Very nice article. What are you working on in your offline life? Are you a scientist? I was away from Steem during the last month and I am happy to have read your post as the first post after my return :)
This being said, I have a few comments on the first part of the post.
It is generally thought that the Universe started with tremendous fury in the Big Bang, just less than 14 thousand million years ago, when a super-hot dense 'soup' of sub-atomic particles exploded with unimaginable force. It was then that hydrogen atoms were first created. Some of these fused to give helium, and so a second element was born.
Strictly speaking, hydrogen formation did not happen at the time of the big bang, but during the first seconds of the life of the universe (which is thus after the big bang).
After about a thousand million years, stars began to form
Stars began for form only 1.6 million years after the big bang thanks to gravity.
I do research when I'm not online reading science journals. Yes, I'm a scientist; a chemist to be specific.
Thanks, for coming by and for your good "few" comments. I appreciate. And I'm glad you found my post interesting to read. Be on the look-out for more.
Two is a few, isn't it ? :)
I didn't say it but I always like to read about science history. This always makes me smile about how we evolve to what we know today.