The side of the science of the matter and the antimatter

in #steemstem6 years ago

Source of image of pixabay

Physically the matter is defined as the form of energy, which has the attributes of possessing a mass, with an extension in the space and time, the antimatter to just as the matter, it is a substance composed by atoms formed by elementary particles, that it has the same quantity of mass and electrical energy, that the electrons, the protons and the neutrons, but whose load is of the opposite sign, collectively it is named an antiparticle, which they qualify in positrons, antiprotons and antineutrons. The matter and the antimatter cannot exist close one of other one, since the smallest fraction of time, it deteriorates mutually with the production of big quantity of energy, it has been suggested that some distant galaxies are composed by antimatter, the concept of antimatter arose as a rhetorical resource in the study and analysis of the duality between the positive load and the denial.


The subatomic particles of the antimatter have charges opposite to the particles of the matter, in the image, proton, electron and neutron in both, source of image of mastery of Wikimedia Commons, Author: Anynobody.

The scientific recognized hypotheses suppose that as you go basis of the universe they existed matter and antimatter in equal proportions, nevertheless, the universe that we observe seemingly is composed only by particles and not by antiparticles. The motives are not known by those who have not found big structures of antimatter in the universe.

Existence of galaxies of antimatter tied by antigravity: Scientific very few trust in this possibility, but she could not have been yet completely discarded, it was an option where there appears the hypothesis, which there could be regions of the universe consisted of antimatter, up to the date there does not exist way of distinguishing between matter and antimatter at long distances, since his behavior and properties are indistinguishable. Arguments exist to believe that this hypothesis is very improbable, since the antimatter in the shape of antiparticles believes constantly in the universe in the collisions of particles of high energy, as the cosmic beams, nevertheless these are too outlying events, so that these antiparticles could go so far as to be and get together.


Artistic projection of a rocket promoted by antimatter, source of image of mastery of Wikimedia Commons, Author: NASA/MSFC.

The BREAD BIN there has sent the probe Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (Magnetic Spectrometer Alpha) to look for tracks of more complex antimatter, which they could indicate, that antimatter still exists in the universe. Nevertheless the experiments have not detected anything up to the date.

The works of Paul Dirac, on the energy states of the electrons they drove, first to the prophecy of a particle that had to be identical in everything to the electron except his electrical load, which was positive and later to his production in the laboratory, this particle that received the name of positron is not in the ordinary matter, since his life expectancy is extremely a felling. The positron due to the attraction between charges put up, will be attracted by the electron, it will be attracted by the electron producing a collision between both, which was turning out to be his muta disappearance, after his masses had turned into energy. This process is called an annihilation and the resultant energy is expressed in the shape of radiations electromagnetic of high energy or beams scales, the atomic combination positron - electron is called positromio and has been observed in the laboratory before of two particles deteriorated and to turn into beams gamma.


Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984), In 1926 developed a version of the quantum mechanics in the one that was joining the work previous to Werner Heisenberg and that of Erwin Schrödinger in the only mathematical model that associates measurable quantities with operators who act in the space vectorial of Hilbert and it describes the physical state of the system. For this work it got a doctorate in physics for Cambridge, source of image of mastery of Wikimedia Commons, Author: Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory [1]

The so-called equation of Dirac is the version relativista of the wave equation of the quantum mechanics and it was formulated by Paul Dirac in 1928, it gives a description of the elementary particles of espín ½, as the electron and it is completely consistent with the beginning of the quantum mechanics of the theory of the special relativity. In addition to realizing of the espín, the equation predicts the existence of antimatter.

The equation of Dirac was originally formulated to describe the electron, the references will do with regard to ' electrons ', although at present the equation is applied to other types of elementary particles of espín ½, as the quarks. A modified equation of Dirac, can use to describe of approximate form the protons and the neutrons, formed both for smaller so-called particles quarks (for this fact, to protons and neutrons one does not give them the consideration of elementary particles).

