I suspected, it is a good article.
The pictures could be centered and the headings made a bit bigger but overall it looks OK.
If you check my blog you will see that I have resteemed an article of @katerinaramm, in which she covers how to style your article in markdown. Might prove useful!
Truly, I have difficulties using markdown. The few I tried were what I could lay my hands on. The next will surely be better. I'll work on this too.
Thanks for helping out. I titally appreciate
You can always contact people on the steemstem discord for guidance on the use of markdown or PM me if you will. Here's the link to the discord: https://discord.gg/4QMA6M
You also need help on sourcing copyright free images as some of the images in the article are not free. You can always reach me on discord. Thank you
😊 thanks @greenrun. Be sure I'll get back to you.