Are you sure this is the leading cause of blindness globally? Because according to the World Health Organisation:
In spite of the progress made in surgical techniques in many countries during the last ten years, cataract (47.9%) remains the leading cause of visual impairment in all areas of the world, except for developed countries.
Other main causes of visual impairment in 2002 are glaucoma (12.3%), age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (8.7%), corneal opacities (5.1%), diabetic retinopathy (4.8%), childhood blindness (3.9%), trachoma (3.6%), and onchocerciasis (0.8%). The causes of avoidable visual impairment worldwide are all the above except for AMD. In the least-developed countries, and in particular Sub-Saharan Africa, the causes of avoidable blindness are primarily, cataract (50%), glaucoma (15%), corneal opacities (10%), trachoma (6.8%), childhood blindness (5.3%) and onchocerciasis (4%).
Onchocerciasis only constitutes 4% of the overall causes of blindness which means it is not the leading cause of blindness on a global scale.