
My internal compass is also broken!! Ha ha. The cool stories we can tell, makes up for the broken hardware though. :)

Appearently the same cells that function as our compass track time. Which is weird in my case, because I can track time perfectly.

I am glad to know that you are still alive. What the hell did you do the last month?

I've been Philosophising away.

And I thought our hitchhikers had problems! 😂

I got inside a beautiful french pastry in geneva. Was hungry so took many tasty looking things...when they told me they did not received CHF, no euros. I told them that euros were a real currency 💴 . Worth more than theirs. I had the bleach empty handed there and in other places. Survived on beef jerky until I arrived at Basel were I could find an exchange (never a €20 small burger at midnight has been so tasty)

That's weird, we could pay in Euro... How racist

Is monetary consent (word of the day), they are not an exchange but it was sad. Those desserts did look
Amazing 😋
My host was happy about me having Euros since he was going to Milan.

I'm not the last one to publish my article ^^ Quite an adventure you've had! Between your trip and the one of @saunter, it looks like it wasn't easy to get to Geneva. I hope you'll have less trouble next time :)

In saunter's case is the default of hitchhiking. In my case was just me being dumb.😅

😊 I thought saunter had been forced to hitchhike to Geneva because of a bus cancelled at the last minute.

Yeah, he had many problems. His job and the bus. In my case it was mainly carelessness.

I am finally happy to read about your adventures that I had really underestimated :)

We are glad to have had you there :)

Thanks. It was a great experience. I wish I had taken better preparations, only myself to blame. All I could see in every corner, in every cable was hard work and love for contributing to humanity. The great people I met even if for a second was the greatest gift. Really thanks.

Great trip @ertwro ,I wish I was there.Any idea when next steemSTEM Meetup will hold.

No idea. I think it will be planed with a lot more anticipation. This was kind of on the spot.

I get lost easily too. I don't know what's wrong with my sense of directions, seriously. I'm glad you found your way. When Suesa says, "If you are away from the group, you're doing it wrong" I guess she was speaking for people like you :)

Awesome post and experience.


Yes, I particularly like that statement. It ought to be the moto of steemstem or something. Stay with the group. Engage with the group.

I absolutely love the idea.

Soo I see we were not the only one who had coming to SteemSTEEM meetup full of adventures, blood and tears!