Thanks for the detailed reply. I thought there would be some free python library where I can call users and get their wealth. Yeah otherwise it lot of manual work. I had a thought of pulling out all the users' wealth in steemit using a wild card call. I don't think it is easy. 😐. I have to read about the wealth distribution thing, specifically the n person prisoner's dilemma
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There is. Steem python
s = Steem() account = input("Enter account to look at: ") sp_per_mv = float(input("Enter current SP per MVest: ")) vs = float(str(s.get_account(account)['vesting_shares']).replace(' VESTS', '')) rvs = float(str(s.get_account(account)['received_vesting_shares']).replace(' VESTS', '')) dvs = float(str(s.get_account(account)['delegated_vesting_shares']).replace(' VESTS', '')) SP = (vs+rvs-dvs)*sp_per_mv/1000000 print("{acc} holds {sp} Steem Power".format(acc=account, sp=SP))
For this program if we were to input dexterdev as the account and using steemd we can get the current Steem per MVest to be
and the output would beEnter account to look at: dexterdev Enter current SP per MVest: 489.859 dexterdev holds 108.02257923179235 Steem Power
There, free code (as soon as you have the library installed to look at the wealth of anyone)
WoW.. I will try this. I may ask you some doubt later 😄.. thanks again. I installed the library. :)