Here's Part 2:
(you may have to click it it 2-3 times)
I tried starting my videos on YouTube and finishing them on DTube in an effort to encourage my followers to become acquainted with SteemIt and DTube and hopefully sign up for free accounts that would actually pay them to use the social media platforms.
Unfortunately DTube is still too buggy. I’ve spent hours uploading 5 videos and only 2 of them ever got posted. DTube is pretty cool, because if you have a SteemIt account you can upvote and comment on videos and you get paid, but for content creators it’s a headache in it’s current iteration.
Solution B? I still want to encourage you to join SteemIt. Get paid to do what you’re already doing ? In my mind it’s the best solution for all of us, if you have any other ideas I’d be glad to hear or discuss them.
I’ll still break up my videos to encourage SteemIt use, but will not be uploading to DTube until the process becomes more reliable.
(By the way HERE'S PART 1 of the video)
For content creators who consider following this model for encouraging migration to steemit from their followers: Because uploading to DTube is cumbersome and unreliable I suggest uploading the first part of your video to YouTube Publicly, then Using YouTube to upload the second half of the video as well, but keep it unlisted and link it in a post on SteemIt.
Put the link to the video embedded SteemIt page in the description of your YouTube video and let people know they have to click the link if they want to see the rest of the video. Thanks you my friends, good luck, and... Enjoy!
yeah your one of the first to figure out the dtube hellz yeah
Early adopters, my friend. DTube def still needs work before it'd be good for daily posting in my experience, but it's still good for somethings ;-). Hoping this helps other 👍🏼
Sup bud, getting signed up and learning. I may pick your brain as I go. I really enjoy YPS and Scottsdale Mint.
Yeah, I was asking questions on how this sh1t works the other day and someone said, "Google it you lazy Biatch".... or something like that, lol. So I been applying myself. I'll help where I can, fosho! And thatnks for the comment 😄
Yeager's products Yes! My favorite is the Katana Bar!
Slowly working on my introductory Post, gotta start off with a proper bang.
Very cool. Yeah, when I started out I didn't do an introduceyourself post. Wish I would have :P Think it's too late?
Hopefully they are going to get the bugs worked out and get it to where the platform will support live streams etc !!!!!
Live Streams?! Woah... mind blown.
Haven't signed up with DTube yet, though I have looked into it. Ìt's unfortunate that there are some downloading problems. Hoòefully they fix the problem soon.
Signing up is NOT intuitive. Same username, but apparently your SteemIt account has multiple passwords and one of those passwords is good for allowing DTube access. This Link is very helpful for finding that posting key:

Thanks! I'll take a look😊
I never heard of Dtube. Let me check it out..
It's a pretty good way to participate in posts. Commenting and upvoting a DTube vid gives the same rewards as doing so on a SteemIt post.
Yup I'm trying to change the world too. It ain't easy 😀
True, true... Don Quixote over here.
I've been upvoting your vids. Hope it helps.
Very kind my friend I appreciate it. I have an interesting story to share with you about one of my SteemIt experiences. I'll tell you about it later. Gotta go to FedEx AGAIN! they should get a drop box in my town :P
I asked you on your other video if you were alone on DTube. Now I saw a list of people from the Community. I will subscribe to them too.
Great man! When you make a post use the keywords: steemsilvergold and introduceyourself. you can use up to 5 keywords. Make sure to drag in at leasts one pic or vid so you'll have a thumbnail.
Awesome part 2 and I found the same thing with D Tube that I really just gave up on it. I use YouTube to make my presence here and then also make content that is only for Steemit. Thanks for sharing buddy!!