In order to understand how gravitational waves are formed, it is good to first study general relativity a little bit
i never had much trouble with the visualisation of einsteins concept of spacetime , my abnormal non-verbal mind probably helps a bit with that. It's basically where i get most of my metaverse-philosophy from. I see entities and gravity everywhere ... two people in a couple revolving, megacorporations with satellite business, suns and planets, planets and moons, gravity on every level and everything's an entity , grouped or not.
I never thought about the waves like this though but it makes total sense, if a massive object causes a dent in the fabric of space(time) then motion creates ripples, but what does it consist of ?
is this what you call "gravitons"? and so gravitons are massless particles, pure energy, like fotons ? only fotons DO have mass when moving, right ? since that's why you can't go faster than light according to accepted theory, mass becomes infinite (thats why i keep saying all you need for FTL is infinite amounts of energy - on an abstract mathematical level lol)
i see the waves though if i think about, two whales dancing around each other in the big steem-sea , attracting all those dolphin due to their massive size, in turns attracting all those minnows due to the combined mass of this mini galaxy
and all the plankton round it :p
visualization, gotta love it

Well, gravity is there indeed.
Accelerating masses create ripples in fact. Not any motion.
Gravitons have not been observed yet. In fact, there is probably no way (at least today) to observe them by virtue of their tiny interaction strengths (assuming they exist). And what you said is correct: of gravitons exist, they are massless.
interesting thoughts :)
i have lots of thoughts, sometimes a bit too many, some more interesting than others, i got one answer completely right ... 1outof4 i didnt pass the exam yet :|
so that's ripples in space-time , or an actual oscillation in energy through space ?
Gravitational waves carry energy. So both would work, somehow.
Waves carry energy. So
Both would work, somehow.
- lemouth
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
both should work somehow ... schroedingers cat all over
, that's quantum physics for ya ... life used to be simple, 1+1=2 , now 1+1 might be 2 in most cases hahah, i dont understand how any single person can cram all that into one brain, really. I consider myself slightly above average on a classic 1960s intelligence scale as defined by people who need to measure it but a lot of this is material i really need to read two or three times. It gets a lot better when you leave the numbers and the symbols out, that's why i like your work so much 
oh, looks like you got a haiku there, quantum-poetry ... maybe time for a part-time career on stage ? :)
Quantum poetry requires quantum emoticons (just read it this morning) ^^
quantum computing avant la lettre ? That is mighty interesting ... allow me to push it on the stack right after "introduction to python" ... seems its going to be hard to do automated posts without any bit of python so i guess i'll have to ... thanks a lot for the link , that looks REALLY interesting
experiments in quantum computing ...
I had a lot of fun to read this post. However, note this is very far from my zone of comfort ;)