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RE: AI learns to play Flappy Bird - the impact of machine learning on Steem Blockchain

in #steemstem6 years ago

Amazing comment. As always!

I read the article - but also about half the comments....I

Wow. Im impressed. I just also read half of those comments and you're right. Most people share similar view on that subject.

Okay, so we should worry whether AI sneaks in and dominates on our social platforms?

I'm not worried about AI posting articles. What worries me that AI can analyze articles and be used as a support to build engagement. By posting short comments, but comments related to discussed topic. Comments that look genuine.

I bet most people would not be able to recognize 2-3 sentences in their comment section posted by AI. Wouldn't you agree?

Would you be able to "compete" with users who build their engagement that way? I can forsee this industry (social media) being dominated by those who use AI to support their work. And "regular joe" will have very little chances to gain any traction.

Thanks for dropping by @arthur.grafo and sharing your thoughts with us. And I'm sorry that it took me so long to read and reply to your comment.

If we are to blow ourselves up, let it at least be by a finger which is related to us

AMEN! :)

Cheers, Piotr



Would you be able to "compete" with users

Surely the answer is, either AI is too expensive to use for such trivial purposes, or else, it is cheap and we can all use them.

This morning I was writing and got stuck on a word I know very well, but could not recall - I can't remember what the word was :)

It then struck me, what if, while I was younger, I had connected to an AI for it to make a recoprd of all my memories? Not my personality, just my memories, though the line does somewhat blur, for we are more than the sum of our memories, but they are a very large part of what we are.

Could the AI then become my crutch as my brain cells start to die? If so, they better damn well nOT provide it with emotions, for it will drive me crazy if it helps me...while emoting a disdainful amusements at my frailty.

If it does have do I teach it about empathy? Hmmm, I'd love to have an empathic robot/AI as a companion (you do know that in cities, most of the elderly die from loneliness? Same, oddly, in the old-age homes)

Dear @arthur.grafo4

Surely the answer is, either AI is too expensive to use for such trivial purposes, or else, it is cheap and we can all use them.

As a social media marketer I would say that AI will be to expensive for regular people, but for businesses trying to promote their brand online it will be worth it.

I wonder if I'm wrong, but I don't think so. Professionals supporting their work with AI will dominate social media sooner than we think. This industry will become very difficult for many regular joes.

Thank you for your another excellent comment


I am hoping those who create them see there is more of a profit it making it available to a larger market. So yes, the big boys will have a tool to use against us, but only for a few years. If it does not become available and people know that many of the comments are not from a person, they'll become more cynical of all comments they get - though some will be eager to exchange pointes of view, just because it is an AI.

To illustrate my point.

Years ago, Sony announced that they have spent $200 million (maybe the equivlent of a billion or more now?) on creating security so that their DVDs cannot be hacked. You will have to have a licence to play their games or listen to their music.

Do you know for how long they benefitted from their super technology? I think it was weeks, but anyway, far less than 6 months.

A kid of 14 was trying to get the gme and he could not and he was getting angry. He took a markers pen and ran it around the outside edge.

Once he calmed down, he decided to try again, but the DVD immediately played the game. The company had cleverly (so they thought) placed the security right at the edge.

$200 million down the drain because a kid got frustrated.

That is the problem with AIs also. As long as they are digital, we'll continue to have the edge on them, because we can come up with crazy/original ideas...whereas the AI has to work itself to that idea, it cannot grab it out of thin air, as we do.

Dear @arthur.grafo4

$200 million down the drain because a kid got frustrated.

Great example. Brilliant and straight to the point.

May I ask you aa question? How many accounts do you have on Steemit? I just realized that a moment ago I "spoke" to @arthur.grafo and now it's already different one (arthur.grafo4).


The first one is my general account. I started with it and use it for my fiction posts, plus anything else; such as music, interesting facts for showing to (yourself) and your kids plus my political rantings.

The #4 was named so because I intended posting my novel from Book 04 in that account, as the system of posting my story at 2 pages per post means I am likely to be dead by the time I am ending book 03.

However, I changed my mind (after establishing the name) and re-started from Book 01, but those/these posts are each of 10 pages. Thus, those who are seriously interested in reading find it easier to do so.

I do try to avoid using acc #4 for anything but the story.

lol - maybe I should open accounts #2 and ##, so that it makes sense?

I'm preparing to make my first post on a scientific question I pose...which regretfully is likely to only expose how ignorant I am. It is still worth posting, for if someone answers with a scientific/logical reply, all of us who do not know might learn something new.

Dear @arthur.grafo

which regretfully is likely to only expose how ignorant I am.

Hahaha don't think about it this way. From my experience people do not seek for "wisdom" online. People are looking for "human touch" and opportunities to get to know someone valuable and have interesting conversation / dialog.

Please send me memo once you publish your post. I would appreciate and I will show my support for sure :)
