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RE: Metacognition - staying in charge of your own thoughts

in #steemstem6 years ago

I think this is the most difficult skill in life.

How many times have I wished that I could think before acting? Resist the emotional impulse in favour of rational thinking.

And yet, changing mental attitude is so so hard...

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Oh @irelandscape, it can get hard, especially if we are emotionally invested with certain actions and thoughts and consider them part of our being. A character is nothing more than actions and opinions that have been repeated over and over until they stuck :D It is a continues work to improve ourselves, some days are easier and some days we completely blow it but the point is to keep working and as often as we can, have a good conversation with ourselves ;) Yeah @riverflows, meditation does help and so does practice. Big results do not come overnight but little ones do and that is the whole point, to take baby steps. No matter how small a step is, it is progress and little by little, we become better people.

Much love and enjoy your weekend lovely people! 💚💚💚

upvoting your comment since Your post is past payout :( Well written and researched!! sharing to twitter right now!

Meditation. Practice. Once you rewire it's hard to go back.

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