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RE: Our reaction to the SSS.

in #steemsistershow6 years ago

OMG OMG OMG!!!! I am only three minutes in but literally OVERWHELMED with excitement and joy! This is coolest response video I ever could have imagined and I literally started texting Mary freaking out at how awesome this was the moment I started watching it.

You are SO awesome. Ok... now to go finish watching the episode and learn more about sustainability. hahah

Seriously though... this made my day/week/month. This video is amazing!


We get a lot of questions asking if we are twins. Duh... it couldn't be more clear.

Here's a question from @coruscate. Eh.... She's alright.

OMG i literally keep watching the first three-ish minutes over because they are amazing. hahah ok... I guess I should keep watching the rest of the video now!