...back in the back
Of a cadillac
Number one with a bullet
I’m a power pack
Yeah i’m, in a bang, with a gang
They got to catch me if they want me to hang!
Zounds!!! Ye ol’ Blackened Eagle just flew in from Sin City! And though this Apex predator be not a stork (or Apmex predator, as it were) — it came hauling a lootbag in its fierce talons all the same. Now i have heard of pidgeons being used as messangers, but using blackened eagles as couriers for the sweet shiny is some supreme badassery!
Say hello to the Badass: @pit-bullion
Don Bullion has been busy! The furnace is hot and thar be molten shiny flowing into all the right crevices. So popular and intimidating is he, even the Mob calls him da Boss!
So i had been planning a wee raid for today... it was my ornery presumption that i would shake-awake-n-wake-n-bake the ol’ wag himself @goldenarms, and take the war canoe into town for a good ol’ fashioned plundering.
But Avast! GA must’ve hit the grog too hard last night, ‘cause all i could muster out of that salty seadog was: “Fuck off, I’m full!” ...and full he is! There’s more fractionals, full Buffalos and silvery esoterica coming out of him than any of us can keep tabs on — it has been making ol’ Silverbeard a wee bit jellyfish!
So i was a jolly roger when i saw that the Don had sent me an eagle — i could thus lounge aboard The Ingot and maybe sketch in a mono-brow on GA, lol — but that’s not all the Don sent me. Keep your bananas peeled ‘cause thar be some liquid additions to the Captain’s treasury:
Aye! It’s a box...
And inside? ...some more packaging and cool Pit Bullion shwag! ...Ooooh, zesty! Thar be something unexpected too!
Better stick that stacker sticker on my accoustic picker — right beside Phelimint’s wax seal and the GD steal your face (...right offa your head).
I gotta admit to yaz, everything be looking sanguine! @pit-bullion delivers like he’s taken the @raybrockman advanced seminar on kicking major ass. Put on yer shades maties...this is about to get shiny!
1oz button
Blackened ASE & 1oz logo & 2oz logo
5oz GD Dancing Bear, 5oz Harley Bar and my new fave talisman — 1oz Skull n’ Bones button ☠️
Flip ‘em over and, oh...my! Me ol’ peg just did a little wiggle! The pour lines are speck-tack, and let’s just say the HD bar makes me think of Stax!
Here’s a better look at the bear
Makes me wanna’ put on ‘One From The Vault’ and get to groovin’ with Sugaree. Even an old pirate like me believes in cutting her loose now and again and just drifting out to sea...
Let, there be songs, to fill the air...
Now about that pic from before... let’s take a closer look, shall we?
The Captain is intrigued! With a flick of my trusty throat-slicer i soon discovered what jems were inside:
Y’Arrrr! If me grin was any more crooked it’d be sideways! Ear to motherfucking ear Motherfucker! And a naughty-cal theme to boot — these were some very easy pills to swallow!
And now, just because a little too much is just enough ‘round here, have a gander at some comparitive chemistry:
Silver is a devil to photograph, and that bright blighter was flaring out my light settings — an * Icarus* who flew too close to the sun!
And then there were two:
Well Matey’s, i’d say the tradewinds be blowin’ fair this day. Ol’ GA must’ve pulled himself up by his bootstraps and disappeared, like a thief in the night, ‘cause all that’s left is an empty pile of King Cans and some Acapulco Gold — so that's why he likes the Libertads so much... Heavens to mercy for me ol’ hide when he catches a glimpse of his new mono-brow!
...snicker snicker
Thems that drown in debt be the foolish ones!
(Image courtesy of @steemitcomics)
And just one last thing. I think young Leon is learning his licks early...
He can’t yet walk
But he knows how to rock!
...must’a been talking to his older brother Charlie!
Cheers! from @thedamus
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I thought you would like my piratey gift my friend :) your posts are so fun to read. Keep on plundering the crypto and trading it for me silver! ⚓
Spoken like a fine merchant mariner of the silver seas!
And many thanks for those silver, monogrammed musket balls. Through the heart of a bankster each one!
you boys do great work out there.
Wow man, great scores, his antiquing process turns out amazing, he really has a great attention to detail when it comes to that. I love the little pirate themed extra's, your certainly getting quite the reputation around these parts for all your swash-buckling.
Well i gotta’ bring something to the table!
Not having my own mint, nor being the Wizard of Stax and all...lol
Can’t wait to see how this year and the 2018 Steem Round roll out. Cheers man! And seriously, thanks for all that you do!
@thedamus If you could be So Kind to a New Member of the Pirate Crew. Could You welcome a Young Lass that just did her introduce yourself Post. She is a Stacker and a Pirate at Heart too. A big Welcome UP Vote to @kerrislravenhill would probably make her know that she is in the steemsilvergold ship.........................
I thinks i can muster one up! ...but me poor ol’ bleedin’ heart has already driven my sp down many fathoms. I will say hello of course ;)
You're a Fine Captain with a Good Heart.
...heh heh, just wait til she meets the sneaky-ninja — y’arrr!
Scrap that... it’s coming from appreciator.
Do stop in and

show your family some love :)
Just great now you have PB disease as well as stackitus. There no saving you now.. You just gonna have to keep buying and buying and buying. And then one day that ship of yours will sink cause you got to damn much silver stuffed away. Nice pick ups dude welcome to the PB club.👊😎👊☠☠☠
I gots me a crows-nest in the caves of Mt. Stax! — the ol’ Ingot be gliding smoothly 😜
Quite a badass eagle! I'm a fan of the dancing Bear as well! It's a good haul there dude!
Cheers E!
Wow you got hooked the f*ck up! I've k own Mike for a long time, he's a great dude obviously and maybe we could find room for him in our canoe?
...that instills i of a crafty plot!
I'm on my way 🚣♂️
Objects in this comment thread are closer than they appear...!
Moo ah ha ha
I'm really considering getting the dancing bear next! All of then are awesome though. Nice haul silverbeard! ☠️
Cheers Matey!
The more i get the more i want... This stackitus is something fierce.
OMG that Blackened Eagle is Awesome. I plan on getting some coins blackened by @pit-bullion and I'll have to add this to the list. Thanks @thedamus
Yea, do it. The Eagle is really cool looking. I want to see a Blackened Maple now :)
Loving those ase. That Pit sure does know his stuff. The ripple lines on that big bar are sweet!!
It’s a whole new world Welshie! Just when i thought it couldn’t get any worse, it turns out there’s a whole friggin’ Mafia of ‘em!!!
The Black ASEs are deadly looking
So much bad ass in one post! 😀
Moar like this!
Wow! Some amazing pieces! Followed and upvoted
starboard side you will see we are achieving lift off.Welcome aboard @just-starley! If you look out the
Thank you!
Great Haul, I cannot keep up that pirate shtick very long!!!
Ye old keel-hauler, ye even got a Full Vote outta old Pirate Rob!
Curse yer Scurvy Hide!
Avast! Captain Rob!
I haven’t seen your weathered carcass since forever. H’Arrr! Let us traverse the planks and sallyforth directly to the bar — Y’Arrr!
check this out.You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX,
The only thing cooler than this raccoon riding an alligator is the silver in this post!
I once saw a video of a hill-billy dancing with a racoon to the sound stylings of Aretha Franklin, but this! This takes the cake!
@thedamus what is this deal #thealliance? I keep seeing it pop up here and there. Whats the DL? Can't find a post that says what it does and what its goals are etc.......how to join. Let me know, homie.
😜👍#thealliance is a “family” of diverse steemians who, much like ssg, in the group. I read much of what is published under the tag, and do my best to promote it and to interact with it — and other members. If ya wanna’ get the scoop try @enginewitty — he’s my pal and has more info than i do. Tell him we’re in cahoots and both trying to woo Stax and he’ll probably already know who you are.
Well now, quite the pick-up boss!
You seem to be focused on all the right things, and I applaud you for it! Keep on stacking and showing those boys how to rock!
really I'm going to become your fan.amazing content
Thanks s bappy! I aim to please
US Mint doesn't change the design/look of the ASE for over 30 years? Don't worry, there's a Pit for that... a Mr. Pit Bullion that is!!!
That green toned ASE is pretty good looking too!
The Black Eagles are killer!
Aye, I love a hero in Black, and a friend of Pit Bullion to boot! Just followed you.
~ signed ~ The Bloody Raven
Welcome aboard matey!
Cool comparison of the three next to each other. Great looking piece you got from Pit. Rock on!!
Thanks mr-v, the difference between the reg and the toner is amazing, and with Pit’s black beauty in hand i knew i wanted to really show it off. I love the blackened treatment!
Love the small pirate pours!
Pit Bullion is doing great work!
Some awesome looking silver!! The kids are mighty cute! Have they claimed the silver in true pirate style yet?😜
Both of those rascals are already stacking when they’re not running constant diversions for Mrs. @thdamus
Those be some fine looking Eagles you scored there!
Booo yeah!
I don’t understand it but I love it!
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 38.67% vote... I was summoned by @thedamus! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh
This post has received gratitude of 7.72 % from @appreciator thanks to: @thedamus.
Pretty cool....how about some Gold ?
Awesome coin and very cute baby.Her looking is greet
This post has received a 4.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @thedamus.