Rebooting SteemSTEM - Towards an engaged community on the STEEM blockchain!

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

I assume all of you have read our rant 3 days ago. If not, you should. Please follow this link before reading on.

Essentially, it was all about engagement. But what is engagement?


Engaging with each other means acting as a community - and having fun! But fundamentally, creating the opportunities to have fun within that community.

I recommend reading the comments made by @kryzsec on the previous post. Let it be known that steemSTEM is not just about the money involved. On top of getting a steemSTEM upvote, here are some suggestions:

  • Give tips to users on how to improve their writing (markdown/html, style, format, etc.)
  • Comment and ask questions on others' posts, or even better, create discussions. Of course, this does not mean doing that on every single one of the 300 posts we consider each week, but simply whichever ones you are actually interested in.
  • When writing posts, one could also consider leaving points open to trigger such discussions and questions.
  • Write response posts (please do not attack others, but engage an adult discussion with arguments). This could also be a pair of collaborative posts (author A writes part 1 and author B writes part 2 for instance).
  • Vote on content and comments, either manually or trail the @steemstem vote.
  • Write about something you are passionate about and share it with us.

This list is not exhaustive, but it is a good start!


It is time to let you know how steemSTEM curation works, in the spirit of transparency.

Our team scours the platform for original and quality content and then decides about the voting strength (small, medium, large) with which the post should be voted. Medium and large votes always require a second curator to double-check and confirm. We also have a moon-ish option that is used maybe 3-4 times a month.

We try to be as generous as possible with the small votes. It is perhaps only a small amount of SBD, but keep in mind this is easily 50 times more than what many users get on STEEM... And what do you think we prefer? Giving 100 SBD to a single individual, or give 25x4 SBD to 25 unique authors?

But sometimes, some posts are really, really great and we are trying to be there to support them as well!

This being said, the rewards we give come mainly from our partnership with @curie, and this comes with some golden rules:

Golden Rule 1

The 18 people in our team (managers, general curators and community curators) are not eligible for this curie vote. In short, the curators and the management get a pay cut for joining the cause (we share the curation and distilled rewards, which gives 2-20 STEEM per person per week for an often full time schedule).

Golden rule 2

Okay, @steemstem has a comfortable delegation. But this doesn't fully compensate: a single individual cannot get more than 2.75% of all steemSTEM votes cast during the last 2 weeks. And this percentage may actually go down in the future. This applies to staff, management, authors; everyone.

We are of course not exempt from the posting standards of steemSTEM either; we have to work hard on our own content just like everybody else.

In summary, the team gives for free. In addition, this takes so much time that they post less. But it is our choice to be a part of this and we are making these sacrifices for a cause we strongly believe in.

So, every time you get a steemSTEM upvote, think about what that means, and think about what you can do in return to make the community a more fulfilling environment.

Why not throw a few comments or votes to any other steemstem-considered posts in exchange? Help us build the community that we alone simply cannot grow. Discover like-minds and engage with them on discord. It's up to you!


To try and improve on these problems of engagement inherent on the STEEM blockchain, we have implemented a test scenario that will be deployed item by item at some point next week.


  • We made our private voting channel public. No more excuses about not knowing what the posts we reward are, and how strongly we reward them... If you see an interesting topic, just click on the link, read and comment (and potentially throw an upvote)!
  • If you have no time to do that but want to use your VP for @steemstem, you can either join our homemade curation bot (check the pinned messages on our discord channel for the how to), or just follow @steemstem on @steemauto (here).
  • If you'd rather not do this, SP delegation is also a solution! With steemconnect and this simple form, it takes at most 5 seconds.

For now, this is simple enough and we hope this will lead to some improvements we can all be proud of.

Honor members

We created the concept of steemSTEM Honor Members. You can apply for the position here. We (@steemstem) will read through the applications, check the qualifications and then pick the ones we think are suited to do this job.
The choice could be made because of their write-ups, their level of engagement, the way they welcome and guide the newcomers, etc.

