I posted these pictures over 6 months ago on steemit, I thought there are a lot of new people in the silver community who might be interested in having a look at some old silver art bars from my collection. These square art bars are The Fathers of American Democracy series by the Hamilton Mint, they .999 Silver Bullion Bar with 24 carat gold plating.






I hope you enjoyed some of my collection and thanks for the visit, cheers.
Awesome, love these old silver bars, thanks for sharing. :o)
They are very special in my opinion, cheers mate.
Those Hamilton Mint .999 Silver Bullion Bar are historical. I wish that theme would continue, today.
Yeah they are pretty cool they should make more and these bars are pulling in a pretty hefty premium these days too, cheers mate.
Again really wonderful coins and bars. Thanks so much... by the way, Perth Mint are charging 30% spread on their cheapest silver coins. Fuck them, I can buy the same coins in Germany cheaper and at only 5% spread. It seems Australia is getting more expensive by the day. A beer across the road in Perth today cost me 12 Dollars for a pint of crappy Hahn Superdry. On every bus you see some kind of Ninja advert that you can get a loan for your downpayment of only 2500 AUD to buy a house. This thing is going to end with excrement being accelerated into a rotational air transporter.
Hey prices aren't going up, the government has been telling us for years that inflation is only 1-2%. It must be in your imagination lucky because the government wouldn't feed us bullshit now would they?
Have you had a look at ABC bullion company, they have a store in Perth now, check them out they have the best prices in Australia. Here is their address, cheers mate.
3/40 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Phone: 1300 361 261 or (08) 9325 0888
Check this: https://www.heubach-edelmetalle.de/. Compare purchase price and spread to Perth Mint and ABC. It's practically zilch and it's the exact same product. I am a bit angry today. I can't help it. The whole mint seems like a Chinese restaurant. Why aren't more Australians being hired to work there? Seems to me the Mint is turning into a Chinese operation.
That's because the only customers they get are the Chinese and Indians, most Aussie don't give a shit about the metals. They just put every spare dollar they earn into their million dollar piles of bricks. Maybe the Chinese are buying agents for the Chinese government, Lol cheers.
You're probably correct...
nice post always good to see some silver
They are pretty nice I reckon, the gold plating gives them a nice touch too, cheers mate.
Nice. We often over look the beautiful art work on coins and bars. Thanks for sharing.
That's true they are little pieces of historical artwork for everyone to enjoy, cheers mate.