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RE: Introduceyourself: Particle Physicist at the Compact Muon Solenoid at CERN

in #steemstem7 years ago

Hi Freya!

Nice post.

I did study some quantum physics for a while and what it revealed to me was very disturbing at that point. And the same fact make me feel confused about the search for all this particles and forces.

The obvious fact that it revealed was that THERE IS NO MATTER. There is no atoms. there is no particles. There is no forces.

All of those things are merely how (energy?) behaves.

In the same way that there is no objective dance. The dance is a description of how the dancer behaves.

The same goes for matter. Matter is how just how existence behaves from a certain magnification/point of view.

Realizing this, you can logically see that all we can find out by looking closer at the (so called) physical world, is just smaller and more details patterns of the same dance.

My question to you anyone in LHC is now,
What is it that you want to find there, really? What would be worth finding? honestly.

With all this said! I love exploring the universe and many of the amazing moderns methods with wich we do so. I just no longer see it as anything more than a game.

Truth lies in the other direction ;)