Here are the past month and a half-or-so of silver finds I have gotten for under spot!
Also, some pictures:
Sorry, don't really have a way to calculate this one out because I lost track of what I paid with my eBay gift cards and what I put in the monthly total, I can, however, let you enjoy this silver porn, lol!
nice one! always fun finding silver under spot!
Thank you for taking the time to read madstacks!
Damn, so you found all this under spot? Teach me your ways!
Searching flea markets, auctions, antique/thrift stores, garage sales, literally everything. Some people have great luck at some, but not others. For example, I do really well at flea markets and auctions, but not as well at thrift stores and garage sales. Though I do know people who have gotten 700 dollars of free silver at thrift stores, so time and luck is what it usually comes down to!