Our steemSTEM Honor Members will be easily identifiable on the discord. There are three main tasks, from which each honor member can pick one, two or all three:

  • Mentor newcomers and steemians who want to become successful STEM posters (helping inside the general chat room, taking on people who messaged management for help, actively seeking out steemSTEM/related posts to give out advice in the comments).
  • Monitor the (freshly created) public "complaint room", where people can complain about anything (in particular why their super-awesome post has not been curated), and rant in front of everyone. The management and curators will from now on systematically block any private complaint about upvotes; there are more than enough posts in the useful links channel to get even the most naive individuals started.
  • Be our engagement officers, checking the comment/answer/vote behavior of steemstem-supported people. No matter how good their content is, people refusing to engage will naturally see less support from the community.

As a reward, our Honor Members will have access to some secret channels and cool colors for your names on the discord. Who hasn't dreamt about that?


As of this post, we are back in business, and we will try to make these changes as well as further developing our long-term goals. We're not going to drop this initiative, but it is up to the community to decide whether or not we move forward.

The list of people below is our crew. Each individual has personally opted in to sign and support the message in this post.

Founders: @lemouth, @justtryme90
Managers: @anarchyhasnogods, @mobbs, @suesa
General curators: @kryzsec, @ruth-girl, @zest
Community curators: @aboutcoolscience, @alexs1320, @carloserp-2000, @gentleshaid, @greenrun, @guga34, @iamphysical, @kingswisdom, @sco

There are 2 pages

Glad you guys are back.

We as well ^^

First of all. Sincere appreciation to steemSTEM and welcome back to a better and greater science community.

Write about something you are passionate about and share it with us.

This point can never be overemphasized. There is this natural flow that comes when you write on what you're passionate about.

Also, we should all seek for what we can do for the community, not what the community would do for us. In so doing, we would grow together with the community.
Together, we can make steemSTEM greater.
I'll also reiterate to others the need to join the voting trail. I'm part of the trail, and it's an honour

Also, we should all seek for what we can do for the community, not what the community would do for us.

This is a great statement!!! That means everything.

I agree! Also seems pretty much a no brain choice that anyone who writes science post should follow the STEM trail. At least you know your vote isn't wasted and every little bit helps greatly.

Sadly enough, many people are yet to join the trail. But I believe that they would make haste to join.
Again; I know that steemSTEM can only get greater

If everyone could think like you... :)

On this point I agree but overall you don't want that. LOL, there would be nothing but chaos.

More VP available also means more strength to make the community growing :)

That's the energetic and positive spirit we need, people!! :)

True we need to be passion what we are doing for the community as a whole because this will only get bigger.steemstem has so much to not just about the post but engagement.

Passion + engagement = greater community

I fully agree with you, once again ^^

Also, we should all seek for what we can do for the community, not what the community would do for us.

These words are golden bro. Would have said this too but you already did..

That's the spirit bro

Indeed I like the flow of this post, first indicating that steemSTEM is not just about money and explaining how steemSTEM works and its curation activities. I believe anyone whose has the interest of the community at hand will embrace all this suggestions, most especially engagement as it is the bedrock of every community.

But in all, i appreciate this great team and all you have been doing and that which you will do.
Indeed we are on the path to greater days.

Well done to the steemstem management

Thanks! I am looking forward to the future! Let's see how it will be. Together is the key ^^

First of it's good to see STEEMSTEM 2.0 back!

I posted this in discord, and just in case it get's lost in the conversation. My 2c is that amongst the "Honor Members" should we consider the concept of Subject experts? Therefore we have posts/complaints being handled by the people most familiar with that subject.

One other issue Honor members could be subject to victimization from people with high SP.

Honor members will do absolutely NO curation, ever (this would cancel all chances for a curie vote). But I'll keep your idea in the back of my head. For now, we'll try to start with the basics. You're more than welcome to apply if you haven't already :)

And about the SP: We already have @reggaemuffin on our team, maybe there will be more one day. We protect our team (if they acted correctly)

Thank you @suesa that sounds great, and I have applied.

That's a pretty interesting idea and would really make things much easier for the mentors. However, I don't know how simple will it be to implement, or will it become another complex task for the management team. The last thing we want is to put more pressure on the management. But I do like this idea tbh.

Actually, that brings up a point. By "Team" scouring posts, does this imply that everyone including Honor members will seek out posts for curation? If so I would expect that will be self regulating in that curators are more likely to pick out posts made in their area of expertise/interest.

From where things stand at this time, no, the honor members will not be seeking out posts for curation. That will be entirely up to the curators.

