
Well I do want a 2017 round in the worst way. How much time can you give me to get $50 together and would you take any payment types other than STEEM/SBD if I'm not able to accumulate enough of those in a timely manner?

I'd like to get it done within the next 60 days or so......but let me know if that works for you. In addition to Steem/SBD I can take ltc, eth, eos, btc and a few others. I can also take paypal.

Can you send me a price for all of the remaining pairs that you have left to sell inclusive of shipping costs? I'm working on getting the money together. I will likely be paying via LiteCoin. I was going to try my PayPal but I can't remember how to get in. You don't have Venmo do you? If not, LiteCoin it will be from my Coinbase account. Let me know. Thanks.

If you are in the U.S. I'll do $55.50 per 17/18 pair includes shipping. I have over 90 pairs, but will only be selling up to 5 pairs. I can get details of numbers, but I'm traveling through the first week of August. If you want to email me

Ideally I'd like to buy all 5 pairs but it would take me some time to accumulate the money for that. I made a deposit to my Coinbase account last night for $100 of LTC of course they took a fee out of that and will charge me when I send money too as well as the fact that it takes 6 days to be able to use it. I do need a little bit of that money for something else though but as a show of good faith I could send you the money for the first pair by mid next week. Hopefully the money for a second pair by the time you get back from vacation and then we can see from there. If someone else comes along with the money in hand I will understand. Do whatever you need to do but please save at least one for me because I have the money in process as we speak.


I am in no hurry to sell. I have no problem holding 5 pairs for you. If you want to send some LTC next week, let me know and I'll send you my address, but I'm definitely not going to be back where I can get to the rounds until first week of August....Let me know what works.

@spicyer is this deal still on the table? I had totally forgotten about this while you were away. I'm pretty sure you said you were back now though. Let me know when you get a chance because I have some money on hand for this.

@jonnyla08 Deals on the table. I'm out again until 8/23 and then back for a couple of days. I can get them matched up and sent out then. Please just let me know what you want to get and I'll make it long as you don't mind waiting.

@spicyer between Paypal, Venmo and STEEM I now have enough money to pay you for all 5 sets. If you could please contact me once you're back so we can coordinate the payments that would be great. I'd really love to be able to have you ship them during those couple of days that you're back around the 24th. Again, this is for the 5 pairs of 17/18 matching pairs for the Steem silver rounds you had said you would hold for me (so 10 rounds in total). Also, are you able to accept payments from all three of the things I mentioned above? Please let me know as soon as you can in case I need to figure out a way to move the money around. Thank you.
