My only investment has been the precious metals but for some reason on Friday i bought some Bitcoin/cash Etheriun/classic and Litecoin, just out of the blue, im not a crypto buyer and only ever bougt £100 before and converted it to steem and cashed out £700 to buy the silver variety coins which was nice. But yea i was looking at coingecko and seeing all the red and the prices from 30/60 days ago and thought if i was ever to buy any cryptos its now, instinct is a great tool. I had a read about that Etherium Classic and as much as i know absolutely nothing about cryptos that one had me thinking, so did Bitcoin Cash. I cashed out my steem into bitcoin cash when it was quite high, was worth over a grand and then it started dropping and i salvaged the £700, thats when cash was well over £1000 last January but Bitcoin cash now at £78? Yea i will have a little of that thank you, i sold over half a bitcoin cash for £700 and just bought it back for £50! So yea ive bet a weeks wage on this being a good time to buy some crypto, if im wrong ill be eating jam buttys for tea.
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It's never a bad idea to buy up an undervalued asset class. It's also never a bad idea to split your nest-egg up into a few pieces - you never know the timing of when the different asset classes will spike or fall off a cliff, so it just gives you more financial security to diversify.
I've been stacking silver hard; liquidated my cryptos a while ago at a bit of a loss to make sure of my money in the form of personally held physical silver & gold. I'm looking more closely at going back into some cryptos now that the prices have come so far down. Don't know how much more downside there is in the cryptos, but I still feel there is some room for downside. There is good support for BTC starting around $3,200, but it's still such a small market that it could easily be broken down further below those levels if big money wanted to manipulate it downwards. I think any BTC purchased under $3,400 is a good buy - just like any silver purchased under $20 is a good buy. It's all undervalued right now.
Good luck rb! Better to have loved and lost than...