As suesa said, curation must stay decoupled from engagement. This is also healthy to avoid too much work for a given person :)

Thanks for sharing your ideas! We take everything :)

I really appreciate the transparency and I think you guys are doing an amazing job. After reading @kryzsec's comment in the last post, I feel as if I could have a bit more fun with my writing. Sometimes, it just comes off too structured. I think the challenge to simply have fun while writing will not only make a better writer, but it will also make my posts a bit easier on the eyes. I also need to be a bit more engaged on Steemit!

I'm unsure if this has been proposed before, but it'd be nice if proven Steemian's could help in the curation process to some degree. Just to help lighten the load a bit.

Thanks for all the hard work everybody!

Problem is, those who help with curation can no longer receive a curie vote. So we need to limit the curation team a bit. But there are plenty of other ways to help the community, just by trying to connect with and help others!

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Curation is actually fine. The problem is really engagement. This is where help is needed and this is what we ask: everyone starting to take care of each other.

every day we will work harder promoting this wonderful community, but without you the users who publish their quality content day after day this could not be possible, that is why all of us (founders, managers, curators and users) must put our granite to improve and strengthen STEM

Very well said! I hope this will be read by many!

Great you are already back!

I hope many people will read this and follow the suggestions - on #steemstem posts as well as on other post! On the other head I want to encourage authors to upvote (good) comments as well! Why should a great comment deserve less than a mediocre post?

I know many people already do this, still wanted to add it!

Greets, Martin

Let's see. I now look far ahead.

In particular, after the 300 reactions of the former posts (I still haven't answered them all), I really think several of our members will move together with us. I just do not know how many (hopefully more than a bunch)....

I am all for commenting and upvoting comments! Not only by the authors, but by those passing by as well.

A warm welcome to us.
Anything worth doing at all, worth doing well.
To achieve the best of this community, we really need to work together as a team. I considered this post as a "safe our soul" message that needs a deep thought of consideration. The message was so clear and precise, it clearly intimated us many ways to build our community. I do want to believe that everyone is important in this community. It is high time we take up our responsibilities individually without being told. Perhaps, you think that you don't have a huge amount of SP, so your vote give little or no SBD, then your decided no to vote at all, just remember that many droplet of water can fill a bowl. Don't wait untill you have thousands of SP before you delegate SP to this community, even your 100SP can go a long way to build this community. Imagine 100SP delegations from 500 community members, that sum up to 50,000 SP which is even close to the current SP steemstem owns presently. We shouldn't expect non-member of this community to build our community for us.
This is my little submission.

Thanks for your message. I totally agree with it!

That was faster than expected!

I'm interested in becoming an honor member- do they remain eligible for steemstem upvotes, or are they excluded like curators are?

I spent some time thinking about my engagement in Steemstem over this little break, and realized that most of my engagement lately has been with the same few people that I follow regularly already through steemstem. I definitely need to just start perusing the tag more for new stuff to read and comment on.

You all have been instrumental in my success on Steemit- I've really found my niche in science blogging, and I never would have been able to keep it up if it wasn't for your support and engagement!

Honor members will do 0 curation, so there will be normal votes :)

Cool, I'll be applying, then!

Glad to see steemstem members I follow for some time applying :)

The break was essential. The comeback needs to be strong, from the community.

Without a doubt steemSTEM has the most highly educated users here on steemit, but the engagement was almost non-existent and we, me included, are equally guilty of this.

Imagine the amount of knowledge and ideas that could have been passed around if we would have been a bit more interactive!! Who knows, the next Stephen Hawking might just be hiding among us, in the steemSTEM community!!

Here's to a new start!! Cheers!!

This group has so much untapped potential. I mean we have everything from high school students with a passion to people holding PhD's. I am not saying for sure that we have someone like Hawking or Einstein here but I do think that if the community worked together... Well we could achieve some amazing things.

I do think that if the community worked together... Well we could achieve some amazing things.


Very few were actually paying attention to engagement. Which is why we somehow rang an alarm bell. Let;s hope many have heard it. We will see very soon ^^

I'm very excited to see how this unfolds ^^

me to, TBH ^^

Thank you to all of the Steemstem team for your dedication. The posts I see in Distilled are often the best posts I read on this platform. It's amazing that this community is all a volunteer effort.

