Never been vaccinated, never been sick.
They use fear and government propaganda to mislead the population into thinking vaccines are safe in order to control the people and make themselves billions in the process.
Never been vaccinated, never been sick.
They use fear and government propaganda to mislead the population into thinking vaccines are safe in order to control the people and make themselves billions in the process.
You’ve been luck to experience one of the amazing benefits of living in the UK. Our vaccination program is so effective that it prevents the spread of the disease to such a degree that those that are not vaccinated (or can’t be vaccinated, as is the case for those with a compromised immune system) are shielded.
Also, full disclosure, there’s a good chance I’m going to steal your phrase here for a blog post on this topic in the future
I know you think you’re helping by sharing the information below but most of this really isn’t viable information to inform how we structure our disease prevention programs. The emotional content here is high and that has a habit of drawing us in, but the narrative that is spun really doesn’t hold much water when you talk to the people involved in vaccine policy.
You Just got Lucky Bro.
Absoloutely. those vaccine ingredients are well worth keeping away from. What a lot of damage they've caused! Mercury, aluminium, aborted fetal cells, formaldehyde, to name but a few...oh my goodness why would you want to put these poisons into a healthy child.
Thanks for the misinformation propaganda.
Just hope your kids get close to mine.
You're the one who has fallen for the misinformation propoganda if you believe vaccines don't do damage.
Sorry brother, but arguing with anti-vaccine people is like arguing with flat-earthers. No matter how many actual scientific evidence your throw at them, they will keep denying it.
I've presented evidence of vaccine damaged people. I'm not the one in denial.
Here is how scientific research and evidence works:
Biased youtube videos isn´t actual evidence.
Scientific method exists for a reason.