You Can't Have Super-Powers, But You Can Have A Super Brain🍃

in #steemstem7 years ago

As we all know, there isn't really such thing as super-powers. There are some people with extraordinary abilities, but these aren't really super-powers. One thing that can make you feel closer to having super-powers is a super brain. Studies show that we use only 2% of our brain's capabilities.

In this article, I will tell you the secrets I use in order to upgrade my brain, so let's start.


  1. Playing Suduko/Chess - One of the things I do regularly in order to improve my brain power is playing Soduko and Chess on my mobile phone. Since I started playing, I got really good at both and now I can complete a Soduko in a few minutes. Playing these games improves tons of brain abilities like Problem Solving, Mathematical Skills, and even Verbal Skills!

  2. Learning New Languages - This one you can do from your mobile phone too (wonders of technology...), just download an app like Duolingo, choose your language and get started! Learning new languages improves your Cognitive Skills and Overall Brain Function, increases your Brain Size and Connectivity and even protects your brain against aging!

  3. Memorate A Deck Of Cards - This trick will improve your memory in a lot of ways. Try to perform it every day. Take a pack of cards, shuffle it, and then try to memorate all the 52 cards. Every person develops its own system to remember the order of the cards.

  4. Use Your Weak Hand - We do almost all of the everyday life actions with our stronger hand, whether it's eating, brushing your teeth or even using the mouse. From now on, try to use your weaker hand and you will see a change in your open-mindedness and even creativity.
    To change the mouse's left and right buttons, type 'mouse' on your search field, then click 'change your mouse settings', and then you'll find 'Select your primary button'.

  5. Do Sports - Studies show that doing/playing sports improves your brain in a lot of ways. It improves concentration, your mental health and enhances your creativity. Me, myself workout almost every day and play a lot of basketball in the neighboorhood.

Thanks For Reading!


Awesome information buddy i agree with you i also play soduku and solve puzzle and i have noticed a lot of change in my memory power and playing physical games can also boast up your brain so true article buddy keep it up ! @bitton

hey dude @bitton I love Sudoku and nobody can beat me in chess its cause i practiced them a lot and using my weaker hand became my strong hand now well post man!

All these really helps though, but sport is the best for me!!

Yeh exactly sports is main thing for brain it keep brain refresh..

and super brain can add you some super power haha thank you for these information bro i totally agree with you

Cheers for a good post. Might play some chess :) I believe a good diet can also improve brain power and performance.