I'd like to join the Steemstem voting trail and contribute my small vote but I'm not sure how to securely use Steemauto. Is there a guide anywhere I can use?

Thanks a lot for joining our trail and your nice words. You can also contact us on discord to be added to our private voting bot. As you prefer ^^

Just make sure you use your posting key for Steemauto (they even warn you about this after you connect). Keep in mind you will need to initially provide the elevated password to steemconnect to allow it to add Steemauto access to your posting privileges. This guide from @teamaustralia is very helpful.

Thanks! I should be all set up now, hopefully it helps Steemstem a bit.

I will do the same. I think it is better for us "minnows" to setup voting this way rather than delegating SP as the curation rewards are lost. I think one of the goals was to build voting power in the STEM community and every bit of reward counts.

I am rather stunned by this post and the previous post that was linked. I couldn’t see the value of posting on steemit outside of steemstem. I may probably continue to write, although infrequently, on steemit simply because Steemstem exists. My last post was tagged steemstem although I wasn’t expecting a vote. It was just loyalty of sorts. I am glad to know you are back in business. Honestly it surprises me that you guys find the time to do this. I am heartened by your comeback.
I have though a lot about how I can help. I have a full time really tough job that takes 12 hours per day on average. That is what pays the bills.Then I teach for free and somehow I have become popular. I am obviously not sleeping enough. I only have about 1200 SP. I guess my best bet is to delegate? It is a very small amount. Will it help? If I were to apply for honorary curation and accepted, how much will I have to spend per week? Can someone help with some answers?

You can either delegate or join the voting trail. Feel free to write me a DM on Discord for further details.

I would say join the trail over delegating. Joining the trail (either via steemauto or through our in house bot) will allow you to vote on the content steemstem does but also allows you to vote with all of your steem power. You can always vote proportional to ours, so if we vote something at 60% and you vote 50% proportional then you will only vote 30% on that post which will earn you some curation rewards (which are good to give you more steem power but it will be slow) and yeah.

The reason why I say not to delegate is that yo can then still vote with all of your power, you have better control over your stake, and you grow your account. So preferably, follow the trail.

Thankyou, I found this gut science beatdown in discord. He is will care of stuff. I hope.

There ia no honorary curation, honor members don't ever curate. But if you apply, you can put in as much time as you have. And if you notice that you don't have any, you can opt-out again :)

Got it. Thanks. I did fill in the application. Now off to join the trail.

Any delegation matters. Some people have delegated 10.000 SP, and others have delegated 20 SP. There is no small help. Any is just good.

Other option is to trail us (as said on the other comments).

Thanks for considering those possibilities! :)

I did hand out my info on discord to someone who is supposed to place me on the curation trail. I have no idea what a curation trail means. I am happy to delegate 700 SP and will do more in time. Let’s see if I can figure out how to do it by tomorrow morning. If I can’t sort it out, I will ask for help.

A trail means that if steemtem upvote something, you will upvote the very same something. This yields the same effect as delegating, except that the (probably small) curation rewards are for you.

I hope this helps.

Okay I understand it now. Anyways, I have delegated 700 SP as well. I shall help further if I gain SP in the future.

Thanks a lot for your contribution! We do really appreciate it!

did hand out my info on discord to someone who is supposed to place me on the curation trail. I have no idea what a curation trail means. I am happy to delegate 700 SP and will do more in time. Let’s see if I can figure out how to do it by tomorrow morning. If I can’t sort it out, I will ask for help.

Thank for being so transparent. This transparency is extremely valuable for and fairly unique to steemstem as far as I know. It is also a breath of fresh air to know that you guys are actively trying to cultivate the community in constructive ways. Its a much better way to approach building a community then just trying to squash the people who are just trying to game the system.

We want to do more than many of the other 'communities' on steemit do. We want to build internal support but we also want to bring people into steemit and keep them here, something many others seem to have no interest in.

As far as most of us are concerned, transparency (to some extent) is imperative for trust and for the system to work.

