjured up :D
I think it is wise to wait for 2-3 weeks before concluding anything, but things are going in the right direction so far :)
As someone who's benifited a lot from the curation done by you guys, I'd like to say thanks heaps! I try to mark my appreciation in comments on the steem-bot votes... but I know I could do more to make sure the sentiment got through.
Between studying, posting and curating (the latter two less often as I kick into study mode) I know what a struggle it can be to jugle life and steem. So I can't imagine what it would be like for everyone who runs the whole show!
Thanks again guys and enjoy your break, you've definately earned it!
Thanks for passing by and for your presence on discord. I know we are all very busy, including the members of our community. We are just trying to have everyone maybe dedicating 5 minutes a day to others (there are many ways to do that) in order to improve things. Let's see where it will lead us ^^
No problems :)
I think a good go-to is after making a post to go out and curate a little... I've found it's an awesome way to sort of wind-down after writing for a while and it gives back too!
I must say I've been rather discord absent after I switched from laptop to PC (passwords all saves on the laptop) but I'll be back around soon :)
Completely understandable as for me.
Your curation efforts are appreciated, believe me. I can not imagine how much time and effort it takes to find some quality content and to promote it. Take your time and think about it. Maybe community could help somehow on daily basis. Networking is big value here!
Thank you for your efforts and have a lovely week. Peaceful one!
The community needs to help if we want to have any kind of future. But not by supplying posts to the curation team, they need to interact with each other, support each other. That's what makes a community a community. That's what steemSTEM is supposed to be.
This is what I am trying to do. I appreciate quality posts. By upvote and more important for me- by comments. I think we should take part in discussions and present our point of views,. This is what I try to do and I really dream about discussions under my post. It is more valuable than upvote for me
we want the community to help! This is the goal of this message :)
Thank you for sharing what you think. Take the time you need to make your decisions.
Thank you for everything you've done for this community and I think I couldn't tell you how grateful I am for the work you have been doing. And before last night's discussion on Discord, I didn't think I was part of the problem, but it turns out to be quite the opposite. I thought I was doing well in trying to write my articles as best I could, but I forgot to interact with the rest of the community and I realize that now I have a problem that should not have existed in the first place. I will change my behaviour and do my best to really be part of this community, one of the best I have ever met :)
I've tried to think of different ideas that could allow for more involvement of the community while relieving the SteemSTEM team of the incredible workload you have right now. Here are some of them I'd like to share with you: (I don't know if it's already been mentioned in the comments, I haven't had time to read them all yet)
The first idea is to offer members a broader mentoring program to connect newcomers with experienced members a bit like what you might see in some universities.
Perhaps it might also be possible to involve community members more in the curation process to facilitate the work of the curators. For example, there could be a channel on discord, accessible to members you have a minimum trust in, on which a bot would post all articles published on the steemstem tag and trusted members could use feedback (the emoji) to say if they think the content is good quality or not, if they have checked the copyright on the images used, if they have verified that it was not a copy/paste or spam. This does not mean promoting, or deciding the curation, but rather facilitating the work of the curators. I used discord as an example but one could imagine using a website or any other service.
The last idea is a way to sort steemstem publications by field either by asking to use a certain tag in addition to steemstem (I know a lot of them already do but maybe standardize it in an article) or have a space where you can share articles according to themes. I think that if we have easier access to articles in the topic we are looking for (even if it doesn't explain everything), we might have more interaction.
Here are my 2 cents, I don't know if these are good or bad ideas, but I hope that some solutions will be found and we will move forward.
Anyway, THANK YOU to all of you ! See you soon !
Thanks a lot for your ideas. The mentoring program is being implemented (we had the same idea at roughly the same time as you did ^^), but for curation, we won't change anything. We are already involving more than 15 people. I guess this is enough.
For the rest, I am afraid that this demands more work (and we are currently trying to reduce our workload./ In any case, thanks for passing by!
This is completely understandable, getting some time off to rearrange things and recharge energy will always be healthy.
I was checking the comments and by reading @suesa's replies the most important problem, as far as I understand, is a serious lack of engagement in the steemstem community.
I think a solution for this could be very easy and I will share with you this example: In discord there is a community called @steemitbloggers and each member must upvote and comment another member on a daily basis. The posts of every member are in different categories since there are several rooms for link dropping (like art and food for example) and its in those rooms where everyone finds another user to give support.
And of course, this support is reported daily, and checked to confirm no one is lying about the support they give.
@qurator has a similar system in their discord as well.
This way we could guarantee the engagement of every member with the community.
What do you think folks?
I am not 100% for any coercitive system. We will actually try something else, but I am still not super sure this will work, where people engaging activities will be monitored. No engagement will mean less community support in the future. The long term will tell us whether this is a good move or not :)
In any case, thanks for passing by and giving your ideas! The more ideas we have, the best it will be to design something optimal ^^