Hello, today i am mostly going to be talking about the future of silver and gold. Is there ever gonna be a time when precious ever moon again? Will there ever be a demand for physical gold again, why would there be when everything is going the other way towards just numbers on the screen. I dont carry a wallet, i pay for everything with my phone. I have not placed a decent silver order in months cause i think it will be better invested into bitcoin. Everything in general is moving toward the "cloud" and physical silver and gold are starting to look boring compared to all this crypto stuff. I have a decent whack of silver and i have no plans at all to part with any of it but this is mainly due to the fact that it takes work to sell silver bullion. There are no LCS's in Northern Ireland and everything needs to be sold online and then posted out to all the different people. With BTC, i send it to me BTC ATM card and go to the ATM machine, job done.
Were living during crazy times and the stock market could crush massively in a few months and Precious metals could moon and we get lots of the new people interested.

Without doing any extra research and not going on numbers i would say it is safe to say that Precious metals run the opposite to the stock market? When its up, metals are down and vice versa. Stock markets crashes come around every 8 years and 2008 was the last big one so i think we are overdue. New money keeps getting dumped into tech stocks and i dont see an end any time soon and most companies are overvalued, i see prices like x20-x30 times company market caps and think it nuts but i think it's gonna keep on going. Let's face it people, we our boring. Well, not us but you what i mean. I never seen stacking silver in the same way that people collect stamps but i think that's maybe that is how other people view it. I hope not, no offence but stamp collecting looks like a granny thing to do. Precious metals are solid, shiny, heavy and manly as fook.
I have been stacking silver for 6 years almost and the price has always just gone sideways for me, i remember it got really cheap like 4 years back and then it jumped after the Brexit vote but since then and dropped off and gone sideways. I just do not see it making a comeback in any big way anymore, i still plan to buy some every year cause one thing is certain, it'll never drop to zero but right now it's not even proving to be a hedge against inflation. With that said, i still think it is the safest way to store value and in 1000 years, people might not be trading Uber are facebook stocks, bitcoins and cryptocurrencies might have died off hundreds of years ago but silver and gold will still have some value. As true as i was born and i will die on this earth, my silver stack will remain on this earth until there is no more earth.
What does the future bring for Precious metals, fook knows. I personally do not care of the £ value, i waiting for a 45-1 stg ratio and when i convert and i get my gold, im gonna get all sov's and then i'll start caring about the £ value. Until that day comes, i will continue to buy up small bits of bitcoin and earn STEEM until the next bull market comes and then it's crypto cash out time which will result in a huge silver and gold order cause im not buying overpriced stocks are keeping money in the bank that my wife has access to. I plan a really big order the day i cash out most of my crypto's, im talking 4 figure oz silver order and a few oz's of gold like it aint no thang.
Hell yes I will always keep stacking, I hope it catches up to inflation! (I know it will sooner or later)
There’s blood in the streets it’s up to my ankles, blood in the streets, it’s up to my knees...
A company created a cryptocurrency backed by gold. Best of the digital and physical side.
I'm happy to share details if anyone is interested.
We are In that stackin’ stage! People will soon fomo into silver when it starts heading back to $50 😎
Posted using Partiko iOS
I hope so buddy, just FUDing myself, lol
I think you are 90% wrong, saying money will never be backed by gold again.
Every time the World Reserve Currency switches countries, it is backed by precious metals. 100%.
The next World Reserve Currency is already here, and already being used. People who are not world-class banksters are not able to transact in this currency, but it's called the SDR, "Special Drawing Right."
The U.S. PetroDollar is already done - it's just dying a slow, cancerous death - rather than having its' head chopped off and dying quickly. I would say that the transition from USD to SDR's is already about 40% to 50% complete.
The current process of changing the World Reserve Currency is, I think, being purposely hidden from the common people. The last thing that governments, banksters, and global corporations want is for everyone to have open access to their books, for which they would have to be accountable for.
So, they are selling everyone on how great crypto is, and how great blockchain is - but they, themselves, are buying $#!t-tons of gold bullion as we speak, and they have been increasing their gold bullion purchases every year since 2010.