I absolutely agree. Without naming any names, some of the other "communities" on this site have been absolutely terrible in this regard. I post almost every single day because I enjoy making my tutorials and I really want people to learn something (obviously money is also a motivation). And yet, despite this and despite the consistent quality of my work, I've had some of these other communities smoother me with "vague rules" and misinformation. You'd think that there would be some kind of trust (as well as give and take) after 4-5 months worth of quality content, but that doesn't seem to be a priority for these other groups.

When I first started doing my thing on steemit, I was approached on my Facebook account by an individual from steemstem (someone who was in the community I believe). she helped me get started and I am extremely grateful that she did this.

We have always acted in the positive way. There is no point in trying to kill what is bad. First it is too much work, and then there is so many that we are outnumbered from the start. In contrast, trying to push what is good will lead to the same result, but with a more personal satisfaction. The bad will still be there, but well buried under the good. Let's hope this works too with engagement.

I absolutely agree with this sentiment, however there are many people who have a little bit of power who do not seem to understand this; they would rather sit and quash the bad then try to embrace the good.

I guess we need both... Also, for very abusive behaviors, we may need a very bad reaction. On the steemstem level, it is just that we neither have the SP, nor the will to tackle that. The problems are not extreme enough for justifying negative actions.

The essence of the #steemSTEM project is reflected in this publication. The vision and mission of each of the members: Founders, Managers, General Curators and Community curators are very clear and is based on: Commitment, Loyalty, Transparency and Quality for the strengthening of the scientific community within

Totally :)

Welcome back my dearest steemstem. Hitches are cool for growth and this will not in any way be an exemption. I have not been involved in the community as much as I would have loved to but I hope this changes in the nearest future.

Also, I will suggest that the management should occasionally take a few days recession to review the community activities and fathom ways to make things better.

Overall, I have been following steemstem voting trail since the first day I got their vote and I will look for ways to even support better in the nearest future. Kudos to the management and the curators. We are lovers of science even when no dime was involved.

I love you all

We will have a constant eye on how things evolve, and our new honor members will be a great help :)

Every little step by every steemian... will make this project great ^^

Welcome back @steemstem
I believe we are back stronger. I’ll try my possible best to engage in the community.
I encourage every other person to do this too and keep creating quality content!
As we grow stronger and better in unity
Change begins with me
Change begins with us.!

This change is very positive and we hope that we can all contribute :)

Changes begin with every single one of us!

I just hope the users will realize they should engage more not because steemSTEM asks for it but for their own good. The only thing that give our words meaning is our audience, without an audience we are just talking to the void. Support each other and you will discover that writing can also be stimulating, rewards are not everything.

I have read all 300+ comments of the previous post. I am really doubtful at the moment. Most seem to focus on curation. I hope this time we have been clearer. This, the future will tell us :)

I've been involved in a couple communities that have stepped back and reset. It's a difficult decision to make but ultimately the right one. Setting up a clear vision is usually the key and I think it's pretty clear with what you have outlined above. Expect to see me hovering around a lot more... I'm popping in and out of a couple of commuties... All very worthwhile and each focusing on quality over quantity, community building and engagement.

Looks like a good move.

We'll be glad to have you "on board". We know community building is a hard work, but people who genuinely care can make them happen!

We don't really reset. We continue but with addons. Let's hope the addons will make this a living community in a close future ^^

I see greater minds behind the scene working together for a better STEM future.... Now what got me

Write about something you are passionate about and share it with us.

Am guilty about the trail because my vote is not even worth anything but I try to vote manually

I hope and pray the decision taken by the team will make the community grow bigger

Rebooting the system is fine it means proper upgrade have been done to the system operating system that will aid to good performancewelcome back @steemstem

I made a post on the cumulative power of the steemstem community here specifically to show that your vote is not worthless. I mean if we saw 200 votes worth 0.01 SBD then sure its only worth $2 but that is still worth way more than what a majority of posts get. However if everyone feared that their vote was worthless then the post would get $0. So no vote is worthless :D

Then am joining the trail like now

......... 'I just did'


As said by @kryzsec, any little help is something. Thus must be kept in mind! Together, we will do seomthing great!

Good to have you back!

I really appreciate the time and effort put into SteemSTEM, and it's also really refreshing to have some transparency within the system too.

I definitely agree that for the most part, smaller rewards with a wider distribution is definitely the way to go. It will help SteemSTEM reach and inspire a wider community, opposed to the selected few.

