
Very nice post. I have one remark.

No one has been able to produce concrete evidence that black holes exist, only mathematical models and theories.

This statement is actually not correct anymore, for about more than a year. The LIGO/Virgo experiments have observed gravitational waves that actually consist in the first direct observation of a black hole. In contrast, what the EHT does it to focus on supermassive black holes (LIGO/Virgo focus on stellar-mass black holes), data should be released soonish. By studying the shadow of the black hole, one hopes to get more insight on general relativity and alternative theories.

Thanks for the correction. The release of the EHT findings would definitely have a tectonic significance.

I upvoted that because it was actually worth my time reading, challenged my mind and thoughts and written in a complex but simple way to understand.

Thanks for taking your time to read it. The general relativity theory is a completely different explanation of reality, yet logical.

That's as close to a basic understanding I have achieved. In the last year I have found myself wanting to understand things I could never understand before, more so with philosophy than anything else which at first I seemed totally lost in, you did a good job at not losing me on that one.

events on the horizon ;)Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thanks for sharing such a well composed (and sourced) article on the legacy of Black Holes. Such a fascinating topic @asaj! Lot's of

Lol... I guess you can call that a singularity. Thanks for endorsing my efforts.