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RE: The neutron darkness in a bottle (and a beam)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

The fact of not having any degree is a good reason for not shutting up and speaking! In fact, no one should never restrain himself/herself from asking a question.

At least, I am always available (and if not, I find a suitable moment later). And I actually a bunch of people who are too. But this is country and mentality dependent of course.


i couldn't agree more :) shutting up has never been my forté anyway hahah

This is a nice quality, IMO ^^

i might have a few obscure qualities hidden somewhere, its hard to tell in the middle of nay sayers who feel one should stick to one topic. I personally think it's not the truth , because tends to be a relative concept, but its the power of the question and the will to use it that matters more. anyway, its a long way to go still, but your work is really top-notch man

I agree with that: one topic always brings something more, and so on :D

Thanks for the nice comment on my work, btw ^^

well, you deserve more than i can hand out lol its hearfelt and honest, its like doing gods work in the 2018s (metaforically ofcourse, i dont believe in gods who care, i have my own theory on how anything of divine magnitude, if exist would have a hard time noticing microbial scum like the like of us without using a divine electron microscope lol so if that god of theirs exists its probably not even aware unless its actively looking :p)

but i also leave everyone to their beliefs as long as they dont shove theirs up my aa, down my throat heh

for all i know the ancient ones designed it so when the universe breathes in again the supermassive black holes will collect all data like a cosmic zipfile, makes it easy for aliens of divine magnitude to come back in a few hundred billion and collect the data from their 'little experiment'

yea m.... noting crazier than von danichen would cook up ;-)

I personally believe in facts. The rest does not really matter ;)

shakespeare would disagree between heaven and earth and einstein never let the lack of fact stop him from being right before he could prove it lol but its a super-scientist thing to say i suppose :)

it's like atheists would go : god has not been proven therefor there is none

thats why i prefer the polytheist agnostic approach : "i dont know" ;-)