Reinforced fiber polymers; properties and applications.
A reinforced fiber polymer is a composite material consisting of a polymer matrix embedded with high strength fibers. In general, the polymer matrix is a thermoset plastic, such as unsaturated polyester or epoxide, but thermoplastic polymers are also used, such as nylon (polyamides), polycarbonate, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. In addition, elastomers are also reinforced with fibers for rubber products such as tires and transported belts.
The fibers of the CMP take different forms: Discontinuous (in pieces), continuous or woven like cloth. The main fiber materials in FRP are glass, carbon and Kevlar 49. Boron and steel are among the least common fibers. Glass (particularly E glass) is the most common fiber material in today's FRP; its use as a plastic reinforcer dates back to 1920, approximately.
Kevlar 49