2018 Steem Silver Round Update + Unique Mene Offer Inside - Ends at Midnight EST Tonight

in #steemsilverround7 years ago (edited)

2018 Steem Silver Round Update

I just spoke with the Mint and they got delayed a few days, but it should not really delay the shipping date at all to everyone.

Initially, the Mint was supposed to have shipped the coins Monday and they would be arriving today or tomorrow. Then, this weekend, Saturday/Sunday I was set to meet up with @raybrockman and package all of the orders up. They would then get shipped out on Monday, June 18th.

As it stands now, the Mint plans to ship the rounds on Friday to me. They should then arrive on Monday at the office and I will begin to package them up in order to get them shipped out by Tuesday to everyone. I will try and provide tracking information for every order.

In case you missed the image of the round the first time around, here it is again

Unique Menē Offer

As you know, I am HUGE MenēMenē has a special right now for Father's Day giving people a $100 gift card, but the purchase has to be made by tonight at Midnight!!! fan! My good friend @goldmatters got me hooked a few months back and I have been buying as often as I can. Currently,

There were quite a few Steem Silver Round orders overseas and Menē only ships to the U.S. and Canada for free, while all other places are $75 per order.

If you purchased a Steem Silver Round and are interested in making a Menē purchase I am offering a deal for you.

1. Sign Up using my Referral Code and receive $5 off your order

2. Use the gift card for Father's Day that I will provide to you for an extra $100 off your order.

3. I will provide you the shipping address of my business in the US, which will save you $75 for shipping. I will then include your Menē order in with your Steem Silver Round.

Note: I may not be able to insure the package against theft or loss with the USPS

You will be saving $180 in total off your order ($5 gift card for signing up, $100 Father's Day Gift Card, $75 since shipping is free). But wait... There's more! You will also receive a $50 gift card AFTER you order for a subsequent order!!

Please contact me on Discord (sevinwilson#5606) if you are interested!


Menē absolutely killing it with generous discounts! Who gives away gold and platinum like that?!? I took advantage of the Fathers Day deal yesterday and now I'm looking over my shoulders waiting for the cops to come pick me up for robbery!

Nice offer on your part too, I hope you're able to help some international buyers get that killer deal.

It is simply incredible that they are able to offer it! I’m not sure if they will be able to forever, but I certainly hope so!!

One has already taken advantage of it, which gave me the idea!

Thanks for the update. I can't wait to get them.
Their siblings (2017s) have been asking everyday when their new siblings (2018s) would be arriving. They expect to match up by serial number and hang out together.

You’re welcome!! They are all missing their siblings!!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

That's a bummer that it was delayed. It's strange that they didn't let you know sooner than 9 days after it was supposed to be minted, but what can you do? At least it's not going to slow things down too much. Still very excited for these to arrive!

That's very generous of you to make that offer for Mene. If I had the money, I'd probably get in on that. My silver habit took most of my money though. Ha ha

I was looking around the Mene website and I noticed that their "dice." Do you really get two of them for that price? They only show one in the picture, but the word "dice" is plural, implying you would get more than one. If it's only one, they would want to put "die." Ha ha. Grammar, it'll get ya!


The minting began only a day late and went over the next day for those to complete! After the rounds were struck it is a separate machine that engraves the serial numbers onto the edge of the round and our order had to wait a day in line to begin this process also! I’m not sure how long the engraving, coin capsule insertion, packaging and shipping takes!

Next year I will take into account possible delays when creating the timeline!

Unfortunately, Menē only offers one die with the order as I thought it would two seeing how they said dice and not die! Haha

Oh, that's good. I was going to say, super weird that they wouldn't let you know. "They took the silver and ran, man!"

It's all good. They're going to be worth the wait. Even if it takes another few days, that will just increase the anticipation. We're still on for me to get mine first, right? ;) Ha ha

Does the start of the year's Steem round begin in January with a launch of the design contest and such?

Unfortunately, Menē only offers one die with the order as I thought it would two seeing how they said dice and not die! Haha

Right?! It's super confusing. At least you still get the same amount of metal, so it's not like you're actually losing anything.

Haha they are one of the larger mints here in the US for custom stuff! We probably got pushed back in line from some larger orders to be honest! Haha

You’ll probably be one of the first to get them

Regarding the dice issue... I do understand how this could be slightly confusing but as Mene has a clear pricing mechanism it could be seen from the gram weight that it was 1 and not two.... but thanks for pointing this out for future reference !

Absolutely!! That is the key differentiator there! And why Menē is the best!!

Hey, @goldmatters, I didn't even think about contacting you directly. My bad. I wasn't upset about it, I just noted it and wasn't sure if they were two small ones, or one larger one. Thanks for the clarification though.

Yes, one of the things that I really like about how Mene does business is that it's very clear and up front about what's going on. I like that the weight is clearly listed, and even that the markup is listed. The transparency helps build trust (in my opinion) because it shows that you're straightforward and not trying to swindle anyone. (Not that I'm saying you would, it's just that there are so many business models out there that attempt to obfuscate the costs, so you don't really know what you're paying for.) Hopefully that makes sense. :)

No problem at all man! It is my job to make sure everything is clear regarding Mene, so I take responsibility for not explaining better. I really appreciate your interest :)

At least we got bumped for something important. I'm not even mad about it. Honestly, I really like the anticipation. I'm going on a vacation later this summer and I'm already looking forward to it. Once I hold the coin, it will be a tangible thing, but for now, it's still larger than life. It's this thing in my head that is so exciting because it's still a little unknown and I can't hold the coin. It will be great to actually get it, but the waiting can be fun too!

I was just messing with you, like I had paid you off so I'd get first delivery and could post about it. Ha ha. I'll get it when I get it and that will be great! Thanks again for all your efforts on this project. I know it's been a lot of work.

Looks like you killed their site with your offer (502 gateway error - oops). Very cool offer though.

I think it’s back on!!

Ohh that Mene deal sounds sweet. And such generous thing to do on your part. I wish I had some spare $$$ to take it up.

Anything to help spread the word of Menē and get gold and platinum jewelry in people’s hand at great deals!! There will be another holiday here soon! ;)

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