The equation of Dirac presents the following form:


Being a m the mass at rest of the electron, c the speed of the light, p the operator at the moment, ℏ the limited constant of Planck, x and t the coordinated ones of the space and the time, respectively; and ψ (x, t) a wave function of four components. The wave function has to be formulated as an espinor (mathematical object similar to a vector that changes sign with a rotation of 2 π discovered by Pauli and Dirac) of four components and not as the simple one to climb, due to the requests of the special relativity. Them α are linear operators who govern the function of wave, writings as a counterfoil and are counterfoils of 4×4 acquaintances as counterfoils of Dirac.

The particles of antimatter corresponding to the proton and to the neutron also were discovered after many years of speculating on his existence, the electrical properties of the antimatter are put up of the ordinary matter, like that the antiproton has negative load and the antineutron, although electrically also it is neutral, has a magnetic moment in sense opposite to that of the neutron. The energy produced by the annihilation of protons - antiprotones and neutrons - antineutrones is trasportada for the inns pi or piones and the inns K or kaones that next they disintegrate in two beams gamma.


Accelerator of antiprotons of the CERN, source of image of mastery of Wikimedia Commons, Author:Tom Purves from Toronto, gully

there Have been discovered other many subatomic particles of which antiparticles are known at present his corresponding: muones, piones positives, piones negative, the inn K, the antiinn K, bariones and antibariones, many of these particle recently discovered has a too short life to go so far as to get together with electrons, with exception of the positive muón, which along with an electron forms the atom of muonio.

The experiments realized with inns K and antiinns k, allowed to know that the gravitational iteration between matter and antimatter was identical, that matter and antimatter, this was a question of big importance from what the gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter was in contradiction with the theory of the relativity, from what if matter and antimatter were repelled it had turned out to be fully satisfactory and to create a new theory that was not in contradiction with the facts. There has been proposed suddenly an explanation based on the annihilation matter - antimateria to explain the extraordinary quantity expressed by the quasar, the quasar expresses a quantity of so big energy from such a proportionally limited place, that no physical law exists, which allows that the scientist to explain the origin of the above mentioned energy, not all the physicists give true this explanation and search more conventional other one.

If a particle and his antiparticle are in the quantum appropriate states, of that time they can annihilate the one to other one and produce other particles, the reactions as:

The annihilation of a pair electron - positron in only one photon: and and - → γ cannot happen because it is impossible that they preserve the energy and the moment simultaneously in this process, the inverse reaction is also impossible for this reason. This phenomenon is observed in the nature; it is possible to create a pair electron - positron from only one photon with an energy of at least the mass of both particles: 1.022 MeV, the true thing is that, according to the quantum theory of fields, this process is allowed as a quantum intermediate state for sufficiently short times in that the violation of the conservation of the energy can make oneself comfortable at the beginnig of suspense of Heisenberg.

This opens the route for the production of virtual pairs or his annihilation where the quantum state of only one particle can fluctuate in a quantum state of two particles and return to his initial state, these processes are important in the empty state and the renormalization of a quantum theory of fields. Also it opens the way for a miscellany of neutral particles across processes as the showed one here, that is a complicated example of the renormalization of the mass.

he cannot deny to himself with absolute rotundidad, the presence of a high quantity of antimatter in any place of the universe, not that any cosmic source of energy should have his origin in the annihilation matter - antimateria, but it can be demonstrated that the relative entire value of antimatter in our galaxy is of ten millionth part.

Bibliographical Source

The Antimatter for Gabriel Chardin - 2001.

Dirac, the antimatter: the dark reflex of the matter for Juan Antonio Caballero Carretero - 2013.

Physical Cosmology - Page 86 for Jordi Cepa - 2007.




An academic and brotherly greeting to all the world of Steemit, equally to the communities of #steemstem, #sndbox, #edu-venezuela and #steemiteducation, that support the academy and the science, that enriches the knowledge. The idea of matter is to be the basic substance, which composes the bodies, the matter does not form one continues in the universe, not neither at macrocospic level of the gaps of the interstellar spaces, nor to ultramicroscopic level of the gap between an elementary particle and other one. The antimatter for his{your} part, is a material reality that illustrates magnificently the changes of the modern physics.

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