Understanding marriage from God's perspective

in #steemsocial4 years ago (edited)

God is the author of marriage and it's a beautiful thing. It is one of the most pleasurable good Good had giving to man. God says " It is not good that man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him"( Genesis 2:18). God understood that man would never satisfied or accomplished workout a suitable partner to help him.

For God to fill the void, He removed a rib from the man's side and formed the woman with it. You will notice that God created only one woman for Adam, thereby setting the standard for all marriage that will come after it. Marriage is between man and woman, nothing else. Marriage between man and man, woman and woman against God's desire for marriage; it against His will.

God is very angry with marriage inform of gay or same-sex marriage. In Leviticus 20:13, the scripture reveals that God so hates any form of sexual relations between people of the same sex that verdict on it is death. You must know that marriage is not just about you or your spouse but your intimate relationship with God.