Keep up the good work and I shall look forward to taking part within the community and contributing my bit in the future :)

We will focus on the rewards, but under the condition the community focuses on engagement. Let's see where this will bring us.

I wish to welcome our dear community back on board.
I believe that my dear fellow community members will use this new opportunity to brace up and work together for the better progress of steemSTEM.its high time we flush opportunist out of the system.

Why not throw a few comments or votes to any other steemstem-considered posts in exchange? Help us build the community that we alone simply cannot grow. Discover like-minds and engage with them on discord. It's up to you!

This time around I will implore all community members to help each other to grow.There shouldn't be lone ranger In the house anymore.Everyone should join hands together and make everyone stay worthwhile.

Once again kudos to the management and
@justtryme9 @lemouth , @mobbs, @suesa @anarchyhasnogods @kryzsec, @ruth-girl, @aboutcoolscience, @alexs1320, @carloserp-2000, @gentleshaid, @greenrun, @guga34, @iamphysical, @kingswisdom, @sco @zest

I also promise to be more supportive than before.

Thanks for your future contribution. I wish everyone will do the same! :)

Let us make it happen, it's always good to take some time off and re-evaluate things. I'm happy to see the progress we've achieved so far, the ideas to better position the community, the enthusiasm and excitement all geared towards a better STEM community. Special thanks to everyone that contributed.

Let us do this.

Yes, let us do this!

SteemSTEM has provided a platform for all STEM writers like myself. I must say we owe a lot to the management and the rest of the crew. You guys are doing a great job with all sincerity and modesty. For this, I really commend your effort towards bringing everyone into limelight by creating this community.

Welcome back!!!

All we ask in return is to help out the fellow community members. I mean if there was nobody writing stem posts then we would have no reason to work so hard on this project.

We used to give without asking anything to anyone. Now it is time for a change. We need the emergence of a real community.

Welcome back guys!

Once again you have shown us your seriousness and your love for Steemit and his community. Now we all have to prove the same!
Good luck! I think the new policy is challenging and brave, but it could be the right way!

Thank you!

We believe that the ones who care about the community will work to make it stronger!

Who does not like a good old challenge? :D

The best of man is one who recognizes his duty and executes it without delay or exception. Here, the steemSTEM has again risen to what it stands for. Now is the time for the community to follow suit. Let's be brothers, friends and families. Let's extend our hands to draw each other up.

i use this medium to commend the efforts of the management as a whole..May God strengthen you the more and reward you abundantly....I amproud to be a menber of this great family....

steemSTEM for the win

We will see, but I wish you are right ^^

Honestly, this is the first great news I've heard this week. For the past six days, I've to re-do my assignment a few times to satisfy my supervisor; I've been mourning the death of Stephen Hawking, my uncle and my niece (car accident) and yesterday, I just find out that one of my paper was rejected by some online publications. Welcome back steemSTEM. You've made my day.

Sorry about your paper :(

Thank you. I will make up for it somehow.

Sorry about all of this. I hope those bad news will make you stronger for the future!

It seems I have no choice but to be strong. It's tiring but I think it is something that has lots of lessons in it.

Yeah, there are indeed not too many choices there... :(

I am still quite new to Steemit but I have come to appreciate the SteemStem community a great deal.

I do my best to write quality science, health and technology articles and to upvote my fellow Steemians.

I have mentored some people with reputations lower than mine on my own initiative. I will increase that effort now that I see that this community is strong and dedicated. With my education in physics and my career in engineering physics I think I can add a great deal in the months and years to come.

Your curation efforts have always provided me with great encouragement to keep going at this and they have been quite a bright spot in my short Steemit career.

I will be going over this post and the 'rant' post as well to see what I can do to help out.

I am in this for the long term and want to see both Steemit and SteemStem to succeed.

SteemStem and technology-trail both seem like healthy communities and good ways to do that.

Question: What do you guys need more of:

  • Mentoring? or
  • Delegation of Steem Power to your fund?

Both :P But I guess mentors are more wildly available than SP Delegation, as we already had a handful of mentors a day after I first tried to find one and we still struggle to get Delegation after over a year.

As suesa said, we need everything from the community. The more we have, the more we can help to make this growing!

