Really well done post! Takes me back to my analytical geometry/trigonometry class. The one I barely passed even after hours a week of tutoring hehe. I made it half way through your equations =p. Enjoyed the read very much, though. You are a good teacher. Have you looked up @utopian? I think you might fit in well there.
Side note. I fundraised in 7th grade to go to the talihasse Florida space camp for a week. It was a really cool program. I learned I did not want to be an astronaut there, mainly because I couldn't handle the 360° gravity spinny thing. I forget now what it's called. Anyway, thanks again for the well constructed post
Thanks a lot! I tried to keep it simple since as a Computer Programmer i often am lazy and want the simplest solutions to my problems. It's as simple as I could, but I am not a teacher or have any experience teaching. And that is an art in itself!