Hello dear friends of the Steemit community today I want to bring you an ad that published it days ago in Spanish and I wanted to share it in English also to be able to reach the whole community and improve the quality of life of your pet.

When we acquire a puppy we are exposed to some diseases throughout their life, because like humans, puppies also go through them. But, when we acquire puppies of the so-called pure breeds, you must know what you can face, because obviously, these diseases will be of greater incidence in pure breeds than in mestizo or criollo puppies. It must be taken into account that very small dog breeds such as the Pug tend to suffer from tracheal collapse, complications in childbirth, as well as dislocation of the patella.

The Pug race is of Chinese origin widely used by the high officials of the Chinese Empire. She is very calm and playful although she likes to lie down for long periods of time, they are alert and playful puppies in their youth stage until they are around 4 or 5 years old.
This small and playful race are special for people with small houses or apartments ideal for children because they are super playful and will help us to tire our babies, they are super educated and they learn very fast the only thing is that you should buy some headphones so that they do not The dreams will affect you, the snores and snorts that you will often hear.
Here I bring you a very funny video of the Pug
History of the Pug dog, its origin is Chinese!
The carlino also called dog pug, (or "monkey Tití" in old English language), it seems that pug dogs are one of the oldest races on the planet and can be traced back to Canton, China at least 3,000 years ago.
Behavior of pug dogs carlino
The pug carlino is a fun and friendly guy, sociable, but they are also self-confident dogs. They are "a lot of dog" contained in such a tiny body!
The pug is watchdog? Because of their small size, they are not dogs that are going to repel an intrusion, but they are good alert dogs, barking firmly against strange noises. In this sense the pugs are good watchdogs.
As a defect, note that pug dogs can become stubborn and obstinate, and occasionally can "become deaf" and not attend to the call if they are busy in their own affairs.
Pug dogs features and data sheet
The pug is classified among the breeds of small dogs:
*FCI Classification: Group 9 "companion dogs"> Section 11 "small size molossoids".
- Weight of Pug Carlino: between 6 and 10.5 kg
- Pug colors: there are 2 colors of hair, sand with black mask, or completely black.

Among the pug's most frequent health problems are:
Brachycephalic respiratory syndrome
Pyoderma, a skin problem that appears due to the excessive growth of bacteria in the dog's skin, usually due to endocrine problems, allergy problems, previous skin diseases, or immune system problems.
Other skin problems, which may appear as a result of autoimmune problems, allergies to fleas and other external parasites, or allergies to certain foods or commercial dog food brands. This can be manifested in your pug scratching too much, recurrently, be restless, have reddened or smelly skin, or lose hair in some areas of your body.
Eye problems due to the bulging shape of your eyes, such as entropion, which occurs when the edge of the lower eyelid turns inward, irritating the surface of the eye and can even cause ulcers on the cornea. Other eye problems that can affect the carlinos, especially if they are already senior dogs (from 8 years old) are cataracts, which in very serious cases can lead to blindness.
Encephalitis, a disease of the central nervous system that is usually fatal. Symptoms include blindness, seizures, stiff neck, or walking in circles with uncoordinated movements. This ailment tends to occur more frequently in young carlinos, between 8 and 18 months.
Tendency to overweight.

The diseases are:
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) - "dry eye"
- Brachycephalic syndrome
- Cryptorchidism (retained testicle)
- Folded dermatitis / pyoderma
- Waterfalls
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) - "dry eye"

Pug con KCS
What is it ?:
It is an eye disease caused by an abnormal production of tears. The lacrimal glands produce the watery secretions that make up most of the tears. A deficiency in this secretion causes KCS in small animals. Normal tears are essential for the health and transparency of the cornea (the surface of the eye). Tears clean and lubricate the cornea, transport nutrients and play a role in controlling infection and healing. Poor tear production as in KCS causes chronic irritation of the cornea and conjunctiva. Corneal ulcers and finally scars occur on the cornea, and can cause blindness.
How is it treated ?:
The goals of treatment are to restore moisture in the eye and treat conditions such as infection or ulceration that develop due to the lack of normal tears.
Tear stimulants and artificial tears replacements are used to treat KCS. In general, it will take a trial and error period for your veterinarian to determine what is best for your dog. It is possible that there will not be a response to the lacrimal stimulants for a few weeks or even longer, and during this time artificial tears should also be used. Once the production of tears has been established, often the use of a tear stimulant once a day, or sometimes once every 2 days, will be sufficient to control the KCS.
Brachycephalic syndrome
What is it ?:
The full name of this disorder is the brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome (BAOS). Brachycephalics are those races that have a comparatively short head. Due to their anatomy, virtually all dogs of these breeds have some degree of work associated with breathing from the moment they are born. Many have varying degrees of airway obstruction, which causes signs ranging from noisy breathing to collapse.
How is it treated ?:
Medical treatment (oxygen therapy, corticosteroids) can be used for short-term relief of airway inflammation. Surgery is required when severe anatomical failures interfere with breathing. The most common is that part of the excess of fleshy soft palate is removed and the airways are widened in the nasal passages.
It is important to avoid that your dog is overweight, as this will worsen your long-term breathing difficulties.

What is it ?:
A cataract is any opacity or loss of transparency of the lens of the eye. The opacity can be limited to a small area of the lens or capsule, or it can affect the entire structure. A complete cataract that affects both eyes will result in blindness, while small, non-progressive cataracts will not interfere with vision. Primary cataracts occur in some races; In other races, the cataract may develop secondarily to another inherited disorder, such as progressive retinal atrophy or glaucoma.
How is it treated ?:
Cataracts can be removed surgically. The decision to do so is based on several factors, such as whether the cataracts are progressive, the degree of visual disability and the dog's temperament. To prevent postoperative problems, the dog should be cooperative and quiet, especially in the first week after surgery

Folded dermatitis / pyoderma
What is it ?:
Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. Where there are excessive folds or wrinkles in the skin, fold dermatitis occurs due to rubbing of the skin and moisture retention in the folds. Pyoderma (bacterial infection of the skin) commonly develops, almost always caused by Staphylococcus intermedius (which causes no problems in people).
The common forms are dermatitis of the tail, lip and facial crease and associated pyoderma, in races in which skin folding takes place in these areas.
How is it treated ?:
This condition can generally be handled satisfactorily. Your veterinarian will recommend a cleansing shampoo to be used regularly to fight infections that, when they occur, will require treatment with antibiotics.
If your dog develops chronic or recurrent folded pyoderma often, despite treatment, your veterinarian is likely to discuss with you the option to surgically remove the fold, which should resolve the problem permanently.

Dear friends, I hope you like the post that I brought to you since it is a translation of a publication of my authorship which you can see in the original version following the link that I leave here
OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!
thank you very much I'm glad you liked it. We will continue publishing if there is something specific that you would like to know about this breed or any other do not hesitate to tell me and I will help you