I am totally addicted to sugar
Would you believe it, earlier I was looking for posts to read, saw your name, was ready to click and then saw the title and I was like..... Noooooo
You are going to tell me it is bad for me hahahaha
I didn't want to knowwwww
This is how addicted I am to sugar
Well I did read it ... and you see even research says it is hard.....boohoohooo
But might explain why I am sooooooo forgetful....
Working on already cutting back.... not tomorrow... right now
Wow.... this is really ramblings of a sugarholic right? hahaha
Thank you for sharing this with us @zen-art
I wrote the post thinking that it will push me to kick the sugar, nope. It did not :D I was writing the post and am writing this comment while still eating candy BUT I do have plans, big big plans :D
This "Sugar" is the Devil hahaha
All the best @zen-art
I am also working on it