Heading off to class right now, so not enough time for an in-depth comment. I will say this: Thank you! Thank you for your time, your care, your live, and your energy. I promise to do my part to be a contributing and active participant!

Thanks for your understanding about the problem! And good luck with the classes ^^

Making the voting room public is a unique way to improve engagement that I had not thought of before now. So it is now possible to see the quality in the posts selected and vote it with your upvote and engagement even before the curators work on it. This is a step in the right direction.

It is so good to have the community back. Now we know that we should not take it for granted.

Nope. Very very ungranted actually would be the truth. We really want this community to be a real community.

I believe there us already some improvement during the break. Thanks for replying.

We implemented some. And I also think the community reacted mostly in a positive manner. Let's see let's see :)

That's great news. Yeah, let's see:)

Ok. I'll make a post of how I format, research and edit my posts in HTML. I have many people who have asked for it and some whom I have taught but this should be better.

I actually made a dtube video explaining a little of the html stuff, but i didn't have as many followers as you have so it didn't stick

When you pass by posts of others, feel free to drop the link if needed (in a not too spammy way to avoid them getting mad ^^)

I've checked your video. For instance, while there are posts that have already explained how to send an image left and right here there are things that are lacking from what I do. For instance, I do. Table nesting. Independent pictures in mosaic. Making one's own gifs online. Doing text with a different color background. Small details.

Of course, the main thing is how I research and why I pick the topics I pick.

Also, your video lacks a cheat sheet or a quick input method.

E.g. You can check the difference here of what I do. In terms of content and format.

All this formating is automatic.

You can also give hints when checking the post of others. This is helpful too ^^

mmm, maybe a better option to a post would be a case by case approach. Me checking on the people personally, of course, I have no much time for such a thing but is worth a try.

Welcome back!

It's been great to see all the discussion in the last posts, as well as on @kryzsec's post. I hope this will make the community more engaged with each other, and I plan to do my part in this by becoming better at upvoting and leaving comments on other SteemSTEM members' posts.

And by the way, you misspelled @kryzsec at the beginning of this post, so you get an error if you click on his name.

Best regard from @valth

Ahaha! The typo has been fixed. Thanks for pointing it out (even @kryzsec did not see it :p).

More seriously, let's see where this will lead us :)

Welcome back family!
There is no going back on the community and i am sure better days are ahead.
Thumbs up 👍

Let's see. The future will tell! :)

SteemSTEM has provided a platform for all STEM writers like myself. I must say we owe a lot to the management and the rest of the crew. You guys are doing a great job with all sincerity and modesty. For this, I really commend your effort towards bringing everyone into limelight by creating this community.

Welcome back!!!

Thank you!
It's in the hands of us all to make the community grow! We will need each and every one towards building it strong and healthy! :)

Thanks! :)

Hello, this looks like a great group, excited to be a part of it. My interests mostly lie in the STEM area. I am very new to Steemit, but will do my best to support this group and be involved in discussions.

I recommend joining our Discord server. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of the mentors you can find there :)

Joined now, thanks

Welcome here! I hope you will have a lot of fun! :)

engagements is a key in growing a community especially one like the STEM community, science should be an interactive discourse where primary and secondary knowledge should be shared between different parties. Research is not a one man thing and thus should have some criticism both positive and negative.

Well, if the community refuses to engage with the author, what could (s)he do? This is actually the purpose of our message. I hope people will hear it ^^

This is a post I have been waiting for, thanks @ lemouth. I've once asked in one of your posts to please create an opportunity to contribute to the community and the opportunity has finally come. Steemstem is our home and Indeed am happy with this development. I would also love to join steemstem trail but my vp is low for now, I will to get more steem power or can i join with my low voting power?

Yeah, we were actually engagement to arise alone. It didn't work, so that now we will find a way to steer it :)

Concerning the trail, every single unit of SP is useful. Imagine you 100 users give 100 SP. This means, 10.000 SP, which is a lot!

I would love to apply to the honor member staff, but unfortunately i think that with college i wouldn't be much of an addition to the team, i will try to help as much as i can even without being one :) I'm putting a pause on steemstem posts until the summer, atm i have no time to work on steemstem posts with all the college/life stuff.

Thanks to you! Every single little effort matters, at this stage. Feel free to involve yourself in a stringer way when time will permit it :)

Good to know you are back, my greetings and congratulations to the whole team, I have been participating for a very short time and it seemed to me that they did a great job. The problems also make us grow, I believe that anyone who has a real interest in the community will accept these suggestions, especially commitment. I hope to contribute to the strengthening of this great community. Greetings to all.

I am not sure everyone believes like you. But maybe a large enough majority will. This, the future will tell us :)

So shall. Only the future will tell us, success!

Ah, what a relieve to read this post! 100 % of its content is in consensus with my own conviction on the #steemSTEM project. I wish you guys a manageable workload and a more satisfying community we can build upon.
¡Todo lo mejor! Compañeros :)

We will see. The future will tell us if we were correct ^^

Once more looking at the tags , is it mainly science, maths and eng related posts you guys curate? If not how do one get noticed is it via the new listings or one applies . Nice initiative, great team. Keep it up guys. All for one. 👌

Yes, the team curates only STEM related topics. To get noticed you don't need to apply. You just have to produce high quality STEM content and use the #steemstem tag. Here's a Guideline on how to create high quality content to get noticed by the curation team.

I would also suggest you give This post a read.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and we include other tags as well in our search (i.e. health, biology, physics, cryptography, programming, etc), basically anything that involves S.T.E.M.

Good one. Let's keep steeming hot and be in touch 😎

As said by @kryzsec, we focus on all tags related to the STEM area, as well as our own tag (#steemstem) that increases the chance to get noticed ;)

Good to have you back stronger and better. Kudos to all the management team, you guys are doing a great work to keep this community running. Steemstem have benefited me in no small measure and with this latest development I am ready to commit everything in me to the growth of this community. I am joining the steemstemtrail right away. Thank you once again for making this happen.

Thanks a lot for your commitments and support! :)

I wanted to post this ages ago but 504 wouldn't let me.
I usually read all the comments before posting but this time it was a bad idea :) I see the usual crowd but also some new faces. Everything having already being sad I can only say that I am and will be honored to work with you! Kudos to all!

Same for us! We need everyone to jump in! :)

Sustenance is key when doing good, lest it be taken for granted.

I believe with these checks in place, it would be better sustained. I joined the discord group recently and I am so glad I did.
I hope to engage more and create posts which are worth upvotes.
Well done.

I hope that things will get better. The future will tell us :)

It's great to see such awesome updates in our SteemSTEM community. Really happy with it's growth. And samminator's words are right, we, being the part of the community, should think what we can give back to it.

It's really refreshing to be back here after a two month's break due to exams and my Andriod Development tasks. :)

Glad to see you are still around! I thought you had left :(

Can't leave this awesome scientific community. :)

Good to read :D

It is your understanding that determines your stand as i use to say. Just from your post

So, every time you get a steemSTEM upvote, think about what that means, and think about what you can do in return to make the community a more fulfilling environment

Until the understanding of seeming move away from i want to make money for myself and focus on what can i do to benefit others, the aim and goal of steemstem channel and account are defeated. We just need a great mind that will continuously use discord medium or any other mean possibly via post explain what the main goal of steemstem.

I have started my follow up on the group and i will continue to do my best in my little capacity.

With our mentoring program, people not engaging enough will be less and less supported. It is again monetary basis, but it may work. And the quality of engagement will be monitored.

This new rule marks a new beginning in the STEM community. Even though i don't understand some aspects in the post. But all that matters to me is that the community is back and going to be stronger than it used to be. Thank you to the management.

Don;t hesitate to ask if you have questions, either here or on the chat.

Definitely @lemouth i will ask as much as i can. Hopefully people are much friendly. I will do my possible best to comment on posts.

A remarkably swift comeback. You guys are really doing great a job and this initiative looks great. Let’s try it out and see where it goes. Kudos to the team.

Yep, the future will tell... I am hopeful ^^

Well said. I will do the much I can to contribute to this great community. #steemstem-rocks.

Good to know that steemstem is back as a stronger and better community. With this rules, iI believe everyone will contribute meaningfully to the steemstem community.

It's good to be back! Let's hope we will all act like the strong community we deserve to be!

I am looking forward :)

We all are!! :D

I don't know if we are already stronger and better. This, the future will tell us.

I've already seen the strength. We can only get stronger

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