I am super stoked we can all have a song to sing along too together and the entries that have been submitted so far are really great. I am not much of a singer but i installed an app on my poopPad that lets me sing along and record's it at the same time and i have done all 5 entries. I would upload something but with me being underwater it would not be that great for you guys to listen to. I am a little sad also that we only have had 5 entries so far for my stackitis song contest. I know my daddy, my uncles and brothers thought it was a really good idea and i was hoping to have lots more entries to record onto my poopPad. I make upvotes for the 190 members in my family and love reading through your posts and im thinking you dont love me back cause you wont write me a song, your only after my upvotes. Waa Waah!!
I think we can do better as a community and up our games. I may only be a mermaid upvoting bot for a bunch of pipe-dreaming silver and gold stackers but i know we have a very tight click and we can get more entries. Im out everynight luring pirates and collecting plunder to share with all your guys and im asking for 10 minutes of your time to make a simple post to show me some love. Sorry, on my rag. Below is the most up to date list of entries.
If you made an entry and it's not there, contact my idiot brother silverstackeruk because he has missed it while searching stoned off his face. Sorry, on my rag.
For the winner and how it works
There is no winner, its a group activity based on contest entries but we can all have a steemy orgy when it's done. There will be a few voting rounds to dwindle down the section of songs until we are down to a final one giving chances for edits between each voting round. We will run entries for the next 10 days and then begin the dwindling process. Entries should use the logo for Precious and the #steemsilvergold tag as first tag to make it easier for me to find the them and add them to the table at the bottom of the post.
When i say dwindling, i mean voting down in this manner and giving chance's to make changes and edit lyrics during the whole process. The hope is this will result in a finished product as the final standing stackitis song. Assuming edits are done the winning song will have a few contributors hence the group effort. And im also hoping for more than 16 entries, we have 190 members, its fun, easy and you can do it in a few minutes. We will have something wonderful to play with
How to enter your song
- You must be a member of #steemsilvergold
- Use #steemsilvergold as first tag
- Do a cover song by changing the lyrics to be ralatable to Precious and steemsilvergold and full song please.
- Use the logo for Precious the Silver Mermaid as your first picture
- And add in a youtube karaoke version link ( preferred but not mandatory)
Big turnout please - The more the better
Member Name | Song Title | Song Post Url |
@knowledge-seeker | Stackitis Got a hold on me | Song lyrics.. |
@thedamus | Goodbye Fiat | Song lyrics.. |
@russellbury | Build me up Precious | Song lyrics.. |
@fishyculture | Stackitis Pneumonia | Song lyrics.. |
@fishyculture | Illumination | Song Lyrics.. |
@silverd510 | Stackitis to the bone | Song lyrics.. |
@welshstacker | Sugar sugar - aka Precious | Song lyrics.. |
@huw28582 | Hi ho Silver Lining | Song lyrice.. |
@pocketchange | Shiver me Timbers | Song lyrics.. |
@silverstackeruk | The Stacker | Song lyrics.. |
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I am @silverstackeruk and I approve this post
@buggedout, @raybrockman, @silverstackeruk, @welshstacker and @thedamus
Thanks man, i'll will edit them in after im back from work.
I dont wonna check them now and then have the songs in my head all day, lol
You are so on precious. Prepared to have your mind blown.
I love your attitude but your are not a member of #steemsilvergold. Sorry, its members only group account.
Thanks anyways :)