If you don't already know, the Bank of International Settlements is The World Central Bank, for all national Central Banks. And, on April 1, 2019, the BIS just re-monetized gold bullion, to 100% cash status. In other words, they put all of the big banks in the world on notice: they want to know where the gold is, who has it, how much, and why are they doing this now??? Is it because precious metals have no use as a monetary instrument??? I don't think so!
I'm not negative on cryptos, but I do have a healthy respect for the fact that they are on a blockchain which every government on earth has a very keen interest when it comes to taxing the hell out of the common mans' profits.
If you think that governments, banks, and corporations are going to be forced, by blockchain technology, to lay their financial books bare to be accounted for - I think that's dead wrong. Cryptos will be used as a sort of, "final financial solution," whereby every bit of money that is earned or spent will be kept track of and taxed. That's why we keep on hearing all of this noise about, "The End of Cash." Governments can not tax or keep track of all cash transactions.
Plainly put, Gold and Silver is money, it is cash. It is accepted in every country in the world, where it can be exchanged for local currency. As long as there has been money, gold and silver have been used in this capacity.
The best thing about owning your own stash of gold and silver bullion is the fact that you can dig a hole in your local forest, bury it, and save it for a rainy day. No government can keep track of you that way - and the last thing a government wants is for you to be able to buy & sell things without paying your taxes.
Personally, I have been using crytpos to buy more bullion - which a lot of crypto people have also been doing.
Because, ultimately, a good life is about being free to do what you want and live your life where and how you want to - not where the government, your bank, or your boss tells you to. I think that there is a role for both precious metals and cryptos to play in the future of freedom and self-determination - but I think bullion is better for promoting free markets, free trade, and freedom of movement (although silver is very heavy). Most people could carry their entire life-savings around in one pocket, if they saved it in the form of gold coins. Why would anyone be keeping their life-savings in a bank or other paper contract, which is backed by nothing but paper? Or electronic codes? The point is to be completely free of government and banking interference in your life, whenever possible.
Digitization of everything has already proven to have unintended consequences, in some areas. For example, take the U.S. Health Records digitization movement: I was reading an article today, as I waited for my doctors appointment, that was describing how badly the move from paper to digital has been going so far - and it's going very, very badly. In fact, $36 Billion in U.S. government spending has created a complete fustercluck for doctors, patients, insurance, regulators, etc. So, just because something seems good in theory, it doesn't always work out in practice.
I would argue that something similar could happen here with the digitization of money. Whether you have cryptos, FIAT, or precious metals - they all have their uses, pros, and cons. However, there will always be that element of society which insists on the free use of cash/money for the simple right of freedom and self-determination - and they will avoid cryptos, vote for politicians who promise to preserve cash or precious metals as legal tender, not to mention the criminal element/black markets which will always find ways around the man-made systems of currency exchange and tracking.
The same thing goes for building and living. Despite the conveniences of modern living, automobiles, and machinery, you have to have some respect for a solitary man who decides to check out of the rat-race, trek out into the wilderness with a canoe full of supplies, and build his own log cabin - for a 2-year break from civilization.
Digital information systems have amazing properties and abilities, but they are not yet a panacea for solving every problem of mankind. They may be more so in the future, but we're not there quite yet. People will always value diversified solutions which provide redundancy and backups for failure and crisis situations. Next to the digital, I believe there will always be purists who like to stick with the physical - with "what works." Not to mention the fact that the gap between the technically literate and illiterate will only continue to widen as that technology becomes more advanced - which will drive a portion of the population in another direction, away from high-tech.
Precious metals always spike in value during times of war, crisis, financial catastrophe, etc. There is no reason to think that, in general terms, the human animal will suddenly "evolve" through the next world crisis, and collectively decide to turn to high-tech solutions as opposed to real, physical, kinetic solutions which are tired and true. Gold and silver have always been money, for as long as there has been money, and that's not about to just up and disappear from our experience.
Expect to see a Major Monetary Event in "less" than Five Weeks...
May 30, 2019... #ssg-membership
I share your feeling, i like holding them and i think bitcoin will perform much better over the next 5-10 years. I'll keep a hold of mine, i'd feel bad selling my stack. In 10 years time, i remember this moment when BTC is 100k and silver is still under $15, baaa- hahahaha
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