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RE: Bubble Bubble, Toil & Trouble

That problem of inflated prices occurs in Vancouver, not in all Canada. Due to the intense Asian immigration, they bring their money and buy houses/apartments in Vancouver, many as just an application of money. Many of the houses/apartments are kept closed and the prices for renting go to the skies. So, when someone wants to sell a house, he asks for a price that is not real.
Of course your example is absurd!


China 🇨🇳 is coming for all of our Great Lakes
Both USA and Canada

“Numbered company” says it all...

What does "numbered company" mean?

It means the house is owned by an anonymous investment group/corporation and not a person or a family. There is a lot of local pushback on this as “we” have been completely priced out of our own market.

Ahh, yeah, I know what you mean. There are a lot of places right now that are getting bought up by companies at speculative prices, and they're driving the locals out of the market. It's a shame to see. I've even heard of whole communities that are bought up one house at a time by a company. The company then rents all the houses out at the prices they set... because they own all the houses. Grrr.