
There are not exactly the same. Particles would accelerate in an electric field whilst magnetic fields can be used to control their track.

What if for example there are several magnetic dimensions? This would open the possibility for another type of antiparticle.

Sorry, but I didn't understand the question. Can you be more specific? There is no such a thing like a magnetic dimension (only space and time here).

Thanks for replying to a complete physics dork:-)

With magnetic dimensions, I had in mind that magnetic fields have a plus and a minus pole and I thought perhaps there could be particles with more than one pole for each, something like that:


Or is this a different kind of particle.. or two merged into one?

Wait a second.. I just realize my error: With such a configuration, the magnetic fields would merge and result in a new plus/minus pair.

Not bad. I answered my own physics question. It may have been a dumb one, but I'm also kind of a bit proud of myself:-)

There are systems (i.e. not particles themselves but things more complex) that have more than one pole. For instance, at the LHC, we have dipole magnets, but also quadrupoles (like